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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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OK I am fighting a 3k game this weekend vs genestealer cults. My list is using coil's and everyone has a rhino with a havoc launcher on it. I have 2 tac squads, a 15 man assault squad with preat or and medic, tac support with melt guns, a 10 man seeker squad, a 5 or 6 man seeker squad with combi flamers, 7 or 8 iron havoks with missile launchers and a vet squad with 2 heavy bolters along with a sicarian with lascannons, a scorpius and a strike wing of two vultures with twin punisher cannon.

Having never played genestealer cult before, what kind of strategy should I be using? Castle in a corner? Go infiltrate and we be all over the place? Aside from my assault squad and a Sgt here and there, I am not really equipped for close combat.

Edited by Galron
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Played my game. Devastated the cult. Chose infiltrate, set up my assault squad with the sicarian and scorpius on either side. We had an issue which is still unresolved, Ambush is nothing more than infiltrate with a special table and doesnt say it replaces the infiltrate rule so we are at a quandry as to whether augery scanners stop ambush. Anyway, I deployed my rhinos in a protective circle around my deployment zone and left the havocs and melta squad within a short distance from his deployment zone where all of his leman russes and other odds and ends were. He rolled 6 twice for ambush and his warlord got master of ambush and he set up right outside my deployment area 3" from my units. And I seized initiative without even rerolling with the AL reroll. Yeah, everyone piled out and 30 minutes of shooting later he had a single genestealer out of 4 squads left. He still had 4 squads of the other hand to hand guys and the dude who gives 24" fnp who came out the next turn plus the genestealer with 6 more buddies who thankfully rolled a 1. I scorpius'd the hq dude with 4 blast templates in a lucky hit killing him and all his bodyguards. The rest just came down to bolters and more bolters and bolters on my bolters. Having 55 dudes with bolters at close range hopping in and out of rhinos was awesome. I lost my havoks and melta guys and a few assault marines in close combats I chose but dang, I wasnt expecting that big of a win in what I thought was a poor match up for me.

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That's really an outlier because you managed to seize with him in rapid fire range. If you hadn't made that roll and all those units charged you turn one, you probably would have lost it all. 30K really can't stand up to top-tier 40K formation shenanigans.


Kudos to him for playing till the end even having suffered all those loses, though.

Edited by Terminus
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Oh I know, I played my Night lord jump pack and terror squad army a few weeks earlier against his Death Watch at 3k, the only thing that saved me was Kurze. The rest was just me trying to whittle down his squads before my guys evaporated from frag cannon fire. Alpha Legion has great initial starting abilities but if you dont win the early game, there are not many tricks and abilities like other legions have that can possibly save the day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When using dynant and orbital assault, which dreadnoughts do you like to use most? Droping whole talon seems quite nice, although apparently no one is sure exactly how rule works.

What about loadout? Grav guns are nice if you are having bs4 and are faced with ceramite, but then you are not taking advantage of dynant rule...hmmm

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks, I am thinking of starting a 30k Alpha Legion army. I play 40k wolves, but while I am waiting for inferno, I thought  I would start with a different army. So I have the 2 red books and have read through most of the material, but its a lot to digest.


So I want to start with Dynat and try to take advantage of his abilities. Also so you know, the two guys I play with have World Eaters and Iron Warriors- so the cool thing about this is I need to be able to deal with armor/cc infantry and lots of shooty infantry/armor. So I dont want to buy a ton of models and I need to be able to deal with both armor and infantry. I dont think fliers is huge, I think they both have 1. My thought is to start with 2000 pts and later perhaps add Alpharius for 2500 pts.


I was really excited about Coils, but I cant figure out which unit I would take and how I would work the rest so I switched gears a bit.


I am thinking of taking Tank Hunters as my mutable (instead of infiltrate) and Pride of the Legion. I want to really take advantage of Dynats rules. so lets look at things.

1. +1 for sweeping advances and pen chart table in the enemies deployment.- So how do I get there, I am thinking drop pods and deep strike so I need reserve manipulation.

2. Deep Strike a Unit.


So Dynat

Damocles Cmd Rhino

1 Unit of Vets (I need to get them in a pod)- I like the idea of combiplasmas. So combis with 18 shots, if I can get them with a bs of 5 would be about 15 hits. Against armor, with Mech Killer, they are effectively str 8 and with tank hunter I get to reroll glance/pen results. So that should net me 5 glances on Armor 14. It would also be a giant hurt on enemy elite infantry.

