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Daemons as Allies

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Yes.  They are your allied detachment.  Your primary detachment will be the detachment with your warlord, 1HQ, and 2 troops minimum (or other if using a dataslate).

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Raeven is right,


only if Daemons are your primary detachements does the Warp cares about you.


Also note as it is with the current Faq you can take 4 Heralds for one HQ slot in your allied detachement^^ For more summoning goodies.

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From my experience while the warpstorm table can really jack you up, if you run mono god the odds are in your favor of it being beneficial. One of my favorite moments was fighting GK with Coteaz HQ. I went first and got the destroy enemy psyker roll while his terminators were still in reserves. It was so glorious. Even though I still lost, it felt like a win to see his face.

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   Unless it occurred in the Early / Rogue Trader period of the game, you don't have to worry about the gods' minions slaying each other on the table top. Taunting each other maybe, but out right turning on each other in game no. Though, as is mentioned in other threads, as well as above, if you should decide to expand your allies to a full fledge army of its own,  the Warp Storm Table will not be as friendly when you go beyond mono-god.

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   Unless it occurred in the Early / Rogue Trader period of the game, you don't have to worry about the gods' minions slaying each other on the table top. Taunting each other maybe, but out right turning on each other in game no. Though, as is mentioned in other threads, as well as above, if you should decide to expand your allies to a full fledge army of its own,  the Warp Storm Table will not be as friendly when you go beyond mono-god.

That's kind of what is worrying me, I have some Khorne, I have some Slaanesh, I wanna get some nurgle next, I want a bit of each, because for the most part I'll be using them to help out my Word Bearers as either allies or daemons I can summon, but I probably will want to expand them into a fully fledged force eventually.


I kind of like sturdy forces that can take punishment, so I'm leaning towards nurgle. I tried my Khorne bloodletters and herald the other day and whilst they chopped up some dark eldar, they got shot to pieces very easily.

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You will find you will get shot to pieces very easily. The trick is getting across the board with minimal causalities, because as soon as you make it into close combat it's game over for the opponent. That's why I like Slaanesh, the extra 3" in the run move can get you into cover and across the board quicker. 

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