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Knights of House Cydonia, Taghmata Omnissiah and Skitarii

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A different entry into my forces today, but an essential part of many an Explorator expedition... a servent of the Ordo Xenos and the Deathwatch!


It's been a looooong time since i painted up a space marine, but i'd wanted this guy since i first saw it, but didn't want to get the whole tank etc so when he was released with the Deathwatch sprue for a great price i leapt for it.


This Chaplain will be sure to figure into the Blackstone VII campaign, and will likely also get used in the Deathwatch RPG game i run too.
I haven't done writing on all the scrills for now, as i have a lot of other projects to get onto so will likely return to this figure for that at some later stage.


I wanted to keep the lovely bone bedecked shoulder guard so this Chaplain is at present without any chapter identifying iconography at all.. maybe at some point i might add something to a shin but then i might just have this a Blackshield who has become a Deathwatch chaplain...

Next to paint i might stick with painting black.. i have a Commissar, an Arbite and two Inquisitors on my painting table after all.

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Another of the Emperor's representatives on the battlefield, the Commissar.


When one recruit complained of the discomfort of wearing their gas masks during chem-warfare drills Commissar Falco decided to wear his in all but the most exceptional of circumstances. To the point where messages and formal dinners often fail to recognise their own commander. Many say he even sleeps wearing it, and that may well be true.


In keeping with this attitude the Commissar wields a simple well maintained relic lasgun as his main sidearm, preaching it as the Imperium's greatest most reliable and efficient weapon, the crushing surface of the hammer the Emperor weilds to smite his foes.


He does carry a bolt-pistol also, but other than the occasional close-quarters action it is usually reserved for delivering the Emperor's grace to the wounded.

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While i have a small number of 1st ed guard the style (and scale) of those vary a ton, i'm not sure how many of those can mix in with the new, certainly not the old plastics so i think the most of my AM will be new Cadians, though if i had the cash i'd love to go with death corp of krieg and steel legion, and i will try to find a way to add some in. I'll want some AM that are raised from Mechanicus held worlds as part of the Imperial tithe, so might end up with a few mechanicus embellishments (perhaps red hoods for officers and vehicle crew for example, perhaps death korp or steel legion officers in red greatcoats?). It will be a force that has had to struggle with Genestealer infestation from the world under the influence of St Hoagland and protection of New Ares that has a genestealer infestation on it, so i'll make sure some units can be swapped between each faction with some magnetised emblems and heads, though as per forum rules i won't be showing the xenos here.

As for what units, well i'm still thinking on that. My finances will mostly be focused on Mechanicus/Mechanicum still so i'm thinking of just a small skirmish force that will suit narrative games, and then i'll expand on it from there.

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I have some pictures of something much less finished but actually one of the very first pieces of this whole project. Some years back a friend started an Astra army and didn't want the sentinel that came in the deal he bought and after i mentioned how much i liked the design gave it to me. Being unsure what options i wanted i decided to use it as a test-bed for magnetising, to push my skills. I planned to use it in a converted mechanicus kill team and also in a converted genestealer cult one long before both armies became available. Now seems as good a time as any as to show where it got to, before i get onto working on it some more.


Don't worry that barrel will get drilled eventually, and the mold lines scraped.


The waist is magnetised allowing some posing, chainblade is magnetised, smoke launcher too, the front panel is and the box on the side. I had thought to magnetise the scroll on the side but i decided that piece was too thin at the time.


The pilots head is also magnetised, a dark-angel head of course.


Both armoured tops are magnetised options. I paused on this where i was planning out ways to make the roll-cage magnetised, though i still don't know if the plans might work.

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If you go with the new (10+ years old) cadians you could consider a nod to the Old School plastic guard of our youth and give them grey fatigues with beige ankle leggings and then red armour as a nod to your mechanicum roots.


Really like how you've used the dark angels robed head on the sentinel pilot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another non-mechanicus figure (or figures in this case) as i go through the loyal agents of the Imperium that are part of the Blackstone VII campaign and will show up from time to time in other narrative games. Not very good photos as usual, i will have to get around to getting a decent camera for miniature pics.

