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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Saboteur can't select a jump pack I'm afraid.


Ah, I was basing that from the restrictions in the older Isstvan campaign Legions where it only states restrictions for Terminator Armour, Jetbikes and Bikes (along with S8 AP2 melee weapons). Where has this been updated ?

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You take the saboteur in conjunction with combat augment array (gives autoroll of a six) and Dynat (gives +1 on damage table) for autodeleting spartans and land raiders. Outflank or deep strike with Dynat in the enemy deployment zone. So roll a six, and the immobilization gets upgraded to an explosion.

If you're taking Dynat anyways, why not spend 100p + combat augment array for autodeleting a 300+ tank. Now those cataphractii have to footslog wherever they go. of course your saboteur will be ragekilled.


Since you deepstrike with Dynat or outflank, no need for jump pack.


You probably want to do this in tournaments only if you want to keep your friends to play with you. :)

Edited by Brother Najanus
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You take the saboteur in conjunction with combat augment array (gives autoroll of a six) and Dynat (gives +1 on damage table) for autodeleting spartans and land raiders. Outflank or deep strike with Dynat in the enemy deployment zone. So roll a six, and the immobilization gets upgraded to an explosion.

This is, at best, questionnable. It has been debated before and a simple quick search pulled this thread; the last post of which sums up my (and at least a few other people's) view of the matter really well : The CAA must be used at the beginning of the turn. Since the saboteur is not yet on the table at that point, the array cannot be used on the turn the saboteur arrives.

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Ok, that's sucks. So this works only if you bring in the saboteur and have him survive one turn in enemy deployment zone. Which is not going to happen if you face somebody that does the math of facing alpha legion saboteur (deep striked or outflanked into deployment zone) with combat augment array and Dynat on the table.


Damn you Forgeworld. We had one competitive thing for tournament play and you took it away from us....

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Where has this been updated ?


Age of Darkness Legions red book.



Okay thanks, I will take a look at it. Boy it's annoying to have FW republish rules without an errata...


@Najanus : Well, I don't think Legion units alone make for a competitive list in the Heresy ;) They might give flavour or some edge in one specific aspect, but there are ltos of shared cool units in the Crusade Army List !

Edited by GreyCrow
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I've been wondering what could be the "best" (both from performance and fun points of view) reward of treason units to take for the CoH. Been looking at Justies and Suzerains, but considering other options as well, like Iron Havocs for example. Any thoughts on that?

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I wouldn't bother with the Iron Havocs since you can get what is essentially the same set up with a siege breaker/heavy support squad. Suzerains are excellent as are Justaerin. With the changes to the power scythes Deathshroud are right up there now and Firedrakes + Red Butchers have always been very solid too.

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Because unless you're the aforementioned 2W terminators/Suzerains they're a right bitch to put down


Fair enough ! I don't get to see much WBs in the meta, but I can see how interesting they can be as a bullet magnet threatening to drown your squads under a bajillion S5 attacks.

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I watched 10 of them led by Lorgar shrug off 2 full 20 man tactical squads within rapid fire fury of the Legion range and 10 autocannon iron havocs. They lost 1 wound total


So 160 Bolter shots and 20 autocannon shots and only lost one wound ? That lucky/unlucky dice though.

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I watched 10 of them led by Lorgar shrug off 2 full 20 man tactical squads within rapid fire fury of the Legion range and 10 autocannon iron havocs. They lost 1 wound total


So 160 Bolter shots and 20 autocannon shots and only lost one wound ? That lucky/unlucky dice though.



Little bit of both. They were invisible. Which didn't really account for much because out of those 160 bolter shots there were still 41 hits. And a further 8 on the Iron Havocs. 27% were 6s. OK they escaped the worst but even with that amount of shots getting through that speaks volumes

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I watched 10 of them led by Lorgar shrug off 2 full 20 man tactical squads within rapid fire fury of the Legion range and 10 autocannon iron havocs. They lost 1 wound total


That barely made them blink, scary! 

Also, like your signature with the "choom!"! Sorry to be offtopic here, but is choom only reffering to volkite, or pretty much anything that can rip off a bunch of infantry in general?

