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BFG Grey Knight Question


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So starting to get into bfg (I know, waaaay late) and had a question regarding grey knights. As far as I can tell, the 2010 update is their most recent and legal rules. My plan was to make a pure gk fleet, but after looking at it I'm a little confused.


Are greyknights allowed to take sm escorts with the greyknight rules? I know if I take an inquisitor I can ally some in and just call them greyknights, but then they wouldnt count towards a greyknight battle barge (as far as I can tell and wouldn't get their special rules. My plan was to make a fleet with 1 bb, 2 gk cruisers and a inquisition cruiser, plus escorts, but not sure if this would fill the mandatory points for a battle barge.



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So, first you choose your fleet list: 


- Imperial Navy or Space Marines


Then you choose the specific list for what race you chose:


- Battlefleet Gothic, Battlefleet Armageddon, Battlefleet Bakka, or Adeptus Mechanicus for IN

- Crusade Fleet or Dominion Fleet for SM


Then you choose what Inquisitorial elements you're taking:


- Inquisitor Lord embarked on a Blackship or Inquisitorial Cruiser (if present), or the most expensive ship otherwise.

- An IN fleet can take up to 1 of each of the ship types.

- A SM fleet can take as many GK Strike Cruisers as they like.


So in your example, you have:


[515] GK Battlebarge - Lord Inquisitor

[165] GK Strike Cruiser

[165] GK Strike Cruiser

[270] Inquisitorial Cruiser

[assorted] Space Marine Escorts


The rules for the BB specifically state that you need 1000 points of GK Strike Cruisers and Inquisitorial vessels before you can take one. Escorts are not Inquisitorial ships, and as such do not count. 


This means, at a minimum, you need 5 GK Strike Cruisers and 1 Inquisitorial Cruiser to be able to take a Battlebarge. This also means, at a minimum, to be able to field a GK Battlebarge, you need to be playing a game of 1610 points. Or 7 Strike Cruisers, BB, and Inquisitor Lord for 1670 points if you want pure GK.


It would be far easier to take a standard IN or SM fleet, then include the Inquisitorial Cruiser and two GK Strike Cruisers as just additional ships.

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Thanks, between your post and looking over the various rules I think I got it straightened out. New plan is:


Black ship

Inq cruiser + lance

Gk sc x2

Ordo malleus inquisitor


Battle barge

5x gladius

3x hunter

3x nova


This is 2000, but doesn't work if the inquisitor doesn't count towards my battle barge pre req, does it? If not I find it kinda hard to fit one in a list without just spamming cruisers

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Correct. The only way to get a GK Battlebarge is to take 5 GK Strike Cruisers and an Inquisitorial Cruiser or 7 GK Strike Cruisers, because Black Ships do not count for or against any limits. As well, the Inquisitor doesn't count for the points either, which means you only have 600 points out of the 1000 you need.

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