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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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In my Coh list i bring iron havoc's with ML, flyers are everywhere in meta. Cheapest flak in the game and now that there BS5 makes them even better. Plus there more 40k list i play against so ML work well.  


3 vindicators would fix work well seeing how there infiltrating anyway they could take the pressure off lev and there cheap. Plus who wants 3 pie plates being thrown at them. 


I am process of making major changes to my list if wasn't obvious from all the questions, i gotten my ass handed to me in last 8 of 10 games. Stripping down the fat and getting back to basic is where i am, came to terms that i have to drop my destroyers only bringing them out in fun list if the event has hobby score to it. 


Sige breaker with phophex mortars looks tempting, but right now my list building on speed and as many moving parts as i can fit in, not sure where a static position the than my Iron havocs, maybe stick the siege breaker in there and place mortars near and make support by fire position. I don't want to have to cut my fire off from them when the bulk of my list is moving right towards the opt. But than again the mortars would solve the gun line list i see all the :cussing time. 

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Rapiers benefit from MT they really are competitive option in AL list the more I think about it, overall they pop up in a lot of legion list.


Thinking about adding a cyclone melta lance to my leviathan, and taking away the grav bombard, Not a mathhamemer person any one run the numbers on it the two factoring Dynat bonus to it? Putting the both the lance and grav bombard seems like brutal combo but they changes the roll of the dread completely. 


The cyclone lance puts out more shots so it seems to have great chance to pen over the bombard a :cussty roll and with grav can net you nothing. So it seems like a failsafe for when the dice want to :cuss you. 


Book 6 talked about decapitation squads while not a Row or anything like that it fits the theme of my list. Just not sure how effective on the table top it will be, while laser vindicators are powerful the normal Sicaran is great tank with the point increase I still find them worth it, in 40k setting they shutdown jet bike list. However I haven't used the Venator model. Are they good choice? 


Thinking in terms of use Venator and 2 laser destroyer vindicators, maybe 3 vindicators but point cost of this theme is high, and not sure of the overall table top effectiveness, great for events that use hobby scores but waac events not so much.  

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Melta lance is hands down better against vehicles. The grav bombard looks good against vehicles because of the double hp bonus when you score a glance/pen, but your chances of even glancing even medium armor is not great. Melta lance is far better, even against AC targets you're still s9. Just one pen and that Dynatt bonus will let you explode on a +4. 

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The redundancy of shots would be a good fail safe when the dice decide to :cuss you. 


Anyone field a command sq.? It's one unit I haven't seen much. It's only 3 model and 6" bubble isn't great better if was 12. However I was looking at taking one as BG for either Dynat or Skorr and tossing them in rhino keep them up close with rest of tactical sqs. 2 with volkite and each with power weapon might serve as good bunker for the warlord, able to put enough damage on the charge to take care of light threats, and if battle plan goes wrong and they end up eating a charge by something nasty one of chosen steeps up and take the challenge. Probably work better if pushed up to 5 and adding in medic, but than thats bigger point investment. 

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AL can do a lot of things but not all looks tom me effective on the table. Coils of the Hydra either forces you to play a mech army or that everyone infiltrates. I am kind of leaning away from coils because of how limiting it is. In mostly an infantry heavy force, what direction should I go with AL? I am currently looking at a somewhat mech force not using CoH and saving my mutable tactics for what is needed at the time. Note I normally build for 3k in 30k army lists as that is what we play for casual Saturday night games in my group.

I have two tac squads and a 15 man assault squad, plus a few seeker squads, hvy support, tac support, a vet squad, with many of them in rhinos with havocs led by a JP praetor and possibly a knight errant with a JP if I find a build I like the look of and yes I am playing loyalist AL although it isn't set in stone. These are backed up by a Sicaran and a Scorpius with a twin Vulture Strike wing.


Currently it looks like a short ranged fire-fight army with a little long ranged support. I have the units to switch over to CoH and a Seeker squad can be upgraded to Mor Deythan for 10 points they way I have them rigged. But is there a real benefit in doing so? So what else can they do? Note only Tac squads and the non-rhino vehicles are built so I am not stuck in yet completely.


So I guess what can I do differently in style for my AL that I haven't done with my JP/drop pod night lords or dreadnought/heavy tank/terminator and PA marine wave IW?

