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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Although the "immediately before" suggests a sequence of events, all those things occur in a nebulous window of "before the game". If we codify the sequence, technically you should make your list after the mission has been determined (try changing your list after the Mission roll of your next pick up game, and record your opponent's reaction ).


At the end of the day, you have to determine this with your opponent. For whatever it's worth, any inquiry to Forge World is consistently answered in the affirmative (but these are not official, and they failed to address it in the FAQ or new red book). Adepticon allows it (but nerfs Skorr), as do the various events around Texas.

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Hey guys,


I'm currently building a 3000pts AL drop force out of the parts of 2 BaC boxes and some extra marines. I went for a classic Orbital Assault list which works really well in conjunction with Armillus Dynat. I'm experiencing some issues building this list to my content and would like to have your opinions on it.


Mutable Tactic: Tank Hunters



Dynat (RoW: Orbital Assault) (joins the seekers)

Saboteur w/ AA, Combi-Weapon, Power Dagger (gets Deepstrike USR from Dynat)


Troops (all in regular Droppods)

10 Tacticals w/ Sergeant w/ AA, Power Dagger 

10 Tacticals w/ Sergeant w/ AA, Power Dagger

5 Tactial Support w/ Melta Guns

5 Tactial Support w/ Melta Guns



5 Terminators w/ Chainfist, Power Dagger, 5 Combi-Weapons (Melta or Plasma)

5 Terminators w/ Chainfist, Power Dagger, 5 Combi-Weapons (Melta or Plasma)

10 Veterans w/ Sergeant w/ Power Fist, AA, Power Dagger, 2 Melta Guns, Meltabombs (Droppod) (Sniper)

10 Veterans w/ Sergeant w/ Power Fist, AA, Power Dagger, 2 Plasma Guns (Droppod) (Sniper)


Fast Attack

3 Landspeeders w/ Graviton Guns

3 Landspeeders w/ Graviton Guns

9 Seekers w/ Sergeant w/ Plasma Pistol, AA, Power Dagger, 8 Combi Weapons (plasma) (Droppod)


=3000 pts


I tried to stay as cheap as possible money wise while still trying to remain relatively effective. I'd like to switch out the Land speeders for a Fire Raptor but it's too expensive for me to buy for the moment and not as effective as the land speeders with their grav guns haha.



This list gives me 7 dropped which means 4 form the Alpha-Strike. I'd probably go for the 2 Tactical Support Squads, the Melta wielding Veteran Squad and the seekers including Dynat. Malta Guns destroy Tanks and the Seekers go for the squishy marines inside. The remaining Tactial Squads drop in a favorable position near objectives in cover and try to hold those and get FoL off. The last Veteran Squad goes for MEQ/TEQ. Same with the Terminators. I think i'll kit them out with Meltas, to give them the option to go tank hunting with their meltas and chain fist whilst still remaining able to ID some legion specific 2W Terminators. Although 10 Plasma Shots also sound decent. The Landspeeders, well i don't think i need to explain what they are there for.


My aim isn't a super competitive list but a fairly decent list with some variety in it.

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The rules seem pretty clear to the order you do things before the battle. It says it is a seven step process for each mission.Choosing your army is the first step and deployment is the fourth so your warlord trait and mutable tactic should be chosen between steps 3 and 4 well after you have chosen your army.

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One thing I'd say on your tactical squads, for the minimal points it will cost make the power weapons into power Fists. You get an extra attack over other sergeants and it gives you that wonderful flexibility that the AL adore.


You can strike at I1 with ap2 and S8 or you can strike at I4 with S3 ap3 and rending. Quite nice.


Where can I find the rules for that? In WH40K rulebook it doesnt say, just the I1 S8 AP2, but where can I find the rules for the other one for the fist? Does that mean that gameplay-wise fists are worth more than thunder hammers? Thank you tons! Hydra dominatus!

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One thing I'd say on your tactical squads, for the minimal points it will cost make the power weapons into power Fists. You get an extra attack over other sergeants and it gives you that wonderful flexibility that the AL adore.


You can strike at I1 with ap2 and S8 or you can strike at I4 with S3 ap3 and rending. Quite nice.


Where can I find the rules for that? In WH40K rulebook it doesnt say, just the I1 S8 AP2, but where can I find the rules for the other one for the fist? Does that mean that gameplay-wise fists are worth more than thunder hammers? Thank you tons! Hydra dominatus!



You just have to give your PF sergeant a Power Dagger. It is a specialist weapon, and it gives you the option to strike at I4 with S3 ap3 + rending :wink:

Edited by childebert
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One thing I'd say on your tactical squads, for the minimal points it will cost make the power weapons into power Fists. You get an extra attack over other sergeants and it gives you that wonderful flexibility that the AL adore.


You can strike at I1 with ap2 and S8 or you can strike at I4 with S3 ap3 and rending. Quite nice.


Where can I find the rules for that? In WH40K rulebook it doesnt say, just the I1 S8 AP2, but where can I find the rules for the other one for the fist? Does that mean that gameplay-wise fists are worth more than thunder hammers? Thank you tons! Hydra dominatus!



You just have to give your PF sergeant a Power Dagger. It is a specialist weapon, and it gives you the option to strike at I4 with S3 ap3 + rending :wink:


 So I can have a "hammer + knife" or a "gauntlet + knife" set up and both work well, is that what you mean? ;) :) 

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Yes, a Power Dagger is a specialist weapon, so essentially can be used to gain a bonus attack for being armed with two close combat weapons that are both specialist weapons.