Unit of Terminators- let Dynat Deep Strike them?

1-2 Contemptors in dreads as well? Or a leviathan?

I really like the one flier Primas Lighting 

and the Sabotuer is really cool too-


Obviously alot of those units would start in reserve and I feel the damocles is necessary to get it all in.


If you guys can help me construct a list bit by bit, I would appreciate it.

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When using dynant and orbital assault, which dreadnoughts do you like to use most? Droping whole talon seems quite nice, although apparently no one is sure exactly how rule works.

What about loadout? Grav guns are nice if you are having bs4 and are faced with ceramite, but then you are not taking advantage of dynant rule...hmmm

It's pretty clear cut - Dreadnough talons of any stripe can't take pods. You're free to take talons of a single unit and pod them but you can't take a talon of 3 all rocking pods.


And really if you're going to run Dynat/OA get a leviathan. Not only will you have a fairly accurate deep strike with the pod you get to land amidst the juiciest parts of the army and wreck face with all of the lovely weaponry on offer. Plus if your opponent is stupid enough to not take AC on something that's very worth it then you're melta lance is blowing stuff up on a 4+.


Hey folks, I am thinking of starting a 30k Alpha Legion army. I play 40k wolves, but while I am waiting for inferno, I thought  I would start with a different army. So I have the 2 red books and have read through most of the material, but its a lot to digest.


So I want to start with Dynat and try to take advantage of his abilities. Also so you know, the two guys I play with have World Eaters and Iron Warriors- so the cool thing about this is I need to be able to deal with armor/cc infantry and lots of shooty infantry/armor. So I dont want to buy a ton of models and I need to be able to deal with both armor and infantry. I dont think fliers is huge, I think they both have 1. My thought is to start with 2000 pts and later perhaps add Alpharius for 2500 pts.


I was really excited about Coils, but I cant figure out which unit I would take and how I would work the rest so I switched gears a bit.


I am thinking of taking Tank Hunters as my mutable (instead of infiltrate) and Pride of the Legion. I want to really take advantage of Dynats rules. so lets look at things.

1. +1 for sweeping advances and pen chart table in the enemies deployment.- So how do I get there, I am thinking drop pods and deep strike so I need reserve manipulation.

2. Deep Strike a Unit.


So Dynat

Damocles Cmd Rhino

1 Unit of Vets (I need to get them in a pod)- I like the idea of combiplasmas. So combis with 18 shots, if I can get them with a bs of 5 would be about 15 hits. Against armor, with Mech Killer, they are effectively str 8 and with tank hunter I get to reroll glance/pen results. So that should net me 5 glances on Armor 14. It would also be a giant hurt on enemy elite infantry.

Unit of Terminators- let Dynat Deep Strike them?

1-2 Contemptors in dreads as well? Or a leviathan?

I really like the one flier Primas Lighting 

and the Sabotuer is really cool too-


Obviously alot of those units would start in reserve and I feel the damocles is necessary to get it all in.


If you guys can help me construct a list bit by bit, I would appreciate it.


If you're looking to max out on Dynat then take Orbital Assault as your RoW. That's what gives you the best platform to milk his bonuses. I find it a little boring to play but its effectiveness is undeniable.


Personally I'd run Chosen Duty over PotL for RoW because as Term has said previously, you're giving up a potential 3VP swing by 1) losing more units than your opponent and 2) having all your vets/Terminators killed. 


If you're going to pod anything in to take advantage too, get a Plas support squad. Much more efficiency compared to combi plas vets.


And my preference is leviathan over contemptor every day. The fear factor alone is worth it's points even before it starts wrecking anything it touches

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When using dynant and orbital assault, which dreadnoughts do you like to use most? Droping whole talon seems quite nice, although apparently no one is sure exactly how rule works.

What about loadout? Grav guns are nice if you are having bs4 and are faced with ceramite, but then you are not taking advantage of dynant rule...hmmm

It's pretty clear cut - Dreadnough talons of any stripe can't take pods. You're free to take talons of a single unit and pod them but you can't take a talon of 3 all rocking pods.


