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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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With new update about drop pods does that carry over to 30k? I was using my OA list against orks list and we both stumped it's 40k update but than again we was playing a 40k match. Neither one is rule lawyer and we rather play and enjoy the game over getting argument about rules for plastic painted men on a table.


However with new drop pod rules and using a OA list it's pretty nasty and I can see it becoming abusive and OP. I always glued my pods shut for a host reason, and now with new rules I can see rule lawyers crying its modeling for advantages. But also works both ways as if you leave doors open you can literal daisy chain across the bord. So bring popcorn and watch the bitchfest start when people start getting crafty with ways to control the bord.


What's good support HQ for OA list, looking around trying to find something that pairs with with dynat and boost the army. Point wise it's best to just take one and be done with it. Just looking options to change :cuss up little.


Libby looks fun host of spells that can be paired with what ever tactic that's being used, than where to stick him.

Siege breaker but options on where to place him to be effective are pricy, heavy wepond sq lose a round of shooting when they drop in

Chaplain in gear up vet tact sq, FC, and pick counter attack could be fun, but won't go toe-toe with CC power houses out there.

Legion champion same with chaplain but less effective.

Master of signal, do you really want to drop 3 pie plates on top of your own guys, OA crowds the bord fast, however if your drop your pods in box in portion of the enemy army it could be worth the risk of hitting your pods. But seems like a lot riding on getting lucky.

Moritat having to be placed in destroyers already adds to cost of unit, I personally take destroyers often as I like the unit, not best use of points but rather field units I like that Waac.

Last up is lonely navigator, cheap and weak. However few of his ability can be worth it. Finding him a home is another issue, he needs to get close but not to close. Tac and breachers are out no room for him unless you using Dynat DS on the squad but that opening up rule lawyers chiming in. So he needs to be place right to achieve maximum success.


I left out the options of terminator armor as I don't use them much so can't speak about things I don't use often. But giving free DS in OA some of consul with bolster terminators and unique ones.

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So, with the new book dropped, and the dust settled, what are people's thoughts regarding AL?

Looks like Coils just became an easier option with reduced troops costs, Skorr and his Vets also got a nice boost.

Head Hunters took a hit when compared against Seekers (and now vets also) which I find a shame as I love them (same with Destroyers, but let's not go there, the pain is still too raw).

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I find it a bit unsettling that HHs are kinda getting worse. It's a unit that can be potentially awesome and also great to model, but I'm hesitant about getting that kit simply because I am pretty damn certain that I won't be using them. I will admit - I aint seen the new rulebook yet, but even with the previous rules I still wasn't very content with them. But from what I got from the post directly above, it just doesn't seem reasonable to invest into them. What a bloody shame...

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I find it a bit unsettling that HHs are kinda getting worse. It's a unit that can be potentially awesome and also great to model, but I'm hesitant about getting that kit simply because I am pretty damn certain that I won't be using them. I will admit - I aint seen the new rulebook yet, but even with the previous rules I still wasn't very content with them. But from what I got from the post directly above, it just doesn't seem reasonable to invest into them. What a bloody shame...

I use mine as Rewards of Treason Mor Deythan if I'm feeling like it.


I have no idea why they buffed Vet Tac to high heaven, and Seekers too, after 'fixing' Headhunters. Bleh

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Coils is much improved as all the units you normally want/have to take are cheaper. Headhunters have always been various degrees of garbage, except now they cost 5 points more (rather than 15 less) at minimum size and 10 points less (rather than 5 points less) at full size. Before they were an interesting alternative to Seekers with Alpharius. Now with Scorpius rounds being improved, making seekers good against swarms and terminators, it's a real choice.


Of course, Vets are the bees knees now and make almost all special power armour units crap by comparison (exceptions being Mor Deythan and maybe Havocs), so we are not alone. You can always use the Headhunters as Seekers or Veterans, or even your artificer Sgts. I have 10 put aside to be used as stolen Suzerain.


The Legions book will be updated and reprinted once the remaining 4 Legions get full rules, which is 2 or 3 more black books, so I guess about 2 years? Will go by in a flash.


Dynat got royally screwed since he loved his podded dreadnoughts. Pod lists in general took a hit.

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Well, doesn't meant that dynant is screwed. Just pod veterans. They can also take combi weapons, so they can bring a lot of pain to vehichles :)

Even before, I was almost exclusivly using veterans, since they were that good. Now they gave them buff on top of that,lol

SHame about dredo pods. Price hike+big nerf. Not worth it any more really.


btw. one thing I am still uncertain. You infiltrate 18'' from enemy. You move 6'', Are you now in 12'' range so that you can rapid fire/shoot melta gun etc.?

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So.... Since the new Legion book changed veterans quite a bit, what are people's thoughts about stacking them with our tactics?


I was having a think, and for not much more than what I was investing originally, having a unit with 10 combi Weapons and Sniper plus Outflank seems hilariously good.


Sniper flamers? Great for over watch and for murdering units.

Sniper Plasma for precision shots against characters and apothecaries?

Melta as above but for focus fire and instant death (characters, firedrakes, red butchers etc)


Especially combined with Alpharius for preferred enemy for even more assured overkill.


I'd be inclined to give the force counter attack as their mutable tactic personally. Move up, alpha strike as hard as possible, and use counter attack to dissuade any charges (and melts bombs etc in the units too to keep tanks at bay)


Thoughts or improvements?

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