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7th ed game - Mephiston/Corbulo combo- Wow - The Mephistar?

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They are indeed independent characters smile.png

Great for getting smash if you don't get biomancy or for re-rolling to wound if you do. Sounds pretty awesome!

Been thinking about using those priests to buff BA support units (mostly tacticals/terminators/sternguard due to lack of jump pack) but this new combo just screams to be tested :)

Lucky for me I've got two priests waiting to be painted.

By the way, related to allies, is it now in 7th possible to field multiple allies detachments from different factions? I'm not sure it's forbidden any more. Also, even if it was, is it possible to use (without unbound list) AM as allies and in addition use inquisition and imperial knight(s) since the last two don't count as detachments?

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Only the priest gets smash though! Not the unit 


Oh.. you're right! The other effects apply to the whole unit but that one is only the priest. Damn. Oh well, rerolling armor saves in addition to Corbulo's FNP  is still good combination, as is rerolling to wound rolls.

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No where did i reference fluff.

I referenced a comment talking specifically about Meph in the rulebook under characters.


I have emailed BL asking them to clarify the rule issue.


I myself wont play this combo as its an inefficent use of Corbs/waste of points anyway.


Right or wrong its about the rule being correct.

Well see what they say.


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Too many T 4 characters makes this a majority toughness 4 group. With only a single T4 character and iron arm Mephiston you are looking at T9.


Optimal setup would be 1 T3, 1 T4, 1 T5 and Mephiston. How many T5 independents do we know?


You could probably also throw chaplain Cassius in there, as he is still T6, yes? Don't know his rules though.

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No where did i reference fluff.

I referenced a comment talking specifically about Meph in the rulebook under characters.


I have emailed BL asking them to clarify the rule issue.


I myself wont play this combo as its an inefficent use of Corbs/waste of points anyway.


Right or wrong its about the rule being correct.

Well see what they say.


a "comment" is not a rule.

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No where did i reference fluff.

I referenced a comment talking specifically about Meph in the rulebook under characters.


I have emailed BL asking them to clarify the rule issue.


I myself wont play this combo as its an inefficent use of Corbs/waste of points anyway.


Right or wrong its about the rule being correct.

Well see what they say.



That's an introductory, fluffy, conversational introductory paragraph into the rules.  

There is not one rule there.  There is a general description.


What about this:


Veteran warriors, brilliant officers, possessed prophets and ferocious war-leaders can all
inspire their troops to great feats of heroism (or fiendish bravery as the case may be) and
are often quicker, stronger and more skilled in combat than those they lead. In
Warhammer 40,000, these kinds of powerful individuals are called ‘characters’." 
There rules there?
Come now, Gaz.  
Surely you can see the argument being made here?
Take this to ANY rule forum and they'll tell you the same thing. 
So....what about Sanguinor, mnnn? 
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Or a Techmarine for that matter...


GAZ_AV_NZ, have you a page reference for your "rule"?


He's talking about this:





Most characters are fielded in units from the start of the game, and represent squad
leaders, such as a Space Marine Veteran Sergeant. They have their own profile, but do not
have a separate entry. They are effectively just another trooper in their unit, with
enhanced characteristics and perhaps a wider selection of weapons and wargear choices.
Other characters, such as Mephiston of the Blood Angels, fight as units on their own.
They are either mighty enough, or feared enough by their own kind, that they don’t take
to the battlefield with other warriors. Regardless of their potency, all follow the rules for
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So the Mephistar is legitimate by RAW but GAZ_AV_NZ is correct by RAI?


If so, we can assume that it will be changed and as such, we can play it as RAW until that time comes.

Mephiston fights in a unit of 1.  In previous editions, ICs could not join units of 1.  But that restriction is gone now.


Whether or not that removal was unintentional or not, I do not wish to speculate on.  If it is unintentional, they'll FAQ it eventually.

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It wouldn't shock me, if in the new codex they put something in Mephiston's rules that prohibit ICs from joining him, unless they nerf his stat line, which would be a bogus thing to do, given his point cost and what other armies have at their disposal. If they do prohibit ICs from joining him, Mephiston, with Biomancy, doesn't need Corbulo to be very, very effective (statistically, you have a 50% chance of rolling Iron Arm if you roll all 3 psyker powers from Biomancy, and if you don't get that you should at least have endurance or life leech unless you get extremely unlucky). He and Corbulo just make each other ridiculously difficult to kill.
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what James said.  Its more than likely the intent - but we cant be sure of that one way or another. They could be expressing how he " normally"  fights- not always fights for example. 


Remember what I said about the Sanguinor!

To my knowledge him, meph and DC tycho are the only single model non-IC characters there are in the game (? correct me if im wrong). 


So, according to Gaz, these rules would be good for them, but not good for Meph cause of the fluff intro to the rules.  That makes no sense.


But, yes, the new dex, or an update FAQ will change this if they want the intent to be reflected in the rules.

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As are attack bikes, for what it's worth. I think the combo is potentially useful, but I'd rather take Corbulo and Hammernators. Slightly cheaper, slightly better at surviving incoming fire (same wounds, 2+ saves, but hammernators pack an invuln), can beat 2+ saves, still fits in any transport you'd be putting the Mephistar in.

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You cant play this combo

Corbs cannot join Mephestion as Meph is not an independent Character.

Read the rule book lol and ya codex

Meph doesn't need it.

Was casting his Biomancy and he killed 10 knobs without breaking a sweat in 2 rounds today.

Killed a Necron lord and his elite guard and some wraiths - wraith gun guys - 5 with 3 wounds each

dont forget to charge ya force weapon l smile.png

All in 2 rounds.

Biomancy is great.

Id rather puts points else where than use Corbs personally

This logic clearly doesn't work. You might as well say Corbs can't join a Tactical Squad as they're not an independant character.

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The rule 'was' units that can only be comprised of single models. Which is how the riptide circumvented it because you could have more than one in a unit. That rule is now gone. There is currently no rule to prevent an ic joining a single model unit, such as meph, and the normal ic rules allow it.
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Quick question: if I take mephy and corbs in a stormraven and said stormraven crashes and burns upon entry, as mine tend to do thanks to dirty oppo intercept, does majority toughness i.e. T6 in this case still apply?
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Quick question: if I take mephy and corbs in a stormraven and said stormraven crashes and burns upon entry, as mine tend to do thanks to dirty oppo intercept, does majority toughness i.e. T6 in this case still apply?


It would.  But, would it matter considering S10 wounds T6 on 2s?  If Corbs takes the wound, its still a S10 hit. You're not going to apply Mephy's Toughness to Corb's hit resolution - just the wound.

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It would matter for getting that 2+ FNP. So long as I can use T6 on corbs I get that FNP and he will still be alive even if he fails it. At T4, he's mush.


edit - yep, should have put the question more clearly.


In short, corbulo doesn't get his FNP and dies if he takes the wound, right?

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