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DP with wings


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I would say that they got changed rather than nerfed :

- They can't assault the turn they change flight mode, so you have to go gliding, wait a turn, then charge

- Smash is now only ever one S10 AP2 attack

- But, now you only ever take only one grounding test based on wounds (rather than hits) at the end of the shooting phase (so no more downing you, then unloading the rest of the army on you)

- However, Smash also makes every close combat attacks AP2 regardless if you Smash or not


In addition, all Flying Monstruous Creatures get Jink (you declare if you jink before rolls to hit are made, and you get a 4+ cover save) for both flight modes so far (correct me if I'm wrong). You can only shoot snap shots if you declare that you will jink, but you can charge as normal.


To me that is pretty solid...


Flying Daemon Prince of Nurgle with a 2+ cover save thanks to shrouded ? Not bad...

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Fmc make good shooting platforms, but both chaos demons and CSM lack any decent shooting that isn't witchfire based. Fmc assault is a tough prospect, nurgle dp rolling on biomancy and gliding whilst jinking for 2+ cover could work, but it's not great. I played a circus for most of 6th competitively, I have boxed the army and switched to guard after test games, I'm not the only one, the guy who runs the 40kdemons blog has dropped his circus too.


Flying circuses aren't dead, nids still have a viable one cos brainleech devourers rock, but demons and CSM I think are better directing their list in other ways.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nurgle FMCs have Jink regardless of mode they are in. So, Just move 12" across the board, jink for a 2+ cover, and then charge to your hearts content?

But they still can't sweeping advance, and there's so much ignores cover a 2+ cover save is not that great.

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