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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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AL Apoths with Scout in a RG Breacher blob. Why hello, do you have time to hear about out Lord and Saviour, "Haywire"?. Infiltrate (which because it's not an IC, Apoths can bypass), but brings Scout to the squad, deploy at 18", move 6", HEY YOU GUYS *Reality Imploding Sound*

Hesh that is truly truly evil...


I like it



Edited by v6v77
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Uh, you folks do know Alpha Legion can do this now, right?  All you are doing is stacking scout and infiltrate.  You could do that with mutable tactics and Skorr's warlord trait, or even just with a regular Vigilator and mutable tactics: Infiltrate.  Then you don't need opponent's permission, or to spend points on an BA non-support officer.  So the only thing you're getting from combining with Raven Guard is fleet, which is not that serious.


Combining World Eaters with Apothecary/Herald or Emperor's Children with Eidolon/Herald would make really nasty assault armies that start very close to you.


I am more interested in the Rite that turns recon marines into compulsory options (they aren't great, but they are super cheap), and grants all units that scout or infiltrate shrouded. So Alpha Legion can infiltrate/scout with +2 to cover saves all around. Only limitation mentioned is no Terminator units.

Edited by Terminus
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Terminus you stole my question lol. I heard of that row but was looking for more info on my self. You high lighted the fact recon marines aren't great but saving us points on troop taxes leave room for more toys.


Either way I been out of 30/40k for few months been working on kingdoms death: monsters great models difficult game but fun and challenging.


So jumping back in 30k, and kinda feel out of place with all changes and new ROW. Is there anything major I should focus on or just build a list like normal and get right in to it?

Edited by shaun03
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Alpha Legion is still top tier, we can utilize some of the new Rites better than others, are very flexible in general and we do orbital assault very well (which 7th edition rules strongly favor). The only change is the Sons of Horus and maybe Night Lords have joined the top tier along with Raven Guard (notice the theme of the best armies being the ones to best utilize drop tactics).


The new book really brought some parity, there are now no weak Legions. Even if I call the above 3 or 4 top tier, the rest are just a hair behind them.  You can freely go with any of them and not feel gimped.

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Thanks for the feedback from earlier gentleman. I have more advice needed if you all wouldnt mind. Which is a better fast attack choice for unit transport, the Anvillus or the Storm Eagle? I really can't decide which one to use I delivering my veterans and the Harrow master.
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So if I threw the Harrow master with 9 Veterans, would he be better with all power weapons or combi plasma/melta, in the Storm Eagle for most effective? I am not sure the best way to run him. Debating on picking up either a Anvillus or Storm Eagle to add to my army for his main use.
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So far I am trying to figure a good way to use the Harrow Master, or is he all wrong for what I am going for? I am wanting to go 3 jetbikes with a praetor, and possibly a medicae. Then use some destroyers with a Moritat and jump packs, for a backup/fun. Deredeo and Sicaran for heavy support. After that I am lost as to how to build around that. Idk if Graviton cannons or Contemptors would be a good addition. There is a local tournament coming up,this will be my first time fielding them proper.
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Dynat's rules favor rapid deployment tactics, whether that's a heavy complement of dreadnoughts in drop pods (better than ever with Leviathan and Contemptors Cortis), or a full-fledged Orbital Assault list with lots of special weapon dudes in pods and dreadclaws.  You always get one unit that deep strikes very accurately, and my favorite option for this is either a suicide melta squad (so 5 melta shots at +3 damage rolls), or Legion Terminators loaded up with plasma (which still gets +2 on damage rolls so will blow up lighter tanks as well as melta).


I am currently building a recon company around Skorr where everyone gets scout, infiltrate, and shrouded for the first turn.

