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1500 Crusade Army list (VI Legion)


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Legion Centurion

- Cataphractii Armour

- Volkite Charger

- Legion Champion


5 Cataphractii Terminators

- Volkite Chargers

- Chain fist

- Power fists


Contemptor Dreadnought

- Two close combat weapons

- two Plasma blasters

- Extra armour


10 Tactical marines

- Additional combat blade


10 Tactical marines

- Additional combat blade


10 Siege Breachers


5 Heavy support marines

- Volkige Culverins


5 Heavy support marines

- Missile Launchers


1502 points.


Is this list any good?

Because the Prospero book has been pushed I decided that I would simply build my force around the VI Legion before they found Russ.

When The Prospero book comes along I will add Russ and other VI Legion specific units to this core force.

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Is the list any good?  In short... not really.


You've gone for a lot of minimum size squads, and you're going to pay for that.  Literally.  Adding extra models to a squad is a lot cheaper than the initial buy-in.


Second issue is a lack of Vexillas with your footsloggers.  Ld is a real issue for 30k armies, their lack of And They Shall Know No Fear means that a failed leadership check could mean the loss of a 300 point squad to a sweeping advance or board edge.


Third issue is the footslogging Cataphractii.  This is a really bad idea.  A 20 man tactical squad firing with Fury of the Legion at 12 inches will kill about 4 terminators in one round of shooting.  They just throw so many dice that you're gonna be failing armor saves.  If they've been picking away at the squad at 12-24 inches and kiting it around the board, the Fury of the Legion attack could just be the cleanup.  Without the ability to make run moves, footslogging Cataphractii suits will only ever make combat with units that want to be in assault with them.  If you're bringing Cataphractii, you need to bring a transport for them.



The first place I would go to start fixing this list is to drop the breacher squad.  With the points from that, add 5 marines to each of your tactical squad.  Same number of bodies, but now you've got 105 points to spare.  Add Vexillas to the tactical squads.  Kit up the sergeants - I'm thinking Power Axe, Bolt Pistol, Artificer Armor, and Meltabomb.  That should leave you with 35 points, but now you've got two strong 'grey hunter' squads to play with.  Then I'd start looking at your 'long fangs' and decide on which of those two squads you were going to keep, and which you were going to cut.  You may end up cutting both of them so you can afford a transport for your 'wolf guard,' or you might just have to put them in Tartaros armor so they can be charging across the field as fast as possible on foot.



Your melee Contemptor also seems pretty cool, but very expensive.  Just cutting that + the 35 points left over from the above pays for the Land Raider you need for your terminators, though you would need to find a new job for your Legion Champion as there is not enough room in a Land Raider for him.  Maybe unify your 'long fang' squads into one (which will save points) and make your HQ into a Master of Signal.

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Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated. 


I will probably scrab this list and get back to the drawing board. Haven't played any HH games yet, as I am still building my force, so i'm still learning how to build an effective army list.

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1500 points is really like bare minimum for HH lists, since the units are so large and so specialized.  You really need more points (2-2.5k) for things to start opening up, to where you can start looking beyond the basic choices.  Below that and lists are all going to look pretty similar as they have to hit most of the same units to get their basics (both FoC requirements and anti-tank/anti-air/anti-infantry requirements) covered.


Whatever you do, though, playtest!  You don't have to have your models yet to start giving your list a try.  Just ask your friends to do a few rounds with you while you figure out your list.

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