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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Yeah, the +1 AP is great for AL vets but I think a big change is that they can take combi weapons now, which opens up the option of sniper flamer squad infiltrating or outflanking in rhinos. 


And does that mean, because of sniper it can simply be a regular flamer to do the job, so you dont have to take the heavy one? Cause you're wounding on 4+ always, right?

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A heavy flamer would still use the better profile for wounding when applicable such as wounding T4 on a 3+ due to S5. Its only vs Higher Toughness that it evens out.


So the same would apply for everything then? Including meltas, HBs, missiles and so on?


Whats the best thing to go for a combi weapon, when you got flamers in sniper vets? combi flamers or meltas, due to range? cheers!

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One big bonus from the Sniper rule is to precision shot apothecaries and other useful unit buffers (power fist sarge, power Weapon vets etc) before you hit combat. To that end, Melta or plasma may be worthy of consideration too. Melta for that instant death, plasma for the volume of shots to harvest those sixes to hit.


Extra benefit for having Alpharius in the army, in that you can re roll the ones thanks to preferred enemy for maximum damage.


We really are spoilt for choice!

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Morning all


Thinking of running a knight as a LoW now we can with a coils list @2000 points.


The list would be roughly as follows: Praetor, 3 10 man tacs, 3 2 gun quad batteries, deathshroud and a fire raptor.


Which knight would you recommend. Im leaning towards atrapos to squash other knights and big nasties (my main problem with my normal list).



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We are spoilt for vanilla choices, what is sad, when they are better to take than our special units(or even new ROW).

I second that! I can totally see how a lot of fluffy units arent really all that great compared to what we now have among vanilla choices. What a shame though.. They kinda start losing their purpose overall. Its also interesting that EC and IW have 3 fluffy units, while others only seem to have 2. Hope it means that we will eventually see more fluffy units and update the already i troduced ones, so that we actually have to sit down and think what we're choosing.

Edited by ak1508
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I am just afraid as time goes by, that 30k doesnt become abomination 40k has become. Adding more and more units, gap between most effective and least effective just growing, having little sense in having more or less fluffy list when it will be nothing more than a punching bag,

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I'm having hopes that FW wont go down that route for 30k. Once they explore and cover all legions, all will be left is to simply tailor it so it is properly balanced and so that the legion unique units will then have a purpose. Such that makes then at least slightly better than the regular vanilla counterparts. That said, there is still hope that AL will also get a decent update. Edited by ak1508
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Speaking to Alan Bligh at the open day (who we all know is a genuine AL fan) he mentioned that after prospero we may get some more love and that he knew some big plot points were coming.


Then he clammed up and left me hanging, the glorious bastard.


From that i gather we will get more depth ala word bearers style expansion and update.

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Speaking to Alan Bligh at the open day (who we all know is a genuine AL fan) he mentioned that after prospero we may get some more love and that he knew some big plot points were coming.


Then he clammed up and left me hanging, the glorious bastard.


From that i gather we will get more depth ala word bearers style expansion and update.


For one, I heard that Alpharius (and Dorn) model will be out after the prospero. And with that, we may get updates, so I'm honestly hoping for more! AL all the way!


And to get back on topic, is Exodus any good at all? We dont have the model, but just strictly based on the tactical use of him - can he really be useful, or a waste of 115 pts, which are better off be spent on Scorpius? And since I mentioned Scorpius, anybody can tell whether or not they need a dozer blade? I mean I thought they don't since they mostly just stad there and shoot at things from distance, but just in case..

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He ain't bad a killing off a few special weapon troopers here and there.


There have been some big arguments about how his target selection rule doesn't really work with the rules... But best not get into it now.

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Exodus is dissapointing and weak (15 battles test). His gun is weak (vs marines) and even though you can allocate hits on 4+ it still doesn't matter because look out sir rolls.


Simple vigilator is better - better damage (especially with new scorpius), mobility, protection + he can join any unit (giving them stealth and scout) and his sabotage attack can wreck some light/medium vehicle (or a dreadnought) before the game begins.

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Yep. when book came out, I saw cool sniper artwork, and though, uuu,nice, then I saw stats and rules, and questioned myself...why would I ever wanna field him? In the end I decided to never try him, since I can't see him earning his cost back.

Usually 'fluffy' AL stuf from lore, doesn't translate really that good into tabletop.

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If at least  he could join units other than recons and hh his bunch of special rules would be of some use (infiltrate, acute senses, move through cover, scout).



Usually 'fluffy' AL stuf from lore, doesn't translate really that good into tabletop.

haha like in Sanders' 'Harrowing' (cool reading nevertheless) where banestrike bolts were actually good and killy.

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If at least he could join units other than recons and hh his bunch of special rules would be of some use (infiltrate, acute senses, move through cover, scout).




Usually 'fluffy' AL stuf from lore, doesn't translate really that good into tabletop.

haha like in Sanders' 'Harrowing' (cool reading nevertheless) where banestrike bolts were actually good and killy.
Would reduced range, always ap3 banestrike really be that bad? Fluff it by saying that only headhunters have weapons specifically designed and reinforced to maximise the shells potential.


Anyway; Can we steal the Mara Ghal dreadnought, i think yes, some in my group say no. Thoughts and reasons?

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If at least he could join units other than recons and hh his bunch of special rules would be of some use (infiltrate, acute senses, move through cover, scout).


Usually 'fluffy' AL stuf from lore, doesn't translate really that good into tabletop.

haha like in Sanders' 'Harrowing' (cool reading nevertheless) where banestrike bolts were actually good and killy.
Would reduced range, always ap3 banestrike really be that bad? Fluff it by saying that only headhunters have weapons specifically designed and reinforced to maximise the shells potential.


Anyway; Can we steal the Mara Ghal dreadnought, i think yes, some in my group say no. Thoughts and reasons?


I think with AP3 they would be fine on HH and indep characters only. Other units like termintors, veterans and reavers (Soh) should still be "on 6".


Yes we can, since Mara Ghal is a legion specific unit and it's not unique. Most people think that Rewards of Treason applies only to infantry unit which is wrong.

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so what is the full list of units that can be taken through rewards? I have been relying on the battlescribe options for now but would be good to know all the possible shenanigans?

Basically everything except unique (Telemerchus for example), HQ choices. Funny thing - can we steal the Tormentor or AEtos Dios? :wink: IW/IF limitations (primarch + points) do not concern us so...

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so what is the full list of units that can be taken through rewards? I have been relying on the battlescribe options for now but would be good to know all the possible shenanigans?

Basically everything except unique (Telemerchus for example), HQ choices. Funny thing - can we steal the Tormentor or AEtos Dios? :wink: IW/IF limitations (primarch + points) do not concern us so...

Now that is something i hadnt considered.....

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