This time an enforcer of the Adeptus Arbites with Cyber-Mastiff, an event-only Forgeworld figure i picked up some years ago and was itching for an excuse to paint and use.


Tricky to paint to start off with, with all the undercuts on the gorgeous sculpt. I can see why this was event-only as the mold would have worn out fast, th0ough i have no idea why Forgeworld haven't done more.


The cyber mastiff is a superb sculpt, an awkward seeming but natural and lifelike pose with the legs reminding me very much of how our old and huge Rhodesian Ridgeback moved (he weighed 5 kilos more than i did! His wagging tail left bruises, he wasn't much smaller than this.) It's very different from the Necromunda version which appears all mechanical while this has a lot of skin put back over metal making you wonder if that's all the organic material left.


The end result especially with these sector imperialis bases has been well worth the wait. And i'm very glad i based them individually but on matching bases whereas the Forgeworld intention was for them to share a large base. This way they'll play better for games like Necromunda but they keep the look of connection and interaction as they hunt for the clues to apprehend... well whatever miscreants cross their attention.

Next up will likely be the first of my inquisitors though i also have more skitarii at various stages.

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  • 1 month later...

Been ages since i last posted, but i've kept busy.

First up i got around finally to finishing the base of my arch-Heretek the Anti-Hoagland


Just a little slice of diamondplate and some small slate but it does the job.

Speaking of basing, this following pic shows a sector imperialis base with a small tyranid outgrowth snipped from a genestealer's tab plus some nurgles rot paint...


It's Forgeworld's Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Solomon Lok.

While purging Xenos is his main priority sometimes Hereteks especially of the Biologis dabble in areas of xenobiology that bring them to his attention.


While i have still more characters to work on i've been also working on more terrain and Skitarii with a void-shield-generator in sub-assemblies and undercoated, a Promethium Relay Pipe set in the same state and I'm posting this while taking a rest from assembling a Haemotrope Reactor. Also getting a spray of black undercoat at the same time was some sub-assemblies of an Onager Dunecrawler and more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just took a few pics before hitting some parts with spray undercoat to try and show one of the techniques i use when magnetising.


What i've done is carefully measured off bits of sprue, drilled a hole and superglue in the magnet then plastic-glued the strut into place.


While i am at it here's some ammo-boxes i did while working on other things.





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I'd been dreading removing the skitarii from their bases to rebase them onto sector imperialis bases, having glued them down with plastic glue and with so many fragile components. Today i started on the Rangers.. so far the only casualty was the Alpha's base which i took to with the clippers, everything else came off with a great deal of care (and a couple of 6+ quick reflexes saves to avoid stabbing myself when feet came free!)


Then onto the bases they go



You'll notice i added some mesh to one base to help tie these in with my other bases and the bases the Arquebus rangers will have. I may add some small shale bits to some of these if they need more to tie them together.


And there's still touching up and decals for the units markings still to go as well as trying to get the oval sniper bases decorated at least vaguely to match.

In other news my 1st Onager is getting the scuffs painted on


And finally i wasn't content with my techpriests face, the stylised skull was too subtle. So i went in with bone.


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Now the tough bit, getting the Transuranic Arquebus sniper bases done.


I went with some of the old astrogranite rather than small slate on the middle one to more match up with the plastic bases. Once the bases are painted and the rangers on them i may go back and add some little scatter of the small slate as further building rubble and to connect with the more slate-dominated bases of my Mechanicum and Knight.


Trying to get the oval of plasticard even close to smooth with the base was a nightmare and it's not that good, but it's serviceable and was always planned to have rust patches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I received a very awesome and thoughtful present this Christmas.
Knowing how big my to-paint pile is currently, and my love of having accessories, my sweetheart got me the perfect christmas present.


I literally squealed in surprise and joy when i opened it :biggrin.:


The amount of hunting involved in getting this (as far as i'm aware it's a Warhammer World and Event exclusive) has me also very very impressed. And of the Mechanicus/Mechanicum mugs that have been made she also got the one i liked the most by far too.