Something that would often times much more expensive in terms of options, or not possible in certain loadouts.



Specialist Weapon:

'A model fighting with this weapon does not receive +1 Attack for fighting with two
weapons unless it is armed with two or more Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon
Thus, a model armed with a Power Fist, Thunder Hammer or even a Paragon Blade can benefit greatly by sneaking an additional Power Dagger in.
And, like it has been mentioned, it grants certain models armed with otherwise unwieldy weapons the option to strike at initiative with their dagger, albeit at reduced strength. Still can be an ace up your sleeve.
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Extra attack, yes.


You only get rending when you choose to attack with the dagger, not when you use your other specialist weapon though.


Essentially, you can choose which of your 2 specialist weapons you're going to use in the fight, then the one you selected gains +1A  (for fighting with 2 (specialist) weapons).

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Here is my Current 3K AL list. No cheese, just for the sake of fun, modelling and good looks (there's a little Fulgrim in all of us!):


Move through Cover




- Praetor (PoL, Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Arch Pistol, Power Dagger, Dig Lasers, Melta Bombs) + Cmd Squad (5 men; 4x cmbt shields, Jump Packs, 2x power fists (1 for the standard guy), 3x power weapons)


- Centurion (Moritat, 2x plasma pistols, jump pack, phase walker, art armour, melta bombs)




- Assault Squad (x20 men, 4x power weapons, Srgt: art armour, melta bombs, power dagger, power fist)

- Veterans (x10 men, sniper, 2x heavy bolters, srgt: art armour, power fist, power dagger) + rhino (TL bolter and dozer blade)




- Contemptor Mortis Dread (2x kheres)

- Quad Launcher (2x teams)


Heavy Support


- Vindicator (laser destroyer, dozer blade)

- Leviathan Dread (DDP, Grav Flux, 2x volkites, armoured ceramite, phospex discharger)


Lord of War


- Glaive (armoured ceramite)




So, yeah... Model-wise it has what I like the most (out of all the stuff that's been released so far) and although may not be very competitive for that amount of pts, might still be fun to play around. 

Edited by ak1508
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Looks very fun indeed!


Will you be using Move Through Cover as your mutable? Seems like it would be very beneficial here!


I think all the Armour you have should take the heat from your assault squad :smile.:


I was inclined towards infiltrate in order to deploy my vets closer, so they can use their "sniper" specialty and do lots of bolter fire, while praetor with his team and assault guys will be deep striking. And my Moritat will be teleporting around and flying on the battlefield like Boba Fett :P 

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Well to give you an idea....


Phase Walker and Move Through cover pretty much means you can ignore the tests it incurs...


Plus jump packs benefit greatly from it!


I'd just get a Rhino for your Vets if I'm honest.

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Well to give you an idea....


Phase Walker and Move Through cover pretty much means you can ignore the tests it incurs...


Plus jump packs benefit greatly from it!


I'd just get a Rhino for your Vets if I'm honest.


Corrected it now, look above :wink: had to let go of the havoc launcher on the dread though, but i guess its not much of an issue when you have two kheres ready to go :D 

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- Centurion (Moritat, 2x plasma pistols, jump pack, phase walker, art armour, melta bombs)

Are you aware of the change to moritats that makes plasma pistols useless (overheat on 1 or 2 and stop chain), or that relics are meant for campaign use and require opponent's permission?

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What are you using to unlock Vets as Troops, by the way?


Rite of War "Pride of the Legion"



- Centurion (Moritat, 2x plasma pistols, jump pack, phase walker, art armour, melta bombs)

Are you aware of the change to moritats that makes plasma pistols useless (overheat on 1 or 2 and stop chain), or that relics are meant for campaign use and require opponent's permission?



Of course! I emailed them and suggested to do another FAQ on it though, since centurions can hit on 2+ because of BS5, hence why it would make more sense to re-roll the result of a 2 and then accept the 2nd result. So if you roll a 2, then you re-roll and if you get 1-2 then you take a save and if you get a 3+ then you continue. Also, is chainfire for each pistol individually or its for the model overall. What I mean is, say you stop firing on one of them, can you still fire the other one?


As for the Phase Walker and relics, I've seen people use them a lot (Void Shield Harness being the most popular) and all the guys I know won't give 3 craps, hence why I included it. We play for fun, so we just do whatever provided that it is "legal" :P 

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If you're taking Pride, your list is currently Illegal since both compulsory troops must be vets or terminators. You can still take Assault Marines normally afterwards but you'd need 2 vet squads.

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If you're taking Pride, your list is currently Illegal since both compulsory troops must be vets or terminators. You can still take Assault Marines normally afterwards but you'd need 2 vet squads.


Mate you're 100% spot on! I must have been smoking something when I was writing that list, now back to revision! :D PS: thanks for pointing that out!

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Wouldnt want an illegal list now would we! :x


Oh no, hell no! Thats not how we roll! :D I might probably make Assault squad of 10 and try to squeeze in 10 more Vets and see what happens. Probably gonna need to work on that one, since including all the stuff I like so much together with the requirements can be kinda tricky.


I could of course just drop the RoW, have a 10 man tac unit, 10 man assault unit and vets as elites, but .. gotta go over the thing again now

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Plasma Gives you the biggest punch but, if you have Alpharius on the cards for Preferred enemy infantry, Flamers could be pretty nasty.


If you're planning to run Tank Hunters Mutable Tactics Meltas can do decent damage.

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