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Grey Knights 7e Codex Rumor


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For the record, I despise the fluff of Crowe and the Purifiers.  I think it is abhorrent to have an order of "more pure than everyone else" within a Chapter of flawless souls.  The bit about them beating neophytes, and making Battle-Brothers that enter their chambers disappear further sours the already bitter fluff.  Much better, in my mind, to just make squads of Veteran Grey Knights within each Brotherhood, who would get the Purifier entry, and make Castellan Crowe simply the chief/most skilled Brotherhood Champion.



I find the Purifiers and Paladin fluff to be odd. On Paladins, if demons where weak enough for one man, even a space marine, EVEN a Grey Knight, to kill with no armor in mellee combat then they would not be much threat, I mean it sounds cool and would be epic but the Paladins would not be even squad size but more like a champion in a command squad if that. Game play wise, if the Paladins where made like there fluff one of them could reasonably kill a bloodthirsty...

That said it is a good dive into special groups inside the Grey Knights, I would not mind a further look into special brotherhoods or specific jobs in the brotherhoods that are not covered.

Purifiers work well as vet for the brotherhoods or as a squad specialized in recovering demonic artifacts to evil/powerful/resilient to destroy.

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to be honest I think that GW are looking to take the cost of each marine back to around the same as our 3rd ed dex where Terminators were 46 pts and Grey Knights were 25 pts then if you wanted a justicar in your power armour squad it was another 25 pts for 1 atk and a power weapon and access to the armoury


this dose kind feel like that but if I can have a Justicar in Artificer Armour and a Master Crafted Force Weapon just like back in the day then add on a 5++ save in cc due to the sanctury pwr then i think i might be ok with that its just my small army of knights in 1500 just got a Lot smaller

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I'm calling it:  the GK Dreadnought is going to be a Librarian Dreadnought, not just Psychic Pilot, but full blown ML-something Librarian style, like the Blood Angels have.



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I think I need to change my sig. It's an old, busted quote from someone on these forums before we got our 5th ed book and to make it worse, it doesn't sound like it's going to even be valid anymore :p

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According to this week's White Dwarf that I picked up it seems like the fluff has been re-imagined a bit:


"The biggest change to the Codex lies in the background section.  While here's still a mysteriousness to the Chapter, it's history is now fully fleshed-out, from its founding during the Horus Heresy to the present day.  The Chapter's fortress monastery on Titan is also more intimately examined, as are its recruitment and training processes, Brotherhoods and Grand Masters...."


There is also a page long article about how the Grey Knights aren't inextricably linked to the Inquisition and are their own masters like a normal Space Marines.  


Even in the battle report it talks about how one Grey Knight squad teleported in and fought to the last man in heroic fashion against a daemonic horde.  


Based on what I've read I have some hopes that the fluff is going back to it's roots to some degree.    

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According to this week's White Dwarf that I picked up it seems like the fluff has been re-imagined a bit:


"The biggest change to the Codex lies in the background section.  While here's still a mysteriousness to the Chapter, it's history is now fully fleshed-out, from its founding during the Horus Heresy to the present day.  The Chapter's fortress monastery on Titan is also more intimately examined, as are its recruitment and training processes, Brotherhoods and Grand Masters...."


There is also a page long article about how the Grey Knights aren't inextricably linked to the Inquisition and are their own masters like a normal Space Marines.  


Even in the battle report it talks about how one Grey Knight squad teleported in and fought to the last man in heroic fashion against a daemonic horde.  


Based on what I've read I have some hopes that the fluff is going back to it's roots to some degree.    

Yes! YES!

It looks like Ward's departure from GW is already having a positive effect on fluff quality! As much as I didn't mind his crunch, the fluff he wrote was some of the most awful stuff I've ever read in science fiction.

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According to this week's White Dwarf that I picked up it seems like the fluff has been re-imagined a bit:


"The biggest change to the Codex lies in the background section.  While here's still a mysteriousness to the Chapter, it's history is now fully fleshed-out, from its founding during the Horus Heresy to the present day.  The Chapter's fortress monastery on Titan is also more intimately examined, as are its recruitment and training processes, Brotherhoods and Grand Masters...."


There is also a page long article about how the Grey Knights aren't inextricably linked to the Inquisition and are their own masters like a normal Space Marines.  


Even in the battle report it talks about how one Grey Knight squad teleported in and fought to the last man in heroic fashion against a daemonic horde.  


Based on what I've read I have some hopes that the fluff is going back to it's roots to some degree.    


Yesss...who needs new models if he can have a detailed description on the history of titan...not.  Don't get me wrong, yes Wards fluff was silly at best, yes I like good fluff too, no I am not happy if new fluff but c/p rules.

