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7th ed game - Mephiston/Corbulo combo- Wow - The Mephistar?

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It's like 550-pts for the BA detachment alone. Maybe use the GKs to spam psychic vehicles and psybolts?

That was the initial thought. msn-wink.gif

Torn between either an Assault Squad in a GK LR or a Melta-Squad in a DP for the BA troops.

Rest of the army will just spam out WC and Psybolts. Maybe a GK Libby + Termies providing some extra support for Mephy+ Corby with other abilities.

E: Only downside is that it'll be a small, elitist army but it's nothing I'm used to already. :(

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But, Iron Hands guy wouldn't get a 5+  FNP and the majority toughness would be lower since the average (highest majority) is T4. 

You'd need a T6 (meph), T4 (Corbs) and then T5 (Biker Lord)


I suggested this combo when 7th dropped in the other thread I started on meph's powers in 7th. However, Its tempting to take a WS CM instead to get hit and run. This way your unit can't get bogged down in combat by an invisible unit in CC.  Or you could take C:SM primary with red scorpions and take sevrith loth to get invisibility on the unit. 

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You cant play this combo

Corbs cannot join Mephestion as Meph is not an independent Character.

Read the rule book lol and ya codex


Meph doesn't need it.

Was casting his Biomancy and he killed 10 knobs without breaking a sweat in 2 rounds today.

Killed a Necron lord and his elite guard and some wraiths - wraith gun guys - 5 with 3 wounds each

dont forget to charge ya force weapon l :)

All in 2 rounds.

Biomancy is great.

Id rather puts points else where than use Corbs personally

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You cant play this combo

Corbs cannot join Mephestion as Meph is not an independent Character.

Read the rule book lol and ya codex

Meph doesn't need it.

Was casting his Biomancy and he killed 10 knobs without breaking a sweat in 2 rounds today.

Killed a Necron lord and his elite guard and some wraiths - wraith gun guys - 5 with 3 wounds each

dont forget to charge ya force weapon l smile.png

All in 2 rounds.

Biomancy is great.

Id rather puts points else where than use Corbs personally

James ninjaed me! but, check what he said. you defs can.

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It says clearly in the rule book

Meph clearly fights alone

it is stated as an example in the rule book in the IC section.

ICs can join ICs to form powerful IC units.

Meph is not an independent character.

So he cannot do it. As i stated he doesnt need it anyway.

Nice try guys but doesnt work.

Meph is a character which means he cannot join other units but is a character.

He is not an MC lol

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There is nothing in the rulebook that states that an independent character can not join single model units. That is what they are saying GAZ. Mephiston is a unit so an independent character can join him. Nothing disallows that in the rule book.
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here the screen shots of the rules:




Mephiston is listed as a "character".  


Mephiston is also a unit. 




Ergo- the rules, very, very clearly,  allow an IC to join him. 

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Yeah Gaz you're confusing it with the 6th edition rule.


6th edition Independent Character rule:

"Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join vehicle squadrons, or units that always consist of a single model (such as most vehicles and Monstrous Creatures. They can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful multi-character unit!"


As you can see from Morticon's screenshots, they specifically removed "units that always consist of a single model."

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You have just answered my question.

Im reading 7th not 6th rules

In the rule book under ICs section they talk about Mephestion saying he fights alone.

They are very specific in that example.

I suggest you find that



A single model corbs is an independent character. He is a unit for the description purposes.

Mephestion is a character not an independent character.

As it says independent characters can join other units.

Your pushing units as in Corbs is a unit as is meph but you ignoring the end section saying they can join independent characters.

Mephestion is not an independent character so no one can join him.

And if im wrong why does the rulebook 7th

use him as an example saying no one can join him.

Your using "unit" as an excuse but it contradicts independent character rules

look at other pages.

ill post screen shots when i get home

and ill email BL

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Ran 2 games so far with this combo. Didn't do that much to be honest, the synergy that is. As I said earlier Mephiston likes to be in the thick of it and Corbulo does not. I did manage to buy Mephiston one round of FnP but that only saved him from one wound. 


The kind of firepower that gets thrown in Mephistons way is not something Corbulo can tank safely and if I don't get 'iron arm' most of it wounds on 2+ even with majority toughness. 


That said corbs himself can still do some decent damage or tie up smaller squads of GEQ-MEQ.

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It says clearly in the rule book

Meph clearly fights alone

it is stated as an example in the rule book in the IC section.

ICs can join ICs to form powerful IC units.

Meph is not an independent character.

So he cannot do it. As i stated he doesnt need it anyway.

Nice try guys but doesnt work.Meph is a character which means he cannot join other units but is a character.

He is not an MC lol

No that part is in the "Character Types" section, and at the end of the statement regarding Mephiston, it most importantly states, "Regardless of their potency, all follow the rules for characters." Going back to the actual rules cited already in this thread, there are no longer any restriction for an IC to join a single unit character (that "all follow the rules for characters" regardless of their potency), therefore, an IC can join Mephiston.

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Your referring to the bloodangels FAQ where it says he is a character.

This was for general rule clarification purposes like saying a land speeder is a fast skimmer in brackets beside the unit.

This was for challange purposes etc.

If all are characters which is written be side all characters names listed they are not independent characters.

Therefore characters cannot join any units of troops. Only ICs can.

But can join one another now.

Which way do you guys want this?


Meph was stated in the codex as being independent so he cannot join with anyone.

Not even your so called unit lol

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Your referring to the bloodangels FAQ where it says he is a character.

This was for general rule clarification purposes like saying a land speeder is a fast skimmer in brackets beside the unit.

This was for challange purposes etc.

If all are characters which is written be side all characters names listed they are not independent characters.

Therefore characters cannot join any units of troops. Only ICs can.

But can join one another now.

Which way do you guys want this?


Meph was stated in the codex as being independent so he cannot join with anyone.

Not even your so called unit lol


Mephiston= Not independent character. Counts as one man unit. 


Corbulo= Is Independent character


What is the debate about?

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ICs can join any unit that is not a MC or Vehicle. 


Mephiston is not an MC or a vehicle.


Therefore, an IC can join Mephiston.


It really is that simple.


If this is wrong, I'd really like a rules quote to show why.

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Gaz is referring to a fluff description, not a rule.  


There are ZEERO rules preventing ICs joining Meph, and there are existing rules allowing Meph to be joined by ICs.


There is absolutely no debate here. 

There are plenty of fluff instances that tell us how units take to the battlefield - the rules however need to reflect this. 

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This discussion is going round in circles now. Unless GAZ_AV_NZ has any sources to back up his claim, then we should just agree to disagree. After all, if he wants to play it that way, then so be it.


Alternatively, feel free to take to over to the OR forum for a unbias discussion.

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Fair enough, but I dont buy the "agree to disagree" thing.  That gives the impression either could be right.


From what has been presented, Gaz is very clearly wrong.  He needs to show some rules and structure an argument that contradicts the existing rules. 

Since his only argument rests on a fluff description - he's outta luck unless we've all missed something. 

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Nice, didn't catch the change to the rule of IC joining another unit. Would a unit of Mephiston+Corpulo+AM Ministorum Priest work with Meph's toughness value now? Because that would be sick, giving the formed unit fearless, hatred and the war hymns (Smash / reroll failed to wound / reroll armour saves for whole unit in CC) special rules.

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