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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Do you use new tactical support squads. WIth flamers they were not bad, but I found that I rarely had opportunity to actually use them. But now since volkite chargers are free, and calivers only 5pts, they might not be bad at all. Have them with calivers sit in terrain and shoot with S6, you can threathen vehichles too. For a price of a bit more than 200pts the might be worth it?

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I've been using plasma gun tac support squads in vehicle rush or infiltrating lists, as well as melta gun tac support squads in deep strike / drop pod lists (with Dynat in this case) in the past. Both specialised units can perform very well if they can engage the right targets, as usual.


As for Caliver tac support squads, yes they're quite usable, but should fill a role in your list not already occupied by another unit.

Haven't fielded them in my AL (and probably won't), but if I ever start a second Legion army I'm likely going to build a squad of them.

This is the loadout I'd prefer:  10 Legionnaires, 9 Volkite Calivers; Boltgun, AA and Aug Scanner on the Sarge.

The main issue here being they clock in at 230 pts.  ... it's easy to figure out you can get more Dakka for that amount of points, but then they're a fine scoring unit after all.

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Flamers make for the cheapest unit in 30k I can think of for marines. Stick them in a droppod and incinerate a nearby target. I have wiped terminator squads and scatbike squad with farseer off the board in 1st turn kills. He thought he was safe in cover from my shooting. Otherwise I stick to meltagun squads.

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Hi guys! So I'm jumping into heresy with one other guy.

He has salamanders and we are facing each other January.


Using my undercover agents, I found out that he will use one bad ass mofo Dreadnaught as warlord probably.


Since I like small specialised teams I was thinking on going with pride of the Legion with 3 Legion Vets as troops.


One for CC with the Warlord

One with Marksman with HB

One with Tank Hunter with ML


And 5 Seekers for that AP2.


Now im divided between Infiltrate or Counter Attack and my Anti Armour Options.


Should I take a Land Raider Phobos, or a Twin Linked Lascannon Dreadnaught (regular one) with 2 HS missiles and a Land Speeder with Multi Melta and 2 HS Missiles aswell?

It's a 1k point game. And he might take termies or a second dreadnaught.

Edited by Sete
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Not worthwhile to do a dedicated Machine killer/tank hunter veteran squad with missile launchers. Yeah it's a rerollable S9 but the rest of the unit is useless chaff. In fact you're better off just giving your melee unit a few combi-meltas.


Heavy bolters are crap IMO, but you can use the missile launcher squad as your snipers (blasts can give more chances to rend), and still have the option to go tank hunter/machine killer if you come across a Solar Auxilia or Legion Tank list.

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1k will probably take most of your points in those three squads. I would take meltaguns instead of the missile launchers. The question on your tactics are do you want to use transports or not? Use a delegatus for a warlord to save points. I think in your case I would take 2 vets and a tac support squad. You lose tank hunter but you gain 5 meltaguns and use infiltrate to get in his face turn one.

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So my list is:

Praetor with Paragon Blade, Digi Lasers, Power Dagger, Bolt Pistol, refractor field, Venom Grenades.



3 Veteran Squads 5 Man each

1st Squad HB Marksman. For the occasional sniper shot. Buffer unit.


2nd Squad weapon masters. Sargent with Thunder Hammer, 3 Power Swords 1 flamer, Venom Grenades, Praetor escort.


3rd Squad Machine Killers. 3 Combi Melta.


Barebones Seeker Squad.


Dreadnaught with Twin Linked Lascannon 2 Missiles


Land Speeder multi Melta

2 Missiles.


Exactly 1k

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My first post! yay!


What do you think of this combo:

Step 0: Armillus Dynat

Step 1: Saboteur with combat augment array

Step 2: Outflank into the enemy's deployment zone

Step 3: Sabotage attack with combat augment array (6) AND "Harrowing" +1 on damage table

Step 4: any "normal" vehicle = target destroyed for granted or - (1+D3) hull points for super heavies


Woth the points? :wink:


Thank you. My Draco dreadnought problem is solved.

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My first post! yay!


What do you think of this combo:

Step 0: Armillus Dynat

Step 1: Saboteur with combat augment array

Step 2: Outflank into the enemy's deployment zone

Step 3: Sabotage attack with combat augment array (6) AND "Harrowing" +1 on damage table

Step 4: any "normal" vehicle = target destroyed for granted or - (1+D3) hull points for super heavies


Woth the points? :wink:


Thank you. My Draco dreadnought problem is solved.


Doesnt actually work in practice since you have to activate the Array at the start of your turn but cant since the Saboteur isnt on the table yet due to how its deployed.

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My first post! yay!


What do you think of this combo:

Step 0: Armillus Dynat

Step 1: Saboteur with combat augment array

Step 2: Outflank into the enemy's deployment zone

Step 3: Sabotage attack with combat augment array (6) AND "Harrowing" +1 on damage table

Step 4: any "normal" vehicle = target destroyed for granted or - (1+D3) hull points for super heavies


Woth the points? :wink:

Thank you. My Draco dreadnought problem is solved.

Doesnt actually work in practice since you have to activate the Array at the start of your turn but cant since the Saboteur isnt on the table yet due to how its deployed.
hmm true... Edited by Sete
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At a mere 1.000 pts. you'll have to be quite cost efficient, especially if your opponent brings multiple units with an AV value, and from the sound of it there may as well be Firedrakes as opposed to regular Legion Terminators.


I'd start out with Autilon Skorr (select the WL trait that let'S you ifnfiltrate 3 units + your HQ choice) and roll for Chosen Duty.

2 units of Vets. One with Combi-Meltas (Machine Killers), one with Hvy Bolters (Marksmen).

Spice up with Melta Bombs.

1 or 2 Contemptors (Cortus ?).

Then go from there.


And I strongly advise from picking multiple units of only 5 Legionnaires, they'll scatter like dust in the wind.

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Getting to the rear is a high risk strategy as it will require a very accurate deep strike, any scatter will risk you going off the table (assuming Draco is kicking around in his deployment zone).


A plan B may be required (hard at 1000pts- Javelins or MM jetbikes?)) or a way of increasing the chances of an accurate deep strike (nuncio vox in infiltrating squads).


Or just take the risk, at least you'll have Dynats re-roll.


My recommendation would be to use infiltrate to counter deploy and ignore him. From memory his damage output at range is minimal - focus on his other stuff, play the mission and accept that when Draco finally catches up with one of your squads it's going to die but hopefully you've won the mission by then.

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Dracos's damage potential is limited to combat and heavy flamer range.


It's a bit of a balancing act, isn't it? He's such a worthwhile target, but he tanks pretty much everything except grav to the front.


The few times I've seen him, the Salamanders player uses him as a fire magnet to soak up futile anti-tank fire. Dracos is annoyingly sturdy. Fortunately your opponent probably won't have much more armor at this lower points level.

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