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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Sniper means that you get Precision Shots on a 6 To-Hit and on a 6 To-Wound its Ap2; additionally, unless the base weapon wounds on better than a 4+, models/weapons with the Sniper Rule always wound on a 4+. Whether the rule is on the gun or model doesn't change anything as far as I can tell.


There is no pinning component anymore.


The Heavy Bolter vs Missile Launcher comes down to how many wounds you can pile on. Vs a Smart enemy, Sniper Frag Missiles will, on average, only ever hit 1-2 models whereas Heavy Bolters can have all 3 shots hit. Its essentially Reliability vs Potential, imo.

Edited by Slipstreams
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It might just be :tongue.: But dont worry though, its mostly small changes and I think they sell the BRB stand alone now? Or something? So you dont have to get the 3-book set.

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Indeed, can't go wrong with a vigilator!

Consider the following:

Viigilator in scout armour, with a jumppack.
Attach to Assault squad, destroyer squad, or your choice of killy jump unit stolen from another legion (Palatine blades, Dark Furies, etc)

Enjoy your jump unit, that has Scout, Stealth and Move Through Cover.
Jump from cover to cover, squish stuff.

Caveat: how to model a vigilator with a jump pack in scout armour. Would look pretty cool potentialy

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Only problem with that is that a Vigilator in Scout Armor gains infiltrate so unless you take infiltrate as your mutable you're not deploying them together.


Theres also the risk of having an HQ in 4+ Armor instead of 2+ Armor.

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Hmm, true


the 4+ armour becomes a smaller concern if the vigilator is not your warlord I guess - he will suffer in challenges though 

As for the infiltrate thing... it annoys me a bit that units with the infiltrate rule are always forced to infiltrate (at least that is my understanding)

I don't see why they can't deploy normally (in the deployment zone) and attached to any unit they please


Or have I got it wrong?

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The wording on that stupid, stupid, stupid, FAQ means that He HAS to deploy using infiltrate at the same time as any other infiltrators. That can mean deploying within 1" of the unit you want to slap him onto said unit when you start your turn but that means he's a solo target if you don't go first or get seized.

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The wording on that stupid, stupid, stupid, FAQ means that He HAS to deploy using infiltrate at the same time as any other infiltrators. That can mean deploying within 1" of the unit you want to slap him onto said unit when you start your turn but that means he's a solo target if you don't go first or get seized.


Think you're understating the stupid in the FAQ right there

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The wording on that stupid, stupid, stupid, FAQ means that He HAS to deploy using infiltrate at the same time as any other infiltrators. That can mean deploying within 1" of the unit you want to slap him onto said unit when you start your turn but that means he's a solo target if you don't go first or get seized.


Think you're understating the stupid in the FAQ right there


I am.


Its :cussing stupid. Like Holy :cussing :censored: what the actual :censored: GW?! Why would you do this? Of all things sensible to FAQ you pull this one out of left field and for no explicable reason other than "Lets make Infiltrate quasi-worthless unless used en masse"

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Hey, it's not as bad as Headhunters forgetting they can infiltrate if they mount up in a dedicated transport. Although I guess that lets you join the unit with ICs.


There is no real reason for scout armor on a Vigilator. Move through cover is not worth it.

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Ugh I had forgotten that one...I mean what the hell - of all the arbitrary penalties

I assume that if you choose Infiltrate as a mutable tactic, then the Headhunters can infiltrate with their DT normally no?

Either way, it is a substantial nerf, especially if you are running leviathan

As for the MoveThroughCover, I was thinking it would be useful for jump pack units.

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Yes, but if you are choosing Mutable Infiltrate, why do you need Headhunters over Seekers? And Leviathal is more of a drop assault rite, so Mutable Infiltrate is suboptimal.


