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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Headhunters are incredibly horrible now. They are seekers that give up the one turn preferred enemy, special ammo and scoring... for infiltrate, banestrike rounds, and their close combat gear which is even less effective now.


And that rite is just awful.


On the upside, they totally overcompensated with Justaerin, so we now have them as a Rewards option. Those Iron Circle automata should be an option as well. I also hear Skorr was buffed but waiting on confirmation and details.

Edited by Terminus
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I'd say they're pretty good! Preferred enemy can come from Alpharius when not using the combis, but getting a side grade unit of seekers as troops is great. Sire the leadership thing isn't amazing but could help with infiltrating.


Getting to keep vehicles in reserve is nice with Alpharius too.

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I'm quite disappointed with the changes so far.


The only saving grace of the HH was PE and Infiltrate. It meant that their value went up when Alpharius was not around.
Now they need him just to get back to where they were. Combi weapons for 7pts is good, but will make them crazy pricy. And they lose twin-linked bolters for them.
Meanwhile, they also lose implacable advance. 


As for the RoW - it's crap. Then again, most are. Apart from the UM and IW one's from what I saw

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Having asked the question to AB himself some time ago now, his reply was we (players) did not have enough insight on the whole Legion's rules potential to fully appreciate why they have combi-bolters instead of combi-weapons. So I assume there is more to come (maybe with the new AL RoW?).

Quoting Killerbee from the h30k forum, but it seems like either a future character or future RoW will give twin-linked weapons some kind of bonus that would make them worthwhile on the Headhunters. FOR NOW they're obviously silly, but it is nice to know that they may be viable in the future because they sure do look cool.

From other thread not so long ago...

Edited by rendingon1+
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Having asked the question to AB himself some time ago now, his reply was we (players) did not have enough insight on the whole Legion's rules potential to fully appreciate why they have combi-bolters instead of combi-weapons. So I assume there is more to come (maybe with the new AL RoW?).

Quoting Killerbee from the h30k forum, but it seems like either a future character or future RoW will give twin-linked weapons some kind of bonus that would make them worthwhile on the Headhunters. FOR NOW they're obviously silly, but it is nice to know that they may be viable in the future because they sure do look cool.

From other thread not so long ago...



I like to give them the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise, but yeah. Combi-bolters + PE may have actually been a mistake. Or if not, they rethought that direction completely.


Andy Hoare implied that sometimes when the rules allow something but it wasn't intended, they end up changing the rules as many people build the models one way and they don't want to invalidate them. One example was that it wasn't actually intentional to allow Primus Medicae jump packs or terminator armour, but so many people have modeled them that way that they thought it would be too mean to suddenly change that back. So, HH could be a case of that here.


I'm also not sure on the Implacable Advance on Headhunters. Clearly many will take this red book as the newest rules version and run off with that as the supreme text, but the fact that it's here at all at the Weekender means that it went to print possibly before the last FAQ was published and they may have been too late. Mor Deythan aren't listed with Implacable Advance either despite the FAQ handing it out to all kinds of Seeker units. Make of it what you will.


Anyway, I'm slowly going through the new red book and marking changes. I'll have Alpha Legion changes up next in a bit, either edited into this post or as a latest reply. First impression, Saboteur's sabotage attacks are now automatic AP2 penetrations or D6 S6 AP3 over AP4, so a little consul upgrade there.


edit: So other than Headhunters and the Saboteur, no other changes to AL in the red book that I've spotted.


Skorr got changed in book VI though! He's otherwise identical but has the new special rule Desperate for Glory. I took a picture but my phone isn't cooperating so I'll type it up: "When the controlling player of an army that includes Autilon Skorr as its Warlord rolls a dice for the Variable Game Length rule or any other special rule that determines if another Game Turn is played, they may choose to automatically play an additional turn instead of rolling. For the duration of this additional Game Turn, Autilon Skorr gains the Feel No Pain (3+) and Fearless special rules. When using the Variable Game Length special rule, this effect may be used on both dice rolls for additional turns."

Edited by LetsYouDown
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Dang, poor Dynat and Lerneans.


Implacable advance may or may not be a thing, but I still see almost no value in them without Alpharius. I guess they'll be Seekers or Headhunters depending on the game since they all would rock combi-plasma anyway.

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Well despite the nerf, 5 HH with combiweapons is cheaper than five seekers similarly equipped. If you're running Alpharius then it might be worth taking them over seekers. I wouldn't ever run them more than 5 because they're too expensive per model after that.


I don't really understand the hate for Lernaens I see everywhere. They get WS5 and stubborn for only 3ppm more than similarly equipped Cataphracts, what's not to like? Yeah yeah the Conversion Beamer is out of place but hey, it's a cool if unuseful option.

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The Saboteur changed?


Yes. His Sabotage attacks got AP2 added to them vs vehicles w/ the automatic penetrating hit, and vs infantry the D6 attacks got upgraded from AP4 to AP3.

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Well despite the nerf, 5 HH with combiweapons is cheaper than five seekers similarly equipped. If you're running Alpharius then it might be worth taking them over seekers. I wouldn't ever run them more than 5 because they're too expensive per model after that.

I don't really understand the hate for Lernaens I see everywhere. They get WS5 and stubborn for only 3ppm more than similarly equipped Cataphracts, what's not to like? Yeah yeah the Conversion Beamer is out of place but hey, it's a cool if unuseful option.

Yes, only 3 points more than similarly equipped terminators, except volkite chargers are NOT equivalent to combi-weapons despite their identical cost, and no one in their right mind would ever actually take them if they didn't have to.

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So, he can now blow stuff up on a 6, 5+ with Dynat without having shenanigan you way into getting the old Combat Augment Array impossibility to occur?


Decent Buff.

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