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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Yes, only 3 points more than similarly equipped terminators, except volkite chargers are NOT equivalent to combi-weapons despite their identical cost, and no one in their right mind would ever actually take them if they didn't have to.


But what about.. combi-volkites??? :rolleyes: Yeah it's a similar issue to the argument people make for Grave Wardens though. "They're an upgrade to vanilla terminators for almost no points increase!" OK but vanilla terminators weren't necessarily something I was excited about to begin with. Especially as there's now more of a clear cut between the utilities for Cataphractii and Tartarus, where if you're bent towards assault like Lernaeans, having Cataphractii actually feels less helpful.



Did the HH always have precision shoot rule, or is that new?



It's actually been a thing since the FAQ before the one we have now, where they sprinkled around Precision Shots & Precision Strikes to certain units. The updated redbook reflects that for the most part, or at least I have yet to catch an inconsistency. Then again Eidolon's Thunderous Charge still removes Cumbersome instead of Unwieldy so this new red book is still not quite there.

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It's alright, I'll be totally content using the awesome Lerneans models (you know they will be) to represent Justaerin. I already got plans to use the headhunter combis for my kitbash Tyrants.


And I'm starting to think that likely the HHs do have implacable advance as per the FAQ, given Mor Deythan also don't have that rule listed. So it makes headhunters an alright alternative to seekers if, and only if, Alpharius is on the board. Then you trade the now-useless Seeker rule for Infiltrate, which isn't bad at all. I don't know if I would normally trade special rounds for banestrike/daggers/venom grenades, but when you get a discount (at least at 5 strong), that ain't bad either.


@LetsYouDown: you seem the lucky guy with the book, did assault marines/breachers/despoilers get any point adjustments?

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Don't we only have the 'Age of Darkness Legions' book so far?


Still ordered the Headhunters upgrade kit, so I'm going to make it work somehow. Might be nice to try the new RoW sometime. You're right about them being better with Alpharius on the board.


Also, I'm so happy I converted up a Saboteur recently! Nice little buff for his Sabotage! rule... Can't wait until the Cataphractii shoulder pads hit too.

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Yeah, as Caillum said, it's just the AoD Legions list so only special units/characters/primarchs updated for the 13 Legions we've seen fully released.


However, that other book will be coming soon-ish, within the next six months? Maybe sooner? I don't remember the timeline on that one in particular, I think the book that bundles up the Questoris Knights/Solar Aux/Militia rules will be seen first. When the new core Legions list red book does hit, Assault Marines should see a cost reduction. Destroyers will not, Breachers I didn't ask about.

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So no changes to Exodus then? 
Bit bummed, I was planning to throw caution to the wind and run an HH squad with Exodus attached. They would give him PE, and he would give them Move through cover. Now everything has changed
It would be kind of cool if they gave him the PE they took away from the HH!

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That would actually be a nice buff for him. And it's easy to make the headhunter kit work. It's just a chest, head, and shoulders. Give them combi-plasma and use them as seekers normally, or Headhunters when Alphy is also present.


Also, the most trolltastic thing I can see with the Shattered Legion rules is to build yourself a normal Alpha Legion army, except include an Ultramarine Praevian with a coterie of Darkfire Castellax. They still do their normal preferred enemy, tank-hunting, blinding thing that an Alpha Legion Praevian would, except now you have unlocked all of the Ultramarines special units without having to take Coils, AND ALL of your dudes except automata, flyers and super-heavies gain Interlocking Tactics. Talk about one-upping Guilliman at his own game.

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Yeah, it's not very good.


+Headhunters as troops

+Reroll dice to go first

+Enemies have to pass leadership test on first turn to shoot you (vehicles auto-pass)

-All vehicles must start in reserve

-If enemy warlord survives, opponent gets D3 VP

-No allies


So some people say it may be decent in Zone Mortalis, but I rather take the Recon or even Dreadnought (:D) rite for that sort of thing. Or just the good old stand-by Pride of the Legion.

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I have a question regarding alpha legion shattered legion, does the alpha legion rules apply to everyone in the army, even if they are not alpha legion?


If so, I can see an alpha legion shattered legion represent an alpha legion infiltrating another army.


Also, would the recon ROW be effective for alpha legion? You can get infiltrating tank hunting recon marines as troops.

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My Pride list is likely becoming a Primarch's Chosen list. I can drop my compulsory centurion, or make him a support officer, and everything else is basically the same as far as I can tell (haven't actually seen the book yet).


I share Count Douclar's first question. Rewards of treason without coils sounds good. We just need a hq and have to make do without denial.

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A shattered legions force can take units from any legion as long as there is a corresponding HQ.  You lose the ability to deny objectives, and can't take a primarch, but can otherwise freely mash up to three legions together.  There are some other complexities to do with how the various rules overlap, but those are the basics.  If you just want to take one unit from another legion like in coils, all you need is an hq choice from that legion.  You can still take a RoW as normal.

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A shattered legions force can take units from any legion as long as there is a corresponding HQ. You lose the ability to deny objectives, and can't take a primarch, but can otherwise freely mash up to three legions together. There are some other complexities to do with how the various rules overlap, but those are the basics. If you just want to take one unit from another legion like in coils, all you need is an hq choice from that legion. You can still take a RoW as normal.

Need opponents permission though, like Relics. Keep it in mind!

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Oh thanks, sounds fluffy but not overly useful.


The shattered legion sounds fun, but needing ask to play a list is bit rough cool for people who collect more thar one legion.


With the changes to Skorr does he still keep chosen duty?

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Alpha legion SL would also be very powerful, as if mutable tactics did confer (still don't know), you basically only need an alpha hq and your pick of another legions rules.

They do not.


Really, the no contesting is a brutal blow and effectively forces SL lists to be as min-maxed and ridiculous as possible, because you essentially have to kill everything or lose.


That said, the Armies of Dark Compliance is a come-back of the old school Alpha Legion marines and lots of human schmucks list. I'm more focused on that at the moment!

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Move Through Cover Super Accurate Deep Striking Power Armoured Ogryns with a Boarding Shield for Defensive Grenade and a few Power Axes supported by some Dreadclaws Podding in. No AP3 Heavy Bolters in that case, but eh. You have T6 3+ Save Ogryns with Boarding Shields and Power Axes.


Grav Rapiers with free Cover Saves after standing in mid air. 


Oh, go on then.


Tank Hunting Lascannons or Missiles with BS4? Or Preferred Enemy with Autek Mor. Stubborn with that new NL Character. Maybe something to do with Tarvitz for Counter Attacking bro's.

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