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7th ed game - Mephiston/Corbulo combo- Wow - The Mephistar?

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Played my first game in 7th edition this afternoon. It was a 1750 point match vs. Dark Angels. This post is not a bat rep, especially since I did not keep track of the specific details of every turn, but rather commentary on using Mephiston with Corbulo.


First off, I had Corbulo join Mephiston as per the new IC rules in 7th edition. They were transported in a land raider. Mephiston's rolled from biomancy, giving him, iron arm, life leech, enfeeble, and of course smite. As one might expect, iron arm is amazing for Mephiston- strength and toughness of 9, and AP 2 close combat attacks, thanks to smash. Pairing him Corbulo makes the 2 of them near impossible with just about anything, even in the open.


As pointed out later in this thread, at toughness 9, it's going to require a weapon str of at least 6 to even roll for a wound against them, anything below str 7 will get Corbulo's FnP 2+ save (and 3+ armour save if it's AP is 4 or higher), and anything that double toughs Corbulo, like lascannons, and melta weapons can easily be taken by Mephiston and his 5 wounds with a Look Out Sir!, and subsequent 2+ armour save or FnP save courtesy of Corbulo.


They are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield!


The original post was edited to get rid of the mistakes I made in my game and listed in the original post to avoid confusion to newer players like myself, based on the analysis of the more experienced players who made excellent points later in this thread. Thanks to everyone who pointed these things out, making this combination, and others listed in this thread, even more powerful.

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Ahh, interesting, they got rid of the 'no joining 1 model units' rule!


Maybe this means mephiston will get the MC rule?


Incidentally, did you embark meph onto the raider Turn 1?


BA land raiders are all dedicated, so he cannot begin the game in one.

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Yes I did embark him on turn one. With regard to the FnP vs. plasma, like I said, due to my embarrassing mistake that turn I treated the unit as toughness 4. Just shows that these guys rock together, even if the guy controlling them is a dope! :) I should have never had to do what I did and they still didn't take a wound! Also I understand he wouldn't have been double tough'ed but like I said I'm a bit of a dope at times!
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My guess is that Mephi will take a hit to his stats and will get IC again,... I can see that happening way earlier then the MC rule huh.png

He actually needs IC with his stats remaining the same, either that or a decent cost reduction. Right now he is outdone by Skarbrand for less points. Psychic powers can tip that scale, but not reliably.

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Tbh the stats are a little overboard. The price to pay with the current dex is him beeing a 1 man unit. Last edition you couldnt join IC's to him. Now that said restriction is gone, I dont see him keeping the same stats and getting the IC USR. Simply because of the things mentioned in this thread (nothing wrong in it, its in the rules after all. But I doubt that its something GW wants in the game). If he losses some of the stats and gets IC though he would pretty much be back where he was before the current dex if im not mistaken.


Keep in mind, Mephi is a marine sized model with MC stats. Skarbrand may have better stats but hes also part of a completly different army. Hes also quite a bit bigger target then Mephi is and has pretty good reasons to have those stats. Fluffwise theres only so much to explain why Mephi is as awesome as he is. I dont dislike a little mystery nor do I mind us having a very powerfull HQ but also keep in mind that for game balance and fairness of play (specialy compared to other marine dexes) his stats are a little....much.


Thats my opinion on it anyway.

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Unless theyve changed the Toughness table, T8 + cant be wounded by S4.


That's correct, didn't spot it the first time. With T9 you are immune even to S5 weapons, very useful to keep Mephiston immune to force swords and axes.

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With T9, you can easily drop Mephiston+Corbs out of a stormraven straight into the open field and they will not die, this is pure awesome! biggrin.png

And if your opponent actually tries to come into close combat, you have AP2 now, yay.

Really the only problem I see is that they need a 200+pts transport to actually get where they need to, which irks me a little.

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It's not quite as good as it seems like at first glance. 


Mephiston is generally needed to bash really scary things in close combat, Corbulo won't last long in those situations unless it's a single model that Mephiston takes in a challenge.


Points spent on a second psyker might actually help more since you'll have a better chance of landing the vital blessings Meph needs. 


Of course, there's nothing that prevents you from disengaging corbulo once the enemy shooting phase is over. 

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I just can't figure out where you can see they got rid of the 1 man unit rule if someone can tell me a page reference that would be great!


Hahhaa- J - you're asking us to provide you for a page where they no longer have the rule?  :P May be a bit tough, bud!!


It's not that there is a rule that says and IC can join a 1 man unit, just that an IC can join another unit, unless its a MC.  

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Unless theyve changed the Toughness table, T8 + cant be wounded by S4.


That's correct, didn't spot it the first time. With T9 you are immune even to S5 weapons, very useful to keep Mephiston immune to force swords and axes.

Wow guys, thanks for pointing that out! Another blunder on my part! I was still allowing 6s to wound them. I'm a fairly newer player and thought I had the table down pretty well. I guess not. Regardless, this makes it an even crazier combo.


I hope they don't change Mephy's stats- with some of the cheese other armies seem capable of rocking, I do not feel bad one bit about rocking our cheese.


Plus- it's not like we are guaranteed to get those stats, and to get those two on the table with a capable transport will cost between 555 to 585 points. Not exactly cheap for 3 models.

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Reading this thread has inspired me to try out this tactic. I've put my tweaked list up on the army list section.


Got a tourny coming up next month and I have the new rulebook but don't think I will get time to practice, so any feedback really would be appreciated. In the name of Sanguinius :)

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