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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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Just Remember, that our Rapiers dont have Shatter Shells anymore as of Book 6. Those cost extra alongside a bunch of new ammo types.


The new entry should the the Astartes Support Quad Launcher or something like that.

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Good evening!


I posted here earlier in my thoughts of I should start a 30k legion. I ended up jumping on the train and VII legion! Decided on a colour scheme and I got myself a BaC box along with a few tanks. After getting advised against breacher I went with veterans and the Pride of the Legion rite of war, but I need some help with the list and would like your thoughts of how I should gear them and add for the last points! Mind that I have the BaC box and the tanks already so I'm a bit limited but other than that I'm up for suggestions! 


So here we go, 3000 pts Imperial Fist 






Praetor [Catapharctii, SS, MC Paragon blade, digital laser]


Prime Medicae [Catapharctii, SS, Soarite power gauntlet]


Librarian [ML2, AA, combi-plasma] - joins the 8 man veteran squad




5 Catapharactii Terminators [ Plasma blaster + Chain fist, 2 x SS + Powerfist, 2 x pair of LC]

Spartan Assault tank [Armour ceramite, Flare shield]


10 Veterans [2 HB, sergeant with AA and PF]


8 Veterans [ Plasma gun, sergeant with AA, PF and Plasma gun]


5 Tactical support [4 melta guns, sergeant with AA]


3 x Rhino [2 x Dozer blade] - for each veterans squad and the tactical




Apothecarium [AA, Augury scaner] - for the 8 man vets 


Contemptor Dreadnought [Multimelta, graviton gun]


Heavy support


Sicrian battle tank [Lascannons]


Lord of War


Fellblade [Armour ceramite, SM crew]




I got plenty of anti-tank, anti-infantry, I do lack anti-air, but with 8 TL-LC shots I should at lest force a jink. I aimed for a heavy-shooty list but want to keep it a bit mobile, not a static gun line. Everything can move at least 6" and still fire basically everything. This list put me around 2800 pts, so what should I fill it up with? Could use a few more upgrades but would still have some spare points :smile.:


I'm thinking of adding one of the following:


A Deredeo for some anti-air and for light/medium tanks, but its kinda static, but I like that model! 


A Sicaran Venator tank destroyer, even more anti-tank, but do I need more? I could swap the tactical squad meltas for plasma?


A Vindicator, adds both more anti-tank and anti-infantry, and can move along the rest.


Reaper weapon batteries? but then I need to stand still with them. 


What do you think I should add ?? And maybe more important, what changes should I do to the list in your opinion?


Thanks for your time and I throw in an image of the first few marines if anyone is interested of the progress :smile.:

Imperial Fist veterans


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When you're looking at anything past 2000pts it always pays to invest in a Sicarian Venator.


Locking down a super heavy worth at least double its points is entirely unique to it and the Valdor, and when you've got a ton of other things to worry about, making 400+ points of your enemy's army kinda worthless is pretty boss.


Even if you aren't facing a super heavy (or once you've killed it ^_^ ) two Str10AP1 ordnance shots will get work done against most anything armored. Flareshielded vehicles a little less so, but still well worth considering.

Edited by Flint13
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When you're looking at anything past 2000pts it always pays to invest in a Sicarian Venator.


Locking down a super heavy worth at least double its points is entirely unique to it and the Valdor, and when you've got a ton of other things to worry about, making 400+ points of your enemy's army kinda worthless is pretty boss.


Even if you aren't facing a super heavy (or once you've killed it :happy.: ) two Str10AP1 ordnance shots will get work done against most anything armored. Flareshielded vehicles a little less so, but still well worth considering.


My Cerberus' debut saw it neuter a Reaver with two laser blasters and a turbo laser destructor :happy.::happy.:

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Use dreadnoughts in pods as more or less your only vehicles as they all have to start in reserves; ie if you have a spartan, its in reserves. Since the RoW has no real reserves manipulation or T1 rolling youre kinda stuck.


Plasma gun Phalanx Warders as troops with Teleport.


Pretty much use all your FA slots for Dreadclaws (unless dedicated) with an exception being made for a single Primaris Lightning.


Vigilators as your extra HQs for cover shenanigans (stealth + shrouded when you deepstrike) for added resilience is nice.


Because of the vehicle in reserves bit, that means any unit that has a dedicated transport is more or less auto-reserved. Which means if you want bodies in the list, theyre footslogging if you want them on the board T1. Not great.


Which goes back to he start of this post: get as much stuff with Drop Pod Assault as possible (dreads in pods and dreadclaws) to havea T1 presence.

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I'm thinking something like




2 Phalanx Warders with plasma and stuff


2 Contemptors with duel melta, fist and Lascannon in pod


Termies DSing


Rapiers, a lot of.


Leviathan in pod


HSS on the board.


