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Plotting a Khornate Fleet


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Hello there!


I've managed to come into possession of three unopened Chaos cruiser kits (which is fantastic because now I can ditch the crappy blobs of clay I used to use). The only problem is I am not 100% sure on what classes to build them as. With only six cruiser hulls, and limits on the amount of batteries and launch bays, I feel kinda restricted, not to mention that ideally the fleet has a Khornate theme to it. 


To that end I'm using the Bezerker fleet rules, from the 2010 compendium, and I'd like to know what you all think of this list:



 - Warmaster











The idea is that the Styx hangs back, launching fighters, and the Acheron and Carnages squadron together to whack people from long range, closing with the Slaughters to finish the enemy fleet off.

Something about it doesn't feel quite right though, it doesn't seem overly Khornate. I usually play Imperials and a little bit of Tau and Eldar, if that helps.



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i suggest magnets, lots of magnets smile.png oh, and a few staples.

drill holes into hull weapon slots, glue in magnets, glue a small piece of staple to the back of each weapon(if you have a dremel with etching tool then embed the staple into a groove or just score one in), paint it all and done, gives you the most flexibility in list building allowing you to try out different ships without confusing your opponent

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