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After a two year battle to resist, I've finally given in and decided to have a go at making two of my most favourite Chapters ever, plus a DIY successor. Why three Sons of Sanguinius? Why indeed, but bear with me, it's a long story laugh.png

When I was a young lad, I had to choose a Chapter from the "proper" First Founding and eventually chose Space Wolves (a friend had Chosen Blood Angels)

When I returned to the hobby in '09, I had decided to start a Blood Angels army, but after a test model, it didn't come out right at all sad.png Dejected, I went over to the DIY side of things and didn't look back.

Until now.

Whilst I'm not a Golden Daemon winner, I'd like to think that my painting has come on quite a bit - I can highlight now (after a fashion) and even managed a very crude example of OSL blink.png Yellow and red are colours I've always had trouble with, but after seeing ADB's topic - The Angels Numinous and his recipe for that awesome red and yellow, I was sorely tempted to have another go. I received the metal Gabriel Seth I won on eBay today as well wub.png so that was the final piece to fall in place.

But why two Canon Chapters and a DIY, I hear you ask? Well, I'd prefer to remain as fluffy as possible (whilst I'd like to win as much as the next player, I much prefer fluffy games happy.png ), so the Flesh Tearers would be the Assault portion of the army (I know that the FT can field Tactical and Dev squads, but it feels...wrong and I've never seen a Dev FT...) and have the Lamenters and Sons of Cruor fill in the gaps. Seth would be the main HQ.

So, to the point of the topic (and indeed there is one...somewhere) - I was wondering if any of you could answer a query or two of mine:

The FT have four Companies. Is the the First (white blood drop) still the same as a conventional first Company, as in they are the ones who use Terminator armour?

The use of Tactical and Dev squads with FT - I've never seen any armies out there with them. Is it a taboo thing to do, or are everyone who plays them just sticking to the fluff?

The Lamenters. Is there an explaination as to why they have fallen to the Black Rage and formed a Death Company (aside from the fact that it would be a dark irony that they should now succumb to it as much as everyone else)

The Codex - is it worth me picking up a (legal) second hand copy to tide me over, or is a newer one close?

Told you it was a long post, but any help, encouragement etc for this project would be greatly appreciated!


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The white blood drop is Third Company, if you want first its a white skull.

Whoops! You're quite right sweat.gif

And id wait on buying a codex, the new one should be late august or early september


Only a few months then? Oooh! I can wait that long...just. laugh.png

Thanks smile.png

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I'd recommend downloading the BA codex as a torrent just so you can become familiar with the units and special rules as they are now.

(Don't tell GeeDub I said that.)

I don't use torrents for various reasons. However, I have taken a look at my local GW's BA Codex a few times. I'm not going to go into building any units for a while (I have an Iron Hand successor to get around to amongst other things), and have Seth to paint first, so I can afford to wait for the new Codex. Just as well as I don't have Seventh Edition yet! laugh.png

I've also read a couple of posts elsewhere speculating on a Flesh Tearers supplement. It would be quite nice if it came along happy.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

I use a Tactical Squad in my Tearers purely for ranged firepower (well mid-ranged given they have a Multi-Melta :lol:) and it's perfectly feasible.

I'll give you my red recipe for Tearers as well - You will need: Mephiston Red, Carroburg Crimson (Baal Red), Nuln Oil (Badab Black) & Cadian Fleshtone (or anything similar).

Black Undercoat

2 thinned (50/50 with water) coats of Meph Red, basically till it's smooth

Mix 2 parts Meph Red with 1 part Fleshtone and apply as edge highlights

Mix Carroburg and Nuln 50/50 and mop the model, use a big brush and go to town.

Job's a goodun, example -


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