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Also, like your signature with the "choom!"! Sorry to be offtopic here, but is choom only reffering to volkite, or pretty much anything that can rip off a bunch of infantry in general?


Oh my, I suggest you head here! Choom is the universally* approved sound Volkite weapons make.


*I DO mean universally, as in beyond the furthest reaches of galaxy and Imperium Secundus...

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Also, like your signature with the "choom!"! Sorry to be offtopic here, but is choom only reffering to volkite, or pretty much anything that can rip off a bunch of infantry in general?


Oh my, I suggest you head here! Choom is the universally* approved sound Volkite weapons make.


*I DO mean universally, as in beyond the furthest reaches of galaxy and Imperium Secundus...



I read the first page and already loving what I'm reading. I suppose the fact that I have my AL lists all labelled as "Alpha Legion Choom 1..2..3 and etc" and then the onslught lists of 4500-5K going as "Alpha Legion Super Choom" kinda fits the concept very well :D 


So to get back on topic, can anybody tell me whether its worth giving melta bombs to plasma gun squad or heavy support squad sergeants? Just as well, is it worth upgrading their armour to AA? I mean, i can see it for the plasma due to the overheat, and for units like vets that can get into combat from time to time. But with plasma and melta squads i always thought you just drop them off, make them fire away (hoping they did what they did well enough) and then just hope they get to shoot again next turn. Heavy support always mostly sitting at the back doing their choom (Choom once again!), cause for them I use volkites with a master of signal in there too. Tested it out with my mate once just the dice rolls, and the 5 man heavy choom squad is actually pretty painful with that master of signal in there! What ya'll think about that, my fellow hydras?

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Damn you Forgeworld. We had one competitive thing for tournament play and you took it away from us....

Hoo boy, I really really hope you're joking.

1. It wasn't "competitive", it was extremely questionable gamey jank that only a jerk would try in the first place.

2. Alpha Legion is still has one of the strongest Legion rules sets and character stable, just the unique units and Rites being unremarkable (and IMO coils is very solid at high points).

3. If you're playing AoD for "tournament play", you're doing it wrong.


Seriously, really hoping you're joking and that's not your genuine attitude. And if it is, I hope you are a small minority and not representative of the new breed of 30K gamers. I don't want to agree with the "BoC = AoD cancer" crowd, lol.

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Damn you Forgeworld. We had one competitive thing for tournament play and you took it away from us....

Hoo boy, I really really hope you're joking.

1. It wasn't "competitive", it was extremely questionable gamey jank that only a jerk would try in the first place.

2. Alpha Legion is still has one of the strongest Legion rules sets and character stable, just the unique units and Rites being unremarkable (and IMO coils is very solid at high points).

3. If you're playing AoD for "tournament play", you're doing it wrong.


Seriously, really hoping you're joking and that's not your genuine attitude. And if it is, I hope you are a small minority and not representative of the new breed of 30K gamers. I don't want to agree with the "BoC = AoD cancer" crowd, lol.




You would be amazed what dickery is pulled off in present day competitive 40k tournament scene. Sounds like you have more experience in friendly 30k gaming, so I totally understand your point of view.


My comment was made in the context of finding out WAAC tactics for using a 30k AL list in WAAC 40k competitive tournaments where Forgeworld is allowed.

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Good morning Alpharii!


Would anyone mind giving me a bit of feedback on a 2,000pts tournament list?


  • HQ (555pts)

Autilon Skorr (125pts)

Rite of Command: Master of the Legion [Chosen Duty]


Legion Centurion (430pts) Consul [Praevian] [Artificer Armour , Power Fist]

Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple [3x Castellax]

  • Troops (560pts)

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (280pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper] Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (280pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper] Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]

  • Elites (320pts)

Apothecarion Detachment (110pts)

Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]

Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]


Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (210pts) [3x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell]

  • Heavy Support (565pts)

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher]


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (195pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons ]


Legion Vindicator Tank (150pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Laser Destroyer Array]


Basic gist is use Infiltrating vets to tie down objectives, the Castellax maniple to soak up fire that would ordinarily go to the vets, the Vindicator to take out Spartans, and the Deredeo to be there for fire support against flyers or whatever needs it. Thoughts?

Edited by CaptainTenacity
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