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JAHminis: "...and now I'm making your silver pants blue."

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hey B&C...


i got the next layers done on the sword arm...

the only bits that are still getting work are the golds, the purity seal parchments, the soft armor at the joints, and the blade...

the blade got a layer of P3 Cygnar Blue Base to define where the glow will be...

the parchments got a layer of P3 Menoth White Highlight, and the gold got cleaned up, after yesterday's heavy shading wash, with the mix of 1-1 P3 Rhulic Gold and Vallejo Air Gold...




i also got the next layers down on the decorations and gear of the armor...

the golds got pure Rhulic...

the metals on the vials got a shading wash of pure undiluted P3 Armor Wash...

the red lights go a layer of pure P3 Skorne Red...

the pouch got a highlight of P3 Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight at a 2-1 ratio...

the vials, hoses, green lights, and data slate screen got a layer of P3 Iosan Green, and the black soft armor and tubes, plus the data slate body and the little box next to the vials, got a highlight of P3 Ironhull Grey...






thanks for looking...




hey B&C...


another update on the body and sword arm...

first up, the body...


the vials and tubes got a layer of P3 Necrotite Green, as did the green lights...

afterwards, I tidied up the vials with P3 Thamar Black, to make it look like the liquid is at an angle...

the red lights got a layer of P3 Khador Red Base...

the gold got a layer of pure Vallejo Air Gold, and the metal bits of the vials got a layer of P3 Cold Steel...

finally, the data slate keys got a layer of P3 Trollblood Highlight...



the parchments on the sword arm got a final highlight of P3 Morrow White, and then some script with Thamar Black...

the gold got a layer of pure VA Gold, and the sword blade got a layer of P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight...

now I'm ready to make it glow...



thanks for looking...




hey B&C...


the main details are done on the body...

the metal pieces on the vials where finished with a fine highlight using Vallejo Air Aluminium...

the vials themselves got a final layer of P3 Necrotite Green and P3 Morrow White at 2-1...

then the reflections are painted with a fine line of Morrow White, and the little bubbles are painted with a dot of P3 Thamar Black, and another dot, over the black, with Morrow White...

the tubes got the same green mix highlight, and then a fine line of pure Morrow White...

any little green lights got a final highlight of Necrotite Green, and then a spot of black on top, finished with a little dot of white...

the red lights were finished with a fine line of P3 Heartfire, and giving the same black/white dot finish...

the keys on the Data Slate got a another layer using a 2-1 mix of P3 Trollblood Highlight and Morrow White, and were finished with a light touch of pure white...

the blood drops get the same treatment as the red lights, a layer of P3 Sanguine Base, a finer layer of P3 Skorne Red, an even finer layer of P3 Khador Red Base, and then a line of Heartfire. Finished with the same black/white spots again...



the sword arm had the golds finished with a fine highlight of the Vallejo Air Aluminium...

the blood drop was painted as above...

then I painted the final rough layer on the sword blade with P3 Arcane Blue. Now I will start to blend up the glow...

this is one of the only times that I use proper blending, instead of layering...



thanks for looking...




thanks, guys:)...


@MrBear: the bases will be standard desert bases...

nothing too crazy, as this guy and Dante are gaming minis...


@Doghouse: the red will be even better as soon as i throw the final highlights on it;)...


thanks for taking the time to comment, everyone...




thanks, Marshal Sampson...


i got started on the bases last night...

the client said desert bases, so there will be a few more rocks, and maybe a couple little bumps here and there...

once painted they will have some dry grass...




thanks for looking...




hey B&C...


so, i took a slight detour to finish up a guy who has been sitting around for six months almost complete...

one more night of work, and then it's back to the Blood Angels...


when i built my last Draigo using Calgar's body, i had Draigo's body left over...

i decided he would make a badass Mordrak, so here is my version...

just a little more work on the freehands, a bit of tidying up, and he will be for sale...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




thanks, guys:)...


@The_Chaplain: i haven't had a chance to get to the Minotaurs mini yet...

i may have to sell the model before i get a chance, because times are hard, and i paint slow;)...


i finished this guy last night...

Grand Master Vorth Mordrak of the Grey Knights...

i'm pretty happy with the way he turned out...

now i just need to take some better pics...








thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...


feel free to get in touch if you are interested in getting your hands on this mini...




hey B&C...


i'm back to the Sanguinary Priest tonight...

i'm ready to get the reds on the backpack up to where the rest of the parts are...

i won't bother with the step-by-step on this part, i'll just blast through the layers instead...

i will do the step-by-step for the engine glow, though...






i've done a bit of an experiment on a different Blood Angels figure I've been working on...

this is the highlight color i'm planning to use for the Sang. Priest, mixing P3 Underbelly Blue into my P3 Khador Red Base for a lilac color...

it will be finished with many glazes of P3 Red Ink to make the highlights look a bit less white...





thanks for looking, and commenting...




hey B&C...


almost got the jump pack up to where the rest of the red is on the Sanguinary Priest...

one more night of work, and i'll be ready to start on the engine glows...







now i just need to get the Blood Chalice sculpted in the Narthecium hand, and i can slap some paint on the last part of the mini that is still bare plastic:)...


thanks for looking...




hey B&C...


a little more work on the jump pack done:)...

the reds are up to the level of the other parts, ready or highlights, and now i'm starting on the details...

the white light housing and scanner should tie in nicely with the Apothecary scheme...

now i just need to paint them;)...







thanks for looking...




bedankt, Voxxel...

just a few more details to go on the jump pack;)...


i started in on the blends for the power sword glow last night, carrying on with the step-by-step...

last time i left off with a layer of pure P3 Arcane Blue...

the next layer was very rough, as i am about to come back and clean everything up...

it is a layer of 1-4 Arcane Blue and P3 Morrow White...

next i cleaned up the dark parts with pure P3 Exile Blue... then i started on blending the fades...

i am working back and forth with layers of Arcane Blue, P3 Cygnar Blue Base and Highlight, and Exile Blue...

one more night of work, and the sword will be done...








thanks for looking, and taking the time to comment...





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