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7th ed game - Mephiston/Corbulo combo- Wow - The Mephistar?

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Legal or not, it seems like a rather large point investment for what it does, and you need to roll the right spells.


Not forgetting you should probably be rolling with three ML2 Librarian Dreads to generate warp charges so your Eldar/Daemon/GK opponent doesn't chuck a load of dis-spell dice at Mephy

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I have been soaking in all this talk of this combo between the two.  And really been stuck in a rut since 7th came out trying to see if there is a hidden gem in what we can do in the time being before our new dex comes out.


Is it me or do others think the two being in a LR or Raven is just a little to much of a point sink?  I understand the caddy for just Mephiston and the Raven seems best suited.


I find that Corb hanging with him isn't getting the best value, he is a great addition to our army, but dang that precious elite slot taken up by him.

Also I am trying to justify putting a Furioso Librarian in a Raven with Mephiston but is that also another large point sink?  I guess its all about play style, but I am thinking of effectiveness.

I almost want to run regular Librarians since we get level 2 at a cheaper cost now and the boost to Telepathy and Biomancy.  So many options with buffing our units now, driving me crazy!

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Renderdead - aye I had the same conundrum, briefly. Thing is I've opted to stick with drop assault in an upcoming 1850 tourny instead of trying landraider spam; with two fraggy dreads and two death company dreads dropping on turn one, having a raider to carry mephy and corbs fits in nicely, as any heavy weaponry fired at the raider is less to fire at those dreads. If the oppo chooses to shoot at the dreads, he's looking at a furious charge mephy assault in turn 2, so he will be tempted to try and pop the raider and try to tie up mephy.


Either way dreadnoughts and raider will benefit from the new cover rules and the new damage chart so I think it's worth the points as it fits in nicely.

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Have a read of the link smile.png

In short, Cypher is counts as a HQ choice but doesn't fill up a slot on the FOC. The only troops he can take are Chaos Chosen, but this is optional and only likely to happen if he's purchased for a Chaos faction.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just played my first two 7th ed games today, 1850 points mephy and dreadnought list using corb-meph in a land raider redeemer.


Didn't get to use them in game 1 vs orks as my oppo conceded after my first turn (don't ask :D) but in game two vs necrons they and the new rules made as big an impact as I could have hoped for.


Necrons with mindshackle scarabs were my worst enemy in 6th when using mephy. This time I was able to do a co-ordinated turn two charge against the necron lord, his unit of immortals and another character with them. The DC fisty dread which had survived the turn one drop charged into their flank whilst corb and mephy leaped out of the raider and steamed in. I challenged with corb and he accepted with the lord. Corb promptly ser about trying to kill himself, but saved and FNP'd all wounds, allowing mephy and the dread to score enough wounds to wipe out the entire unit.


I did have iron arm but didn't need it anyway thanks to activating mephy's force weapon.


The ability to take the MSS with corbulo made all the difference, and meph was just an animal. He even rolled a perils and got a 6, so then he was S9 T9 with smash, fleshbane, armourbane and a 3+ invul....


That single assault netted me 5 VPs in the tourny system we were using, including STW, on turn two! Will definitely be using this combo in the tourny and I am glad to have the raider, for the turn two assault.


Brutal. Just brutal.

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Tempted on the Land raider, but it will be slow VS some lists and I need that flyer anyway. 

On the other hand Corbulo isn't safe if a raven goes down. 



Now that any character can be your warlord, could it make sense to roll a personal warlord trait for Corbulo instead of Mephiston? 

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I suppose you could always LOS onto mephiston if the raven comes down.


A raven has more chance of getting you closer to where you want to be before it gets destroyed, but the thing that clinches the raider is the chance for assault on turn two and there's no risk of corbulo and mephy not being able to assault until turn 5 at worst.


Hadn't thought about using corbs as warlord, will look into it but isn't it safer to have mephy as warlord? I try to go for master of the vanguard, it helps to co-ordinate things.

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also, the "Look out, sir" rule is under "characters and shooting" - i'm not sure youd be able to Lo,S from Corbs to Meph from a Crash and Burn result.

Crash and burn is caused by shooting attacks though, so surely it wouldn't be stretching the rules too much?


Methinks they brought that new warlord option in for people with fluffy lists or who have 'kill-team' type of forces without any major characters. But it seems to me the best option is the safest i.e. take the meanest toughest one as your warlord. Makes sense in tournies at least but for putting together a themed list at least we have options.


Would have corbs as warlord for sure if it meant he became HQ instead of elite :p

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So I am somewhat new to the Blood Angels side of 40k because I used to play DA and Tyranid, but I have been playing with an allied list of Blood Angels with DA allies. I loved the idea of having Meph with Corrub, and please excuse my ignorance, but how does the majority Toughness rule work? I tried to find it in the rulebook but apparently I am blind and cant find it.


Secondly, would a Meph, Corub, Seth combo work? Seth gives the str 8 rending hits, and can run into a blob and whirlwind on everyone if needed =)


Also, just to briefly explain how my list works, I took a DA LRC, and took Deathwing Vehicle(which can make opponents reroll on the damage pen chart if I want) along with a Libby on a bike, ML2, and a PFG(confers a 4+invuln on all models within 3"). This gives the DC in rhinos, the LRC, and all other models the invuln 4+save. So basically I have a LRC w/ a 4+ invuln in front, loaded with Meph, Corub, and Seth and some rhinos carrying troops on the sides.


For extra fun I took a Ravenwing command squad and gave them the Dakka banner, which gives the LRC 24 twinlinked shots =)


Sorry this this is so wordy, but I am trying to make a squad with Meph(one of my favorite characters) to be in that front LRC, and I loved the idea of having him and Corrub together, any thoughts as to a 3rd member?

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So I am somewhat new to the Blood Angels side of 40k because I used to play DA and Tyranid, but I have been playing with an allied list of Blood Angels with DA allies. I loved the idea of having Meph with Corrub, and please excuse my ignorance, but how does the majority Toughness rule work? I tried to find it in the rulebook but apparently I am blind and cant find it.


Secondly, would a Meph, Corub, Seth combo work? Seth gives the str 8 rending hits, and can run into a blob and whirlwind on everyone if needed =)


Also, just to briefly explain how my list works, I took a DA LRC, and took Deathwing Vehicle(which can make opponents reroll on the damage pen chart if I want) along with a Libby on a bike, ML2, and a PFG(confers a 4+invuln on all models within 3"). This gives the DC in rhinos, the LRC, and all other models the invuln 4+save. So basically I have a LRC w/ a 4+ invuln in front, loaded with Meph, Corub, and Seth and some rhinos carrying troops on the sides.


For extra fun I took a Ravenwing command squad and gave them the Dakka banner, which gives the LRC 24 twinlinked shots =)


Sorry this this is so wordy, but I am trying to make a squad with Meph(one of my favorite characters) to be in that front LRC, and I loved the idea of having him and Corrub together, any thoughts as to a 3rd member?


Rule is on page 34, Multiple Toughness Values. 


If you join 2 T4 characters with Mephiston you can't benefit from majority toughness anymore. You could however join with a T4 and a T5 character and they would all benefit from his T6 (but only from shooting attacks). 


With Corbulo and Mephiston you get a model that can tank basic shooting very well but isn't that hot in melee. If you want to run them in a land raider it's probably better to take someone that can either help kill stuff in close combat or someone that can step in and absorb high S, low AP attacks that can otherwise quickly finish off Mephiston.    

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Find the greatest mode of toughness in the unit. That is the unit's toughness against outside attacks for to wound purposes.


mode: The number that appears the most times or is tied for appearing the most times in a set.

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