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Looks like I have more pods to buy then. Thanks though for the advice! I just picked up a Skorr model and currently really liking the idea of him. How will you be fielding him in your list Terminus?
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That idea is on hold until we know for sure if the recon company allows for non-recon troops to fill compulsory choices. So far it seems like it doesn't, so that's dead in the water unless recon marines stop being the worst thing in the book. That said, you can get a sense of general use of him from earlier postings in this thread. Essentially he is a very cheap HQ that allows you to take a rite, and his selection of Warlord Trait lets you really stack the Alpha Legion USRs. If you don't need your whole army to infiltrate, he can select himself and three units to get infiltrate with Master of Ambush. Then you can select tank hunter or scout for the mutable tactic. Or if you're playing on a city table, he can give all the legionnaires move through cover and stealth in ruins, and selecting infiltrate or scout for mutable tactics so you can take up superior positions.


If you're running Coils, you can stack the re-roll to seize initiative with the +1 to seize from strategic genius for a ~44% chance at seizing initiative (also get to re-roll failed reserve rolls). Alternatively, if facing an army with a lot of reserves, stack Coils' signal corruption with Divide to Conquer for a -2 to their reserve rolls.


Alternatively, we now have armies of dark compliance and the sacrificial offering as rites that all would benefit from his Warlord traits. So imagine a militia gunline that doesn't give up VPs when destroyed, that's stubborn in your deployment zone, and has stealth and move through cover (ruins), while all your Alpha Legion forces outflank and still get to pick a mutable tactic (most likely tank hunter but possibly counter attack). Or imagine taking a bunch of rapier teams, volkite support squads and heavy weapon squads with tank hunter, and putting huge mobs of fearless lunatics between you and the enemy's guns as mobile cover.


He's even better now that he can force the game to continue and becomes Billy Badass in the meantime.


edit: the milita rites mentioned require you to declare for the Warmaster, but honestly, why wouldn't you? :smile.:

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So i ran (with my opponents permission) the primarch chosen RoW with our lord and saviour Ome...Alpharius.


Got to say it went relatively well. Vs alot of space wolf terminators and drop pods i took 3 ten man veterans with sniper, 6 quad mortars, a fire raptor and some termis.


Didnt lack for bodies as much as i had feared but some things i learnt


Not running coils vs a reserve heavy army can really hurt

Loosing first turn (again no coils +1) and not seizing (a 3 up for goodness sake, but i digress) really hurts AL as we dont get massive bonus' like other legions throughout the game.

Storm shields make alpharius cry


All in all worked well and we drew on kill points.


Next time.... Recon company

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until we know for sure if the recon company allows for non-recon troops to fill compulsory choices

I believe they do. I read something about this over at heresy30k. You need an extra compulsory troop choice and that must be a recon squad.

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until we know for sure if the recon company allows for non-recon troops to fill compulsory choices

I believe they do. I read something about this over at heresy30k. You need an extra compulsory troop choice and that must be a recon squad.



Yep. 3 mandatory recon squads for Recon Company. They must be your Compulsory Troops choices and you need 1 extra.

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until we know for sure if the recon company allows for non-recon troops to fill compulsory choices

I believe they do. I read something about this over at heresy30k. You need an extra compulsory troop choice and that must be a recon squad.



Yep. 3 mandatory recon squads for Recon Company. They must be your Compulsory Troops choices and you need 1 extra.


No, only the extra compulsory slot must be a recon squad.

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The text says they are compulsory troops. Period. Not that they may be taken as compulsory troops.  Now I am hoping they mean just the third compulsory has to be a recon squad, since they specifically call that out.... but as written, all three must be recons.

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The text says they are compulsory troops. Period. Not that they may be taken as compulsory troops.  Now I am hoping they mean just the third compulsory has to be a recon squad, since they specifically call that out.... but as written, all three must be recons.


I think that's how I read/misread it a minute ago. But..


It just says "Legion Recon Squads are compulsory Troops choices in the Primary Detachment."


I think Excessus has it right though. It doesn't say they must be taken, although it doesn't say they may be taken either. It would really help if they used consistent language...

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If they are Compulsory Troops, they must be taken. That is what Compulsory means.


Tactical Squads are not compulsory. They are just not Support Squads, but may be taken as a Compulsory Troops choice.


They are NOT compulsory troops, or else that theory everyone has to have everyone run around with a Tactical, Assault, And Breacher Squad.

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