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Great Unclean Ones and Ku'Gath

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I would like to have one of these for my Daemon allies but I would like to know the best strategy to use them, and how could Ku'Gath the Plaguefather be useful? I do like his Necrotic Missiles but only being ML 1 kind of sucks, but for GUO's I could see me using one to sit back in my deployment zone or slowly moving up summoning Plaguebearers and/or Nurglings to take objectives.

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Great Unclean One with ML3 Biomancy is the way to go; nuts to Daemonology. Give that to a herald, and then also give him the portalglyph so that they can't be stopped. 


Kugath looks cool, but looks are deceiving. The GUO is far better.

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I like Ku'gath, but as mentioned, you'll want decent psychic powers, especially biomancy...


Iron Arm will make a GUO into a nightmare for anyone not packing loads of poisoned attacks.

Endurance and Warp Speed are also very useful.

Enfeeble is handy, especially combined with Template/Blast weapons.

Even the Witchfire powers have their uses.


Ku'gath being only ML1 and not having access to Rewards hurts him.  You can make a better GUO for the same points.

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I feel like GUO are really good for slowly advancing on a point now since they can score, and don't have that stupid requirement of not being able to assault for a turn like flying DP. I keep seeing batreps of DP not getting an assault off until like t3 or t4. Might as well take a GUO instead, and its probably more survivable?

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GUO is too expensive to just camp an objective in your own deployment, especially considering its threat potential. Ofc if the opponent is playing an assault heavy army you may want to camp your deployment is some scenarios (but lets be honest how many assault armies do you run into in 6th and 7th edition :P )


If you want to camp an objective just throw something cheap with super trooper on it ie nurgling, horrors

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