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Grey Knights 7e Codex Rumor


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Well, the general direction seems clear: spam termies with psycannons (still get 4 shots, but cheaper) and teleporter NDK. Move everything forward ASAP shooting what you can. CC with the rest. Maybe add a unit of interceptors with incinerators if hordes are a problem... Pure GK will get a bit monotone.

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Well, the general direction seems clear: spam termies with psycannons (still get 4 shots, but cheaper) and teleporter NDK. Move everything forward ASAP shooting what you can. CC with the rest. Maybe add a unit of interceptors with incinerators if hordes are a problem... Pure GK will get a bit monotone.


You don't mean the same way I've been playing my GKs for the last 4+ years? ;)


But that's great right, because now all GK players can focus on pure GKs, with this one viable build.


What a great new dex! :P

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Well, I used to play GKss a lot before 7th ed. Warp Quake was good. Purifier spam was also good. You could play an alpha-strike interceptor-NDK list with cheap henchmen as troops. But now, really, why use PAGK at all?

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Nice on Crowe!  I take it he still buffs enemies that charge you.  Still, IC is a *god send*.


Is there any Army Wide rule to make us better at Deep Striking?

Nope, and the deepstrike bonus is only for the formation that was shown in WD (It is in the codex too).

There's a biiiig formation though (fittingly called a GK Brotherhood) with a pretty awesome benefit. If you take...


1 Grand Master

1 Brother Captain

3 Strike squads

3 Terminator squads

2 Interceptor squads

2 Purgation squads

1 Dreadnought



...you get Rites of Teleportation (as per the other formation) and Psychic Brotherhood (While the GM is alive, all models in the formation harness Warp Charges on a 3+). It's only something viable in bigger games and the specific nature of the force means you've only got three mastery levels' worth of non-Sanctic powers to benefit from it.


NDKs will be the big thing for popping vehicles, but our answer for fliers is still going to be fliers of our own.


EDIT: Psylencer is rng24", S4, AP-, Heavy 6, Force. I wasn't joking about that. Funny how just that one word makes such a huuuuge difference to how we look at the weapon, huh.

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Purifiers can't deepstrike still, neither can Purgs.



Oh well.  I was really hoping they'd change that, but them's the breaks.  At least I can still deploy via Rhino or Stormraven (whenever I eventually buy one).


I'm really glad that I magnetized most of my Special Weapons, so I can easily swap between Psycannon, and Incinerators.  Now I just need to snip the Psilencers off of the sprues and slap magnets in them, for if I'm ever playing against Nids or Daemons that the ranged Force ability would really be worthwhile.


What Formations are in the book?  We already have the details on the Nemesis Strike Force Detachment, which is nice.




Oh, and thanks for doing this Brother Brovius.

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Have Stormravens been moved to Heavy Support?

Why should they?


I ask because you now have a carbon copy of the vanilla ones which just happen to reside in Heavy Support.

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Oh, I only just noticed this. Greatsword is a Specialist Weapon that's master-crafted. Looks like it's not worth the upgrade anymore. The vanilla pair of Powerfists (Yes, they retconned Nemesis Doomfists!!) are a better option.

Only formations are the WD-spoiled one and the Brotherhood I posted earlier (which is strikeforce but better, with restrictions).


The Aegis is as per the FAQ, all GKs have Purity of Spirit (Which is just the rule that means GKs only Perils by rolling two or more 6's when using Sanctic powers unless otherwise stated (I think this means they'd still Perils if they failed to cast Vortex of Doom).

TGS is the warlord chart, basically. Warlord traits are:

1) Daemon-slayer- Warlord gains Hatred: Daemons and when casting Banishment, harnesses Warp Charges on a 2+

2) Hammer of Riteousness- Warlord and unit have Hammer of Wrath

3) Unyielding Anvil- Warlord and GKs within 12" have Stubborn

4) First to the Fray- A nod to poor Mordrak, Warlord and unit automatically arrive first turn when Deep Striking and can reroll the scatter

5) Perfect Timing- Warlord and unit gain Counterattack

6) Lore Master- Warlord knows one more psychic power than normal, must be generated from Sanctic

Yeah, thank you Brovius for your efforts.


 Psilencer is S3 ??? 



And no psiammo is true then...?


Sorry, typo. Psylencer is still S4. Storm Raven is still Fast Attack.

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I guess you could attach a BC or GM to a Terminator squad, give them Cuirass of Sacrifice (FnP, IWND) and play pretend? tongue.png
Both BCs and GWs are 3-wounds, it's just the mastery level and attack difference, just in case you missed it earlier.

I skipped past this earlier when I was talking about the BHC, but Heroic Sacrifice is back in a lesser form. It's not tied to a psychic test but it's just a single attack, rolling to hit and wound normally. No instagibbing EW models, sadly. Herald of Titan is also gone. I also missed where Crowe has The Perfect Warrior too, so he does have to always issue/accept challenges (he's a challenge king anyway, since he gets AP2 from Smash and rerollable saves from Blade Parry).

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Yeah, that change to the Greatsword is funny.  It's a Specialist Weapon, but so are Power Fists, so you still get the extra Attack for an off-hand weapon, and it's Master-crafted - so basically you're paying +10 points (IIRC) for Master-crafted, which is the exact same as all other Characters can do in the army list. 




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Thanks Brovius, info much appreciated. The NFW weapons are a shame, the halberd probably did need nerfing, but I was expecting it to be + I on the charge, +1 strength isn't great when most units can cast hammerhand. The new psilencer is pretty nice piece of kit (although my nid playing friend will make sad faces at me for using them), could you possibly share the Dreadknight's version?


GMs are W3? Damn, was rather hoping for a 4th wound there. Ah well.


Also using the sword would still be AP2 I believe because NDKs have Smash.

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That means the Great Sword is STR 6 AP3?

Greatsword is still x2 S and AP2, although the benefit would be that it's not Unwieldy (since the NDK has two Powerfists, not DCCW-equivalents now).  I did not put enough thought into that haha. For vehicle hunting, leaving it with the fists is fine but for squad-hunting the Greatsword is still a good choice.


EDIT: Gatling Psylencer is still Heavy 12, Force. Double the rate of fire, double the chance of IDing stuff ;)

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That means the Great Sword is STR 6 AP3?

Greatsword is still x2 S and AP2, although the benefit would be that it's not Unwieldy (since the NDK has two Powerfists, not DCCW-equivalents now).  I did not put enough thought into that haha. For vehicle hunting, leaving it with the fists is fine but for squad-hunting the Greatsword is still a good choice.



Don't MCs ignore unwieldy anyway?

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The Halberd is still a tremendous deal, though.  I+2 was *awesome* but S+1 for just a 2 point investment is still droolworthy, and you don't have to cast a Psychic Power to have it.  If you do cast Hammerhand, then you're striking w/ S7 attacks now, which can destroy anything but Land Raiders.


I was hoping for more smaller Formations to choose from, though.  Only one Faction-specific Detachment and one Formation is underwhelming since we aren't likely to get a Supplement to expand those options.



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