And really if you're going to run Dynat/OA get a leviathan. Not only will you have a fairly accurate deep strike with the pod you get to land amidst the juiciest parts of the army and wreck face with all of the lovely weaponry on offer. Plus if your opponent is stupid enough to not take AC on something that's very worth it then you're melta lance is blowing stuff up on a 4+.



Not Quite! The new Legion Generic book specifically allows dreadnought and contemptor-dreadnought talons of 1-3 dreads to take pods but, in the case of contemptors, these MUST be dreadclaws.


Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnoughts and Leviathan Dreadnoughts, however, aren't allowed to do this.


It also makes specific mention of how you'd have to Deploy dread talons taken in this manner.

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Personally I'd run Chosen Duty over PotL for RoW because as Term has said previously, you're giving up a potential 3VP swing by 1) losing more units than your opponent and 2) having all your vets/Terminators killed. 



Dynat can't unlock Chosen Duty as a RoW though since he's not a Delegatus at all.



Neglected to mention that Dynat would have to be dropped to make this happen

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Ill reread it again but for some reason I remember them specifically having to take dreadclaws for this to work. Eh. Whatevs either way.


That said, while a Cortus is a Contemptor its entry is not "Contemptor Dreadnought Talon" (or whatever it actually is as I type this on my phone) but is "Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought Talon". That little bit of difference makes it inelligible since the RoW is pretty specific on what is allowed to do the multi-dread drop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started adding more assault sq's to my list for OA, and began trying them out on CoH list as well. 


For OA list they fit nicely, the just have to keep them smaller because of foot print, also based on Mt chosen, for tank hunter MB and kitted out sgt. For counter attack adding few PW and equipping the sgt for CC is nice, they still cant handle any of the hard hitting CC units out their, but can run around in the back field and tie up some units.


Any one having any success fielding them?


Than breachers, in Coh list built up some using boarding shields upgrades from FW and they just been sitting collecting dust, so for fun I toss them in list. And they worked out better than I though, and making me rethink their overall use.  Going with MT of infiltrators, stuck them in rhino with pintle MM, and seeing how 2 marines can fire from the hatch that gave me 2 extra melta shots, it was nasty surprised coming in from flank, and work well good position in mid field against  a 40K list.  The problem with them, is the rack up the points quickly if you give them to many toys. 


Now if FW would fix destroyers,  all would be good,

I gave up trying to field headhunters, such great looking models they're my Vets and command sq models now. That combi-bolter doubles as great looking combi-gerande luncher. 

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Hey guys, back at crunching lists. Was made a present of Dynat for Christmas, so trying to use him with what I have model wise. Won't have the budget to stretch to a full Orbital Assault with drop pods everywhere, but I tried to cruch this one up a bit. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Armillus Dynat (200pts)

Apothecarion Detachment (110pts)
Legion Apothecary
Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Chainsword/Combat Blade]
Legion Apothecary
Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Chainsword/Combat Blade]

Lernaen Terminator Squad (375pts) [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, ,4x Lernean Terminator, 3x Power Fist]
Harrower [Power Dagger, Power Fist]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (240pts) [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Additional Wargear [Legion Vexilla, 2x Missile Launcher and Suspensor Web]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Dagger, Power Fist]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (230pts) [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Additional Wargear [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Vexilla]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Dagger, Power Fist]

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (225pts) [Twin-linked Autocannon, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (205pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Heavy Bolters]

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (415pts)
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Cyclonic Melta Lance, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill]

Rite of War [Chosen Duty]


Basic idea is that the Levi drops in behinds to use The Harrowing, the vets tie down what part of the board they can, the Sicaran minces infantry or light vehicles, the Primaris provides air cover to the chance to wipe out a Spartan, and Dynat and the Lernaens DS to where they're needed most.

Edited by CaptainTenacity
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I'm a Skorr kinda guy. Been playing round with some ubnits the last few months and I really like playing with my vets. I find they are so versatile. The best loadout that i've played with so far is:


9 vets

3 combi plas

1 combi melta

1 plasma gun

Sgt with AA, PF & PD

Apothecary with AA and PS

Rhino with dozer and MM


I run 3 of these, 1 with a guy dropped and Skorr in.


Give them marksmen from vet rules, counter attack from mutable tactics and Skorr can choose a warlord trait from strategic traits.

They have so many possibilities it's unreal, they can get 4 special rules if you play it right.


Let me know what you think.

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