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[30K] Luna Wolves

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:: Intro

So Luna Wolves...
When I read "Horus Rising" I was immediately sold on the idea of painting myself up a Luna Wolves army. The thing is that I read "Horus Rising" about 8 years ago, so my Luna Wolves would be my first serious 40K army.

I started scouring the internet for bits of information about Pre-Heresy armour, weapons & vehicles. Bought myself a bunch of plasticard and started converting. When I hit 3000 pnts Forge World released the first Legion Armour sets and soon after that the first Horus Heresy books.

I commited wallet-cide and now I'm hitting the 10K mark, army-size wise...

To me this is more than just my army, but it also shows how I progressed as a painted, when you see the pictures you'll see what I mean. I'll keep on adding more and more units as I finish them. I've got enough unpainted models piled up, so stay tuned! tongue.png

ANyways, I hope you like what I've painted/converted up so far, and C&C is always

:: Legion List
Assambled - WIP - Finished


  • Horus Lupercal

  • Garviel Loken

  • Ezekyle Abaddon

  • Librarian in Terminator armour

  • Librarian in Power armour

  • Chaplain in Power armour

  • Legion Centurion in Power Armour

  • Legion Centurion in Cataphractii armour

  • Legion Centurion in Artificer Armour


  • Locasta MK4 Tactical Squad - 20/20 marines

  • Pithraes MK1 Tactical Squad - 10/20 marines

  • Hellebore MK3Tactical Squad - 10/20 marines

  • Unnamed Tactical Squad - 15/20 marines

  • Unnamed Tactical squad - 10/20 marines

  • Legion Reconnaissance squad - 5/5 marines

  • Legion Deimos Rhino - 3/3 Rhinos

  • Legion Drop Pod - 6/6 Droppods


  • Cataphractii Terminator squad - 5/10 marines

  • Tartaros Terminator squad - 5/10 marines

  • Justaerin Terminator squad - 10/10 marines

  • Legacy Terminator squad - 10/10 marines

  • Contemptor Dreadnought - 3/3 dreadnoughts

  • Reaver Squad - 10/10 marines

  • Legion rapier Destroyer Battery - 3/3 Rapiers

  • Legion rapier Graviton Cannons - 3/3 Rapiers

  • Legion Destroyer Squad with jump packs - 5/5 marines

  • Legion Apothecaries - 2/2 marines

Fast Attack

Heavy Support

  • Legion Land Raider MKIIB - 2/2 Land Raiders

  • Legion Land Raider Proteus 1/1 Land Raiders

  • Legion Deimos pattern Predator - 1/1 Predatos

  • Legion Legacy Predator - 2/2 Predators

  • Legion MK3 Autocannon Heavy support squad - 5/5 marines

  • Legion MK4 Lascannon Heavy support squad - 5/5 marines

  • Legion MK4 Heavy Bolter Heavy support squad - 5/5 marines

Lords of War


  • Legion Mortis Warhound Titan

  • Legion Mortis Thallax Cohort - 9/9 Thallax

  • House Devine Knight Paladin - 3/3 Knights

  • House Devine Knight Errant - 1/1 Knights

:: Pictures

I will add some better pics of individual units soon, but here is the complete army, so you get the idea smile.png


This is the 'entire' army. Took 2 Realm of Battle boards to fit everything on it, with little room to spare. The Warhound Titan is painted up in Legio Mortis colours, whom were allied to the Luna Wolves, and will eventually be done dry.png


The left plate contains most power armour. In the back you can see 2 converted preds and the Forge World Deimos one. The assault marines sport the old RT backpacks, which are OOP now. I've got 10 MK2 assault marines ready to get painted up.


Abaddon and 20 Terminators. As you can see the bikes and the right land Raider are far from finished, as are the terminators in the back... but we are getting there... Also not the arm-less Contemptor hiding in the back, which will also be finished soon...ish...


Close-up of the assault marines. A 10-man squad with 2 flamers a fist and a melta bomb. There models wobble like hell, but were a joy to paint!
On the fist of the sergeant (which is a bit blurry) I started experimenting with NMM.


More NMM on the trims of the MK3 marines. The difference in predators is insane... The pred in the back I finished about 6-7 years ago, the Deimos one is from 2 years ago.


Who doesn't love Contemptors? The right one is still WIP, and forgot his base tongue.png


I was bored and converted myself some MK1 marines... There be a lot of greenstuff underneith the paint blink.png The still need weathering though...
Funny how the MK4 marines run around with a banner with a MK4 marine on it.... ah well!


Loken and some other marines. I'll upload some better pics of Loken soon, as this one does him very little justics. The captain and banner bearer are still WIP (starting to see a pattern here?) I got rid of most of the SoH stuff on his armour and replaced it with Luna Wolves iconography.


Yes! Scimitar jetbikes!! How AWESOME are these models? I've got these laying on the painting table atm, they are a joy to paint!


Every marine force needs bikes... lots of bikes! I've got some of the new FW bikes and a load of older GW ones... These are still waiting to get finished, but I'm getting there... eventually!


Abby and his terminators! I did some minor conversions to Abby so I can use him in regular 40K. He now sports 2 sets of claws and added the Luna Wolves icons. Note that the terminators on the left are the official FW ones, though the ones on the right are home-brewn... I converted them with superglue, lots of greenstuff and a box of cornflakes tongue.png The did the trick until FW proved me wrong...


Who doesn't need some air-support?
The Storm Eagle is almost done, but man... was a censored.gif to assemble!


Warhound Sothis of Legio Mortis! And what an awesome model it is!
In front of the rhino my legacy marines...

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Wow! I was literally scouring the t'interweb for decent Luna Wolves armies and yours is truly great! thumbsup.gif

Loving them! LOVING THEM! woot.gif

....now just add a version of Horus in Luna Wolves armour msn-wink.gif

Also, your Justerian look faaaaaaaaaaaar closer to the original artwork than anything by FW in my opinion, well done! Nice heavy shoulder plates!


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Wow! I was literally scouring the t'interweb for decent Luna Wolves armies and yours is truly great! thumbsup.gif

Loving them! LOVING THEM! woot.gif

....now just add a version of Horus in Luna Wolves armour msn-wink.gif

Also, your Justerian look faaaaaaaaaaaar closer to the original artwork than anything by FW in my opinion, well done! Nice heavy shoulder plates!


Hahaha! Thanx mate :) I'm glad you like 'em!

Right now I'm working on the black armoured Horus, but I'll be getting one in white as well ;)



The armour is still a bit too bright/grey, but darkening it more and more :)

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Everyone thanx for the comments :)


too bad you didn't paint Horus in his White pre Heresy armor to tie in with the army... which is quite stunning by the way!


I just might will :) One day ;)


Just finished a squad of Scimitar jetbikes! You can find the WIP HERE


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