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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Wouldnt want an illegal list now would we! :x


Oh no, hell no! Thats not how we roll! :biggrin.: I might probably make Assault squad of 10 and try to squeeze in 10 more Vets and see what happens. Probably gonna need to work on that one, since including all the stuff I like so much together with the requirements can be kinda tricky.


I could of course just drop the RoW, have a 10 man tac unit, 10 man assault unit and vets as elites, but .. gotta go over the thing again now

If you have the option of running the same list without the RoW, I would do that.  Alpha Legion already has an issue with giving up VPs for losing more units, you don't want to pile on more negatives by giving up another VP for losing all your vets.  That is why I really like the Delegatus rite, since you instead can potentially gain a VP just for having Skorr survive (which he's better at with Book VI).  The VP thing is really my biggest complaint about the Headhunter rite; you're already likely going to be down a VP, since your troops are 27-point space marines which means fewer units, and then you lose another D3 for failing to kill the enemy warlord.


Plasma Gives you the biggest punch but, if you have Alpharius on the cards for Preferred enemy infantry everything, Flamers could be pretty nasty.


If you're planning to run Tank Hunters Mutable Tactics Meltas can do decent damage.

Fixed that for you. Anyway, I have no idea why someone would want that many Headhunters, but okay.  I currently have 5 with combi-plasmas and another 5 I haven't built yet. I'm thinking either more combi-plasmas, or combi-melta both for variety and so they have the option to assault when they come in their dreadclaw.  I will probably source another 10 for building Alpha Legion Suzerain.


If I were you, I'd build 10 of each, and then use the remaining torsos for fancy unit leaders or a command squad.  The real question is what to do with all these cool-looking storm bolters.  Headhunters pretty much need drop pods, because despite being the original sneaky marines, they are the game's worst infiltrators.  That said, I have had some success putting a small unit in a Damocles to scoot it up the field.  

Edited by Terminus
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Here is my newer list, still including the RoW:


Move through cover




- Legion Praetor (PoL, jump pack, paragon blade, iron halo, arch pistol, power dagger, dig lasers, melta bombs) + command squad (5 men, jump packs, 2x power fists, 3x power weapons, 4x combat shields)

- Legion Centurion (Moritat, 2x plasma pistols, jump pack, refractor field, phase walker, melta bombs, artificer armour)




- Assault Squad (10 men, 2x power weapons) sergeant (artificer armour, melta bombs, power fist, power dagger)

- Veterans (10 men, sniper, 2x heavy bolters) sergeant (artificer armour, power fist, power dagger) + rhino (twin-linked bolter)

- Veterans (10 men, sniper, 2x heavy bolters) sergeant (artificer armour, power fist, power dagger) + rhino (twin-linked bolter)




- Contemptor Mortis Dread (2x kheres)

- Quad Launchers (x2 teams)


Heavy Support:


- Leviathan Dread (DDP, AC, 2x volkites, Grav-Flux, Phospex)


Lord of war:


- Glaive (AC)


Side Notes:


I was thinking about dropping the Dread for the Vindi Laser Destroyer and a Scorpius, but the dread is not only multifunctional with that loadout, but is also a gorgeous model.. So I'm kinda torn.

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Dread is good, especially if you are deep striking other elements on the army.


It works as a really REALLY big threat/ distraction.


That can make a good impact in terms of "damn what do I shoot?!" considering there is also Glaive on the table that will mop the floor with almost anything :laugh.:


EDIT: in 3K list I just realised that if I put in a Falchion with Legion crew and AC, I can also squeeze in a Scorpius, since glaive with AC is still more expensive :cool.:

an excuse to buy more big tanks to do multiple lists lol

Edited by ak1508
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Without wanting to tread on old ground here, can I ask what people find best to make alpha legion work?

The problem I am facing is with the sheer versatility of the army, it is nigh on impossible (this could just be my own compulsion to generalise my lists as much as possible) to get the alpha legions strength out in the form of an army list.

It seems easy enough to get to grips with some forces like world eaters, night lords and iron warriors with their key strengths, but with alpha legion, I'm really struggling to get down a solid core to any given force.

With precisely zero games under my belt this could very well be down to inexperience tbf..


Any input would be greatly received!

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Well what do you want to do? Generally AL can excel at everything, with a leaning towards alpha strike and unexpected tactics.


You can also really play the meta game with coils row and Alpharius to stop enemy reserves and make you get first turn etc.

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At the risk of being a pain, I don't really know!

Gut idea was relying on skorr and veterans to make a super flexible army, but they don't strike me as particularly worth it points wise.

Alpha strike seems what people recommend, but if that fails what can you fall back on?

Can alpha legion excel in combat? As it looks like they would be steam rolled by any focused close combat army?


In a nutshell I think I like the unexpected tactics route, but don't really know how to go about building it.

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O.o Veterans are among the best Marine units in the book. Mutable Tactics and Skorr piling on more USRs makes them even more obnoxious.


Regarding melee, you won't be out-fighting Night Lords, Sons of Horus, World Eaters or Emperor's Children. That said, Lerneans make a good dedicated melee platform, veterans can get hammer of wrath (stack with furious charge and rad grenades for wounding on 2+), and you can always borrow Suzerain or another beefy specialist unit in Coils.

