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Getting Swappable Turrets to Stay in Place but Still Mobile

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I've lived overseas for over two years, and now that I'm finally back stateside, I'm finally able to start assembling larger models.


Given that most of us aren't buying those Chapter Bundle one-clicks as we're on a budget, I'm trying to make my Rhino-chassis and Speeders magnetically or just physically swappable, to increase the utility of a single model (Rhinos serving as Razorbacks, Tempests swapping to Typhoons, etc). For the most part, despite being a newb in the conversion side of the hobby, I'm doing alright, but when it comes down to tanks like the Predators and fortifications like the Firestorm Redoubt, I'm noticing that the weapon mounts or turret rings have too much play and don't fit snuggly, so that an accidental bump knocks a weapon or turret loose, and dampens the experience. 


I was wondering if anyone's had a similar experience and come up with a solution. For the tank turrets, I've been considering building out a cross-member with sprue and attaching magnets to hold down the turrets, but for the Firestorm guns and the Aegis AA gun turret mount, that seems like a lot of extra effort, and that there should be an easier way. 


Anybody got any ideas? 

Ultramarini, I plan on using rare earth magnets for some of these efforts, but others almost ask for a gasket type solution. The Firestorm Redoubt, for instance: the guns just don't fit snuggly enough. 


NovemberIX, I hadn't looked at blue tac as a semi- to fully permanent solution, as I've little experience with it and thought it was just for temporary work. Am I wrong there?

You should be able to make a bayonet fitting for the turrets: file two notches in the opening in the roof plate, 180° apart, and glue a piece of sprue to the bottom of the turret so that it fits through the notches — which, of course, need to be big enough to accommodate the sprue. The main difficulty is doing this neatly enough that the turret will fit either way round.


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