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According to this week's White Dwarf that I picked up it seems like the fluff has been re-imagined a bit:


"The biggest change to the Codex lies in the background section.  While here's still a mysteriousness to the Chapter, it's history is now fully fleshed-out, from its founding during the Horus Heresy to the present day.  The Chapter's fortress monastery on Titan is also more intimately examined, as are its recruitment and training processes, Brotherhoods and Grand Masters...."


There is also a page long article about how the Grey Knights aren't inextricably linked to the Inquisition and are their own masters like a normal Space Marines.  


Even in the battle report it talks about how one Grey Knight squad teleported in and fought to the last man in heroic fashion against a daemonic horde.  


Based on what I've read I have some hopes that the fluff is going back to it's roots to some degree.    

Yes! YES!

It looks like Ward's departure from GW is already having a positive effect on fluff quality! As much as I didn't mind his crunch, the fluff he wrote was some of the most awful stuff I've ever read in science fiction.






Yep!  Grey Knights were the first ever marines I bought back in the day and I loved Codex: DaemonHunters.  To return just a bit in that direction would make me a happy panda.


According to this week's White Dwarf that I picked up it seems like the fluff has been re-imagined a bit:


"The biggest change to the Codex lies in the background section.  While here's still a mysteriousness to the Chapter, it's history is now fully fleshed-out, from its founding during the Horus Heresy to the present day.  The Chapter's fortress monastery on Titan is also more intimately examined, as are its recruitment and training processes, Brotherhoods and Grand Masters...."


There is also a page long article about how the Grey Knights aren't inextricably linked to the Inquisition and are their own masters like a normal Space Marines.  


Even in the battle report it talks about how one Grey Knight squad teleported in and fought to the last man in heroic fashion against a daemonic horde.  


Based on what I've read I have some hopes that the fluff is going back to it's roots to some degree.    


Yesss...who needs new models if he can have a detailed description on the history of titan...not.  Don't get me wrong, yes Wards fluff was silly at best, yes I like good fluff too, no I am not happy if new fluff but c/p rules.



I have no insight on the rules really from the White Dwarf...just fluff.  Personally I don't think much will change but we'll see.  At any-rate I felt like 99.999999999% of people complained most about how terrible the fluff was in the last codex so this might be a welcomed change for most. :P

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According to this week's White Dwarf that I picked up it seems like the fluff has been re-imagined a bit:


"The biggest change to the Codex lies in the background section.  While here's still a mysteriousness to the Chapter, it's history is now fully fleshed-out, from its founding during the Horus Heresy to the present day.  The Chapter's fortress monastery on Titan is also more intimately examined, as are its recruitment and training processes, Brotherhoods and Grand Masters...."


There is also a page long article about how the Grey Knights aren't inextricably linked to the Inquisition and are their own masters like a normal Space Marines.  


Even in the battle report it talks about how one Grey Knight squad teleported in and fought to the last man in heroic fashion against a daemonic horde.  


Based on what I've read I have some hopes that the fluff is going back to it's roots to some degree.    

Yes! YES!

It looks like Ward's departure from GW is already having a positive effect on fluff quality! As much as I didn't mind his crunch, the fluff he wrote was some of the most awful stuff I've ever read in science fiction.



Careful with your optimism there.  More fluff doesn't necessarily mean better fluff.  


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment ;)

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I am just hoping that they are competitive, I had just bought a GK army, and was in the middle of painting it, just picked up two dreads and 4 Razorbacks, so really hope they are still playable, needing psy ammo, is gonna be a must, lets hope its already built in.


Hate losing Coatez tho ;-(

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Eh "competitive" was never a term id have used to describe grey knights. Sure they were after the new 5th dex for a bit, but even that didn't last long. They've always been an army for those who want good fluff and amazing models. Really it can't be worse than the daemonhunter dex in terms of competitiveness
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There is also a page long article about how the Grey Knights aren't inextricably linked to the Inquisition and are their own masters like a normal Space Marines.  


Wow, that would be a major retcon.  Not sure yet how I feel about that, but so be it.  Either way, I'm looking forward to an expanded fluff section, and am hoping that the Design Studio tread more cautiously this time.  They need to definitely retcon some of the backstory on Draigo - which was generally poorly received by the entire fan base, as well as the Purifier Order (and Crowe, of course).  If they can fix those things and not do too much major damage to consistency, I'll definitely be a happy camper.



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There is also a page long article about how the Grey Knights aren't inextricably linked to the Inquisition and are their own masters like a normal Space Marines.  


Wow, that would be a major retcon.  Not sure yet how I feel about that, but so be it.  Either way, I'm looking forward to an expanded fluff section, and am hoping that the Design Studio tread more cautiously this time.  They need to definitely retcon some of the backstory on Draigo - which was generally poorly received by the entire fan base, as well as the Purifier Order (and Crowe, of course).  If they can fix those things and not do too much major damage to consistency, I'll definitely be a happy camper.