Edited by Terminus
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I missed the replies, but i have 40 headhunters because i have a 5k list with alpharius and some deepstriking stuff and fliers, using the headhunter rite, and the guys i play with tend to just do friendly games.
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O.o Veterans are among the best Marine units in the book. Mutable Tactics and Skorr piling on more USRs...

See, so far as I can see they are on paper, amazing at least. It's when you start comparing them that I find issues.

10 vets with sniper heavy bolter and the usual sergeant upgrades come to just over 100pts less than 10 termies with a few combi weapons, fists, and a chainfist sergeant.

The problem I'm looking at is that the terminators are far more dangerous in combat, far more resilient to shooting and overall, I can't see why you would go for vets, when terminators are not much more points wise.

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10 Tac Vets w. Melta Bombs, 2 x Hvy. Bolter & Sergeant w. AA and PW  =  285 pts. (Optional metal box is 35 pts.)


10 Legion Terminators w. 2 x Plasma Blaster (or whatever), 8 x Combi Weapon, 4 x PW, 4 x PF, 2 x Chain Fist  =  451 Pts.  (Optional metal box is 270 pts. for 5, or 340 pts. for 10 ...)


Vets can select and (depending on your army, but we're talking AL here) STACK USRs ...  just think Veteran Tactics & Mutable Tactics & Skorr


They are much, much cheaper at unit size 10


They can be set up to be quite a threat in close combat (just begin by stacking Furious Charge and Venom Spheres) and can sweep as opposed to Cataphractii.



In no way I'd ever prefer a 10 strong unit of Legion Terminators in a Spartan (or something alike) for a total of 750+ pts. over Tac Vets

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Even with the above comparison mind (transport Issues aside) we are only looking at 165 points of difference for vastly more staying power, and likewise more damage output from the combis and plasma in shooting, and all the power weapons in assault.


That said, I do conceded that there are a few pros to the vet tacs that I hadn't considered (sweep for one) and also the ability to be tailored to the list, to plug gaps as it where.


Plus... Rule of cool. I do like the vet tacticals more anyway :p

Edited by Robzilla
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You've never seen what a volley of sniper fire can really do, consistently, over the course of a game. Certainly far more than a single volley of combi-weapons.


You can't "put the transport issue aside", because you need transporting to get within range of those guns and melee weapons. Even disregarding this MAJOR ISSUE, that's still 3 units of veterans vs 2 units of terminators.


Terminators are great, don't get me wrong, but you really need to play some games to appreciate Veterans.

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Fair point. I'll get cracking at making up a few squads to try out. Thematically it's what I'd prefer anyway, so that's a plus.

It's probably just one of those times, like you guys say, where I need a few games under my belt to appreciate the flexibility of them.


Regarding transports, with an infiltrate heavy army (between skorr and Mutiblw tactics) how vital are they? No brainer choice, or dependant on list?

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Has anyone built a 1,000 point list with the latest rules in mind? (Skorr, HH Leviathal etc) I'm getting back into the hobby with a small XX force for a 1k point doubles tournament, but I don't really have much of an idea of what an AL list at that level would look like. Skorr would probably be a good choice? A Mortis Contemptor with twin Kheres?

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I have one for you: basically use skorr to give your squads infiltrate so you can free up mutable tactics for something else.


+ HQ +


Autilon Skorr

Rite of Command

Master of the Legion [Chosen Duty]


+ Troops +


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, 2x Missile Launcher and Suspensor Web, Tank Hunters]

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [Heavy Flamer, 4x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, Sniper]

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]


+ Elites +


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons]


+ Fast Attack +


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [battle Servitor Control, Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]

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Sniper Heavy Flamer(s) are hilarious, mostly and for a single and only special weapons choice in a 5 man squad, its good enough.


For Mutable Tactics, I'd instead go for Tank Hunters, have both Vet Squads be Sniper and then use Skorr for Infiltrate. That way squad 1 still has Tank Hunting Krak Missiles but also has Sniper Frag Missiles for potential hilarity whilst not giving up Tank Hunting Melta Bombs on either vet Squad.

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Most people like heavy bolters for their Veterans, but I'm a firm believer in the missile launcher with Alphas. With Alpha Legion Veterans being able to take Tankhunter from either Mutable or Vet tactics, they are extremely flexible. 305 points buys you a unit that can kill anything (two missile launchers, melta bombs, fist/dagger/artificer).


Sniper templates are indeed quite nice/brutal. Don't forget the frag grenade toss, either.


My own contribution:

Mutable Tactic: Tankhunters (if facing AV) or Scout

Skorr (Master of Ambush or Conqueror of Cities)

10x Veterans, meltabombs, 2x missile launchers, Sgt. with fist//artificer/dagger, Rhino transport (Snipers)

7x Veterans, meltabombs or venom spheres, 2x power axes, Sgt. with fad, Rhino transport (Furious Charge)

Sicaran Battle Tank with heavy bolters

Scorpius Whirlwind

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And it's better than HB because Blast can potentially hit more enemies? Cause I dont really understand why else one would take it over the HB (which gives you 6 shots when you have two of them). Please explain guys, cheers!

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As I understand, these guys (carrying missile launchers) don't get pinning/rending. Since the weapon itself don't have the sniper rule, just the unit. The pinning&rending rules for sniper is in the weapon sniper entry. Is that right?

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