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Putting together a Daemon army

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I'm in the process of putting together a daemon army, at the moment the models I currently have are 10 bloodletters, 5 seekers, a herald of slaanesh, a herald of khorne, a bloodthirster and a khorne daemon prince. I'm thinking of putting the bloodthirster and daemon prince to one side as I don't want to many units from one god.


As part of an event at my local store we have to put together and paint 5 units, the first unit I chose is the bloodletters, next I'm thinking of adding a unit of daemonettes so I have units for the heralds to accompany. Next though I'm trying to decide what to do, I fancy having at least a unit of each god so was going to get a unit of tzeentch horrors, then a unit of plague bearers, followed by heralds for both. With the tzeentch herald coming from getting a tzeentch chariot and the nurgle herald being the one that accompanies the nurgle daemon prince from forgeworld.


So I was wondering what you think, should I get bits from each god or perhaps enlarge the squads of bloodletters and daemonettes?

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   First off, congrats on trying out a daemon army. Now, as to your question... let me go about this way: in the previous / first daemon codex, one could mix freely mix units of the differing gods freely with nothing bad really happening. In the current Codex, one  has to roll  on the Warp Storm table every turn, and with 4 of the more common results (5,6,8 and 9), one of the gods interferes  with the minions of his opposite number (Slaanesh <--> Khorne and Nurgle <--> Tzeenzch), and something bad may happen to them on a roll of 6 (as well the opposing player's units). If one mixes units from all 4 Chaos gods, every one of the above results comes into play, and playing with units of only 1-2 gods negates the results of the other 2-3 for you.

   So, with the above in mind, I would suggest, for the time being, expand the units of the gods you have now (Slaanesh and Khorne), picking up an extra box of your favored lesser daemons to have some extra around if you happen to get a "12" on the table (extra unit of lesser daemons) on turn 1.

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