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Demolisher still glorious?

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So I have been working on this list for a while and I like it thus far. The 1308 points are pretty set in stone and show great versatility as well as efficiency. This is a quick summary:


Pask Punisher, MM sponsons, Relic Plating, Dozer Blade

Executioner, PC sponsons



2x lvl2 Primaris Psyker



3x Grenadiers, 3x melta gun, Taurox



Wyvern Battery

2x Wyvern



Hydra Battery

2x Hydra



1308 Total


Last 192 until 1500 are left until my 1500 tourney list (or 1480 + Errant Knight for my 1850 list). There are several options:

Demolisher, a great terror unit and can keep vehicles stun locked with guaranteed pen as well as turning MC and heavy infantry into dust. Add dozer blade, relic plating, extra armour and you have a 188 points of murder and terror that forces the enemy to divide fire. The cons are the range, obviously. It might not unfold it's full power turn 1.

I am tending towards the Demolisher but I am not sure, due to the points it costs. In the end, the psychic effect on the opponent is greater than the firepower. What do you think?

Alternatives would be an Extermiantor with LC, MM or PC sponsons, relic plating for long ranged support but less destructive potential than the Demolisher. Or maybe 1-2 TP squads with 2 HB servitors to give Primaris a squad to hide in (they foot slog solo behind the LR hiding), to repair Pask Squad and allow them to devastate 3 squads in 1 shooting phase (PotMS). This leaves enough points to buy random upgrades like camo nettings and the sorts. The problem is that Pask becomes a true Death Star and it will eat too much fire.


Any comments? Pro Demo or do you have similar alternatives for 180-190 points?

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what will be your most frequent opponent, as that will dictate a lot!


Aiming for all comers list. Remember, this is not for my meta but rather for tourneys, thus I need to be prepared for everything from FMC spam to grot tank bonanza :D

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The Demolisher is still a beast. I don't leave the muster without two.

QFT...two is all you need, and a single demolisher fully justifies a heavy FOC slot.

/edit/ But you already knew my opinion msn-wink.gif

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The Demolisher is still a beast. I don't leave the muster without two.

QFT...two is all you need, and a single demolisher fully justifies a heavy FOC slot.

/edit/ But you already knew my opinion msn-wink.gif

Heh, indeed. Your opinion on the Demolisher is well documented. Since my points do not allow to run 2 I suppose I need to deal with 1. Seeing how the Pask squadron is an equal and maybe even bigger threat, they can move up together. One will shoot, that is for sure.

I have been thinking and rethinking it, but no other LR variant outside of the IA annihilator seems to cut it for my needs.

Do you think extra armour is worth it? On the one hand it allows him always to move forward and even tank shock or ram with s10, but on the other hand av14 is not easy to pen in turn 1 outside of s10 ordnance spam or lances. The alternative would be a nice LC on Pask hull. Any experience there?

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I've actually taken five Demolisher Cannons to a tournament once (two LR Demishers, two Thunderers, and a Baneblade.) The whole tourni 'Time of my Life' was playing in my head and two opponents were personally mad at me. Good times, good times.


Also, it was just bad luck that those two opponents were Paladins and Deathwing!

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So what you are all saying is that I should include that demolisher, point it together with pask at an enemy and rub my hands with glee and laugh like a James Bond villian while purifying the unclean with a righteous bombardment of holy shells while a choir of angels takes flight to witness the cleasing of the enemies of Mankind?


I will certainly try ;)


So at 1500 I will include a Pask hull LC and a Demolisher with dozer blade and relic plating for 1498 points of holiness.

At 1850 I will remove the Pask LC and another 10 points to bring the Errant Knight for 1848 points of righteousness. At 1999+1? No idea yet :D

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yes, well, it can be! it makes the tank a lot more usefull when it gets immobilised since it still has a free arc of fire due to being turret mounted. the turret also has a better line of sight while hiding most of the hull, so you can get a better cover save!

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I like to field them in paid, with the thunderer hiding behind the Demolisher for cover while the Demolisher faces the biggest threat and uses its turret to good effect. Also, don't forget the heavy Bolter on the demo. It won't do much but it's a 50/50 for saving your main gun.
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Brought 2 to a 1,000pt game and they pretty much destroyed his entire army alone. Took out some broadsides, hammerhead, warlord, crisis suits nothing was spared insta death by s10 shots. Always taking them now.
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Demolisher Cannons...the one thing my O'Mortal Tau Warlord fears, and he's tanked a lot in his time...


I was debating that my third Russ be a Demolisher. I have a Pask Vanquisher alongside his buddy in an Executioner, so I can split them with Orders and use Pask to hunt vehicles while the Executioner gets re-rolls on Gets Hot from his Warlord Trait.


A Demolisher Cannon would probably work as an aggressive linebreaker to push forward and make the opponent poop themselves a bit. I'm thinking letting my opponent go first and luring them forwards so my Demolisher can get range would work pretty well!


I think you guys have sold me on this...

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