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While getting some pics of the re-based rangers i managed to get a few much better pics of my Techpriest.



Note i painted in some scratches from their spider-claw feet. Still need to neaten up the base edges though.

So as to getting the bases to fit in with the Sector Imperialis bases..


You may note one of the normal rangers bases is also my diamondplate and mesh bases, in an attempt for more gradation.






So there we go, that's where the basing is at.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently doing decals on the rangers, working on the 1st Onager and of course have the Triumvirate of the Imperium and fall of Cadia pre-ordered through my local gamestore. Pity i won't get one of the nice art cards i see GW is handing out through the local store though, with any luck unwanted ones will show on ebay.

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I thought it a good idea to show my WIP decal stages, to cover things for anyone ambitious enough to make their own forgeworld/knight house out of layered decals like i have done.

First i get the cog down over a layer of dry 'ardcoat using microset, having got fairly confidant with decals now i put the unit number down in the same layer as the cog, which you shouldn't do when starting out as it's easy to lift off the first decal while moving the 2nd into position.


I position the decals mostly by eye (partly needed as the coats are in various shapes due to swish of movement) but i also use the span of the tweezers i use as a rough quick measuring tool.

Then when it's set and dry i hit the decals with lots and lots of coats of microsol to melt them down nice and flat, giving lots of time (1/2 hour to an hour, not sure what the minimum time would be so i play it very safe) between dabs of microsol for it to do it's full effect and settle down again.

Then it's another thin sealing layer of 'ardcoat.

Once that's all dry i go in with a little bit of my basecoat red to 'erase' the bottom denticle (tooth) of the cog and ring to either side, so it doesn't show through the next layer's eyes.


Finally i put the skull on, again using microset, which is faster and easier as i line it's cheekbones up with the bottom remaining denticles of the cog. Then when it's dry it's lots more doses of microsol, sealed with a thin layer of 'ardcoat and then multiple thin layers of Lahmian medium to de-gloss.

Because my forgeworld insignia has a lot of height on the coat of the model i had to deal with it likely showing up partly on the coat folding over itself. This was far from easy, with me trying to slice the decal while trying to hold it in position before it set. Hopefully though i now know exactly where the cut should be so the next two squads should be much easier.


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While de-glossing the rangers work continues on the Onager, the legs section is almost done, though i have to decide on whether all the legs will have their sand/rubble shoes down or have a mixture of some down and some raised depending on what each foot will be treading on, which will largely be determined by what i want to put on the base. I've also started on the bases for the next unit to be rebased onto mostly sector imperialis bases, one of the two Vanguard units. Added to the mountain of plastic on my to-do pile is the Triumvirate of the Imperium, because of course i wasn't going to miss out on Cawl and i want Grayfax, Celestine etc too. I also got in metal the female Inquisitor with plasma pistol and a steel legion HQ, with the skull gas-mask, to lead my eventual small guard component.

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After many coats of Lahmian medium as i chase shiny patches till they are gone, other than neatening up the black base edges i think i'm calling the Rangers now done.


The yellow skull is thanks to the large-sheet GW direct-order decals.



The Great Work continues.

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Thanks Jeff!
No i haven't started him yet, as i have too many half-built things already underway that need basecoating and washing before finishing assembly i'm trying to stay focused on (well as best i can), once i get the 1st Onager, Void Shield and Haemotropes done, as well as the Vanguard re-based up and decals done, it'll be a tough struggle between my 3 unbuilt Dragoons, Cawl and the many units i have and haven't built one of yet (Kastellans, Kataphrons, Sicarians... a lot of plastic..).

There's a good chance Cawl may win out (or even shunt a started piece down the schedule), but there's also the knights too if i sort out my big hurdle... the biggest delay is i need to order one of the heads and something else from Forgeworld and the hurdle is i have to decide which head/face to put on which knights.

The Styrix will get it's standard resin head, i want to use the half-skull plastic faceplate on one (i had been planning the Warden), i'm contemplating leaving one faceplate free in standard plastic head (i had been planning that for the crusader, to keep all the targeting optics unobstructed), i had been thinