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Model Alternatives for Fleshhounds


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Can I ever! Here are two recommendations that I have personally used.


First is the Puppetswar Barghests, which come in a pack of either 5 for €25 or 15 for €60:



These are amazing sculpts, but are limited to only three poses, and the casting (at least in my batch) is a little average. Just beware that you'll need to buy bases separately. Once they're cleaned up, though, they look absolutely fantastic.


My second suggestion is Heresy Miniatures' Hellhounds, which currently cost £4 each if you go with a random selection of poses:



These are fun sculpts. I don't think they're quite as good as the Barghests, but they still have plenty of character. They're a bit smaller than GW hounds, but certainly still work. Only four different poses available, and, being metal, they can be a pain to assemble.


I've purchased plenty of each of these (20 Barghests, 32 Hell Hounds) and can't recommend them strongly enough.

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I also use Chaos hounds as me Flesh Hounds, and I use an Avatars of War Netherhound as my Karanak.  He fits in quite well, as they have a very similar aesthetic.  One thing that's problematic about him is that there are some very large gaps, and the feet of often bent at such an angle you need to have his hind legs standing on a rock or some other raised part of the base.  However, if you do this, it helps it look more imposing anyways....



A pic of him from the AoW site:



And a pic from google showing the bend in the feet:


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