Need a way to make things outflank though.

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You could use outriders and jetbikes too since they wouldn't be forced into reserves.


You dont really need to outflank since you have no vehicles that would need to. But, if you do, Scout/Infiltrate confers outflank if held in reserves iirc.

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Beautiful looking marines mate. Lovely stuff.


For me, a vindicator or Rapiers would go down a treat, but the sensible choice of a Sicaran Tank Destroyer would be better realistically.


I assume you're running pride of the legion, which is fine, but I would think about your lack of vets to yield that Vp.


Thanks for the input and the kind words :)


When you're looking at anything past 2000pts it always pays to invest in a Sicarian Venator.


Locking down a super heavy worth at least double its points is entirely unique to it and the Valdor, and when you've got a ton of other things to worry about, making 400+ points of your enemy's army kinda worthless is pretty boss.


Even if you aren't facing a super heavy (or once you've killed it :happy.: ) two Str10AP1 ordnance shots will get work done against most anything armored. Flareshielded vehicles a little less so, but still well worth considering.


That is very true, and then my Fellblade can focus its main gun on infantry! 

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It's hard to make full use of Hammerfall since you want to deepstrike as much as possible to make use of shrouded...but don't have T1 Reserves or Reserves Manipulation...if you take vehicles they automatically get reserved meaning you want a vehicle with speed since, unless you have deepstrike, outflank or have long ranged guns, they ain't doin jack when they're on the board on T2...which means you want to maximize that as much as possible too which further shrinks the list of possible choices.


Sadly, unless you have Scout/Infiltrate and under 10man (5man bulky) squads with access to Land Raiders (to attach Vigilators or get Exploratory Augury Webs hell, even Moritats attached to Destroyers in a LR) you aren't going to be outflanking more than 2 Land Raiders. No other tanks will be able to since they would have no means to get Outflank. If you want to Outflank Tanks, its Head of the Gorgon or bust, pretty much.


So that means, to me at least, you can play Hammerfall one of two ways:

  • Strong Dreadnoughts in Pods Alpha Strike alongside any Dreadclaws you can fit from other Slots to give other units DPA followed by your troops Teleporting onto Objectives (when present) on T2 (Bonus points if Dorn is Present to shift Terminators to Troops)
  • A Beta Strike list where you deploy resilient non-vehicle elements on T1, weather the storm then have as much of your reserves drop in on T2 and punch back as hard as you can.

As discussed above, there is no real way for you to mass outflank anything.


Id run the following, honestly.


+++ Hammerfall 3k (3001pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (3001pts) ++
+ HQ (350pts) +
Alexis Polux (175pts) [Teleportation Transponder]
··Master of the Legion [Hammerfall Strike Force]
Legion Centurion (175pts) [Phosphex Bombs, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Teleportation Transponder, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
··Consul [siege Breaker]
+ Troops (770pts) +
Phalanx Warder Squad (385pts) [Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-vox, 9x Phalanx Warder, 2x Plasma gun, 3x Power Axe, Teleportation Transponder]
··Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
Phalanx Warder Squad (385pts) [Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-vox, 9x Phalanx Warder, 2x Plasma gun, 3x Power Axe, Teleportation Transponder]
··Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
+ Elites (786pts) +
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (240pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]
Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (270pts) [3x Legion Rapier, Phosphex Canister Shot, Shatter Shell]
Legion Terminator Squad (276pts) [2x Chainfist, 3x Combi-Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, Plasma Blaster, 2x Power Fist, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Teleportation Transponder]
··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Power Fist, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
+ Heavy Support (1095pts) +
Legion Heavy Support Squad (350pts) [Flak Missiles, 9x Legion Space Marines, Missile Launchers]
··Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (375pts)
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Cyclonic Melta Lance, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (370pts)
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Phosphex Discharger]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [Loyalist, VII: Imperial Fists]
Edited by Slipstreams
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Phalanx Warder (who youve probably seen post here) regular list is a 3k Stone Gauntlet, you should ask him since hed have the most experience with it.


Since I only have 20 Phalanx Warders I cant really run the RoW since I have no Breachers for compulsory use.


My favorite ever since getting into 30k has been Pride of The Legion with Primarchs Chosen being a Stong Contender after I ran it with my standard list only swapping out Sigismund and a few other things for Dorn and are the ones I've played the most.


The only times Ive really used Stone Gauntlet was in ZM with opponents permission to use Warders as Troops.


I look at Hammerfall and see something with potential that just falls short :/

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Slips I am EXACTLY the same. I am a little sad with Hammerfall as its great for themed games but I can't see it being fun if you get steamrolled fast.


I'm trying to alter my list now to run Pride of the Legion, as I'm a massive fan of Sniper Vets, and I always use Terminators and Polux anyway.


It's just how best to use Sniper Vets as back field support etc.

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