Definitely agree that it's a major RetCon but the HH novels might be playing a big part in that as well.  That same article says:


"One of the major influences in this Codex is the Horus Heresy novel series.  It's come a long way since the previous Grey Knights Codex came out and, in that time, a lot of the Imperium's history has been fleshed out, including the secret creation of the Grey Knights by Malcador the Sigilite during the last years of the Horus Heresy."


Sooooo...I think that's a big deal honestly and I feel like it marks the first time the design studio has directly said the history/fluff/whatever has been influenced by the novels in a meaningful way.  I think it almost means there might be tie ins for the 30k books as well in the future.


But yes, hope is the first step on the road to disappointment but I still have it.  I love me some Grey Knights and I stopped playing them in 5e because they were so overpowered and cheesy that no one wanted to play against them.  I just hope to have a bit of feel of the old days back so I break out my metal models again and be proud of them without people throwing stuff at me!

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Wow, that would be a major retcon.  Not sure yet how I feel about that, but so be it.  Either way, I'm looking forward to an expanded fluff section, and am hoping that the Design Studio tread more cautiously this time.  They need to definitely retcon some of the backstory on Draigo - which was generally poorly received by the entire fan base, as well as the Purifier Order (and Crowe, of course).  If they can fix those things and not do too much major damage to consistency, I'll definitely be a happy camper.


Eh, it makes more sense than the current 'we're totally part of the Inquisition but not really maybe'. Astartes Chapters are usually independent, for both historical and practical reasons. Draigo isn't getting ret-conned, there was an audio book from Black Library which dealt with his battle against Mortarion. Come on guys, its been 2 years now. Daemon Primarchs have weaknesses that a Grey Knight is trained to exploit. Also, the way they describe the battle in the audio book, it was more that Draigo finished the job that Geronitan was in the middle of doing. Banishment is a ritual that works on everything warp-related, even Greater Daemons. I mean, Angron was banished by a Grey Knight hero on Armageddon, and yet I don't hear a peep out of the usual suspects about that. Magnus was banished once when Rangar threw a magical spear into his eye. Weird double standard, that some choose to only moan about one specific banishment, when there are other very well-known examples of Primarchs getting defeated.

Sooooo...I think that's a big deal honestly and I feel like it marks the first time the design studio has directly said the history/fluff/whatever has been influenced by the novels in a meaningful way.  I think it almost means there might be tie ins for the 30k books as well in the future.


Lol, Black Library is canon, of course its linked. They flesh out tidbits in the codex (see above) all the time with novellas or even full length novels. It will be cool to see them explicitly spell out the founding Grandmasters. 

But yes, hope is the first step on the road to disappointment but I still have it.  I love me some Grey Knights and I stopped playing them in 5e because they were so overpowered and cheesy that no one wanted to play against them.  I just hope to have a bit of feel of the old days back so I break out my metal models again and be proud of them without people throwing stuff at me!


Please. Even when we were brand new in 5th, we were not anywhere near as bad as Chaos Marines. The Purifier MSU build was boring and uninteresting, and if you actually look at tournaments from the day, we didn't actually stomp anywhere near as much as the haters thought. Draigowing was exactly like Nob Bikers from 4th; it had its day in the sun, then people figured out T4 multi-wound still dies to S8+ etc etc. 


You should feel proud putting Knights down, regardless of how powerful their rules are. We're easily the best Marine models GW has ever made (especially the old metal ones), and we play completely differently to most other factions, even other Marine factions. 

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Definitely agree that it's a major RetCon but the HH novels might be playing a big part in that as well. That same article says:


"One of the major influences in this Codex is the Horus Heresy novel series. It's come a long way since the previous Grey Knights Codex came out and, in that time, a lot of the Imperium's history has been fleshed out, including the secret creation of the Grey Knights by Malcador the Sigilite during the last years of the Horus Heresy."


Sooooo...I think that's a big deal honestly and I feel like it marks the first time the design studio has directly said the history/fluff/whatever has been influenced by the novels in a meaningful way. I think it almost means there might be tie ins for the 30k books as well in the future.


Hmm. Yes, indeed. Very interesting. I just hope, like you, that they've done a better job of putting it together this time. Hopefully we can avoid having too many, "Awe come on! Seriously?!" moments.

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I don't know if anyone has run the numbers yet (and if so, I apologize), but if the leaked point values from the glitch in the Space Wolves army builder are accurate, then the list in the White Dwarf comes to 1579 total points:



155 pts

Five Grey Knights

137 pts

Five Grey Knights

137 pts

Ten Grey Knights

254 pts

Five Grey Knight Terminators

191 pts


145 pts


145 pts


215 pts


This means that either the leaked point values are incorrect or that there are 87 points worth of options not listed in the leaked army builder. Psybolt ammo? Something else?

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