That said, I have gotten some success with Leviathal by putting a headhunter unit in a Damocles rhino. They don't lose infiltrate in this case, so can scoot it up to make those turn one drops super accurate. The other headhunter unit either infiltrates on foot or just deep strikes with Dynat trait. Tactic is Tankhunters. Heavy support is Kharybdis full of Lerneans and a Leviathan or two depending on points. Plasma support squad goes in a dreadclaw with Dynat for more BS5 plasma. I've been trying to figure out if they are better off deep striking and instead putting combi-melta Headhunters into the dreadclaw for Dynat to take advantage of assault vehicle. But a plasma support squad in deep strike formation is too tempting and fragile a target.


Move through cover would be useful on jump units, if we had any useful jump units.

Edited by Terminus
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That said, I have gotten some success with Leviathal by putting a headhunter unit in a Damocles rhino. They don't lose infiltrate in this case, ...


But they don't confer it to the Damocles either.

Ah you're right, I guess it's good this pops up early in the testing.  We've been playing it as infiltrators/scouts in a transport can infiltrate or scout with that transport, but re-reading the infiltrate rules specifically, they can only infiltrate with dedicated transports, but headhunters lose infiltrate if they take a dedicated transport. Okay, so back to the drawing board... I may have to sell Dynat, lol, I can't make a list I like with him.

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Still here, still selling fake doors. Would anyone be able to help me with my list? It's for a 1,000 point doubles. Only 1 troops choice is required, and no duplicate units are allowed within the army. Hence, I can't use a second squad of Vets. A five man plasma support squad with a Rhino fills the gap, but if you guys have any ideas, please let me know, thanks!


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1000pts) ++
+ HQ (125pts) +
Autilon Skorr (125pts)
Rite of Command
Master of the Legion [Chosen Duty]
+ Troops (210pts) +
Legion Tactical Support Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (35pts), 4x Legion Space Marines (60pts), Plasma Guns (75pts)]
+ Elites (495pts) +
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (180pts) [Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons (25pts)]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (315pts) [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines (135pts), Legion Vexilla (10pts), Melta Bombs (25pts), 2x Missile Launcher and Suspensor Web (50pts), Sniper]
Legion Veteran Sergeant (30pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Power Dagger (5pts), Power Fist (15pts)]
+ Fast Attack (170pts) +
Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (170pts) [Ground-tracking Auguries (10pts), Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles (25pts)]
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You're determined to use that Lightning. :P


I think at 1000 points you're unlikely to need such an option in your tool belt, plus just 2 missiles won't kill anything. I would take another dreadnought or some heavy support.

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Not specifically tactics related, but is there any info as to when FW will release Alpharius as a model ? I like to plan tactics according to what I can field WYSIWYG (and am not satisfied with the alternative models :p ).

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Not specifically tactics related, but is there any info as to when FW will release Alpharius as a model ? I like to plan tactics according to what I can field WYSIWYG (and am not satisfied with the alternative models :tongue.: ).


Either as a total surprise when they tease another primarch....


Or potentially last, or one of the last three with Khan & Dorn.


But that is all Speculation.

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Wow, super late to the party, but that change to the Headhunters make them very weird. Rather than the "Fire and Forget" missile that Seekers are, they seem like Alpha Legion branded Veteran Tacticals, but not much more.

I find it fun that with Excodus, they become Uber Veteran/Seekers with Scout, Outflank, Acute Senses, potentially Tank Hunters thanks to the Mutable Tactics.


How have you fared with them since the release of the new book ?

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Out of curiosity, what would you guys think of such a list for a starter in the heresy ?



Dynat the Man



10 Tacticals - Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Rhino with Dozer Blades

10 Tacticals - Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Rhino with Dozer Blades
5 Tactical Support - 5 Plasmaguns, Rhino with Dozer Blades (Dynat goes here)
10 Lernaean Terminators - 10 Chainfists (overkill ? I think not !)
Predator Strike Squadron - 2 Predators, Autocannons, Lascannon Sponsoons, Machine Spirit
Vindicator - Machine Spirit
Vindicator - Machine Spirit
2000 points on the spot.
The idea is to keep the Mutable Tactic flexible to match the opponent, and in proper Alpha Legion philosophy have several threats to offer. Having some annoying ranged armour to deal with in preparation for the epic Lernaean Deep Strike (or Infiltrate if it is preferable, dun dun dun), with AP2 threats spread around the army.
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