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I've found the Legion Recon Company quite a lot of fun, with Alpharius you are all but guaranteed to go first, and if you pick Infiltrate (Or Scout) for your Mutable Tactics basically all of your Infantry will gain Shrouded for Turn 1. And the tax of 3 Recon Squads isn't too much compared to other rites, plus they look awesome :) Edited by IronDrake28
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Autilon Skorr lends himself nicely to Chosen Duty for Veteran spam. Pride is a bad choice for us due to a potential 3VP swing between its drawbacks and our Martial Pride. This would be my choice for an infantry-heavy list.


Dynat of course always works for Orbital Assault, and you could go infantry heavy here too with combi-Veterans and Support Squads dropping to deliver their payloads. It's a bit of a boring list, but it works.


Other options that work well is the Army of Dark Compliance or Sacrificial Offering. Dynat can do work here with outflanking specialists and Dreadnoughts, or Skorr can help because his Warlord traits will benefit the whole army (Militia see Alphas as Sword Brothers, the gullible fools!).


Coils actually got a lot of breathing space with the cost discounts but it definitely needs 2500+ points to really sing.


Those are the 4-5 Rites I think Alpha Legion does best.


Recon company kind of sucks in my opinion due to the heavy tax, locked in Mutable Tactic, and reserve heavy support. You could stack Skorr and Recon for Stealth and Shroud first turn, and stealth thereafter.

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How are you guys finding 'massed' infantry infiltrating in rhino with multimelta+hkm. Drive, unload infantry to target infantry, use rhinos to hunt armor. YOu can even add seekers+that consul that gives scout, so they can be in range for first turn shooting with ap2? Add to this leviathan in drop pod for extra 1st turn threat. Some infiltrating rapiers to help with armor/infantry. YOu could have nasty alpha strike, and a lot of threats presented to enemy. Rhinos with mm are cheap, yet can't really be ignored by most armor, since with a bit of luck, anything that's not armored ceramite can be blown with single hit...

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I haven't gotten the chance yet to try it but essentially that's what my list will be with Iron Havocs as my stolen unit instead of Mor Dythan as previously planned. I was thinking of using havoc launchers instead of multi-meltas making them whirl/rhinos(whinos?) but Fallen brings up a good anti-armor point especially since most often they will be infiltrating and a greater chance of being inside the magic range band for melta.  Should be a  lot of in their face fire turn one as opposed to drop pods that only half come in on the first turn.

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I have moved away from COTH recently and in 2.5-3k Games I have been running two tactical squads for troops with no ROW and then either Dynat or Alpharius (or both) and choosing Tank Hunter for mutable. It is turning me into more of a gunline player but does seem to be far more effective.


I run either one big squad or two 5 man squads of lascannons with a MOS, have just got a second Rapier Team and also have two medusas and a rapier vindicator as well as two new javelins with lascannons which after a couple of games look like great additions. I do play against a lot of armour so usually include 1-2 dreadclaws with melta or terminator squads in and often bomb Alpharius right into the middle of the enemy backline as just the fear causes chaos.


I have also just orderd 5 drop pods to try OA with my dreadclaws and terminators but can see this being a bit of a one trick pony as only have a couple of contemptors and no leviathian to get in first turn, along with alpharius, melta, plasma etc. Still 7 pods should mean its an interesting game.

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That's one way to go about it. I still like to bust out the Vigilator/Breacher grav squad even though it was made even less cost-effective with the update.


I am very tempted to make some Assault Marines. With Preferred Enemy, shields and apothecary they seem quite lethal and perfect mobile vectors to get Alpharius up the board.

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Would seem so, he can join any Infantry unit. Shame he can't infiltrate with them.

Does anyone reveal Alph from the start so the unit / other units can benefit from his buffs straight up (I.e. Not use the One of many rule) I always thought of podding him down with some Melta/plas vets so units are getting preferred enemy turn 1.

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Considering what a powerful rule preferred enemy is when conferred to your entire army, yeah I'd say it's pretty adventurous to reveal Alpharious turn one. Especially in an orbital assault list you need to maximize your alpha strike, and preferred enemy plasma armed units coming out of pods is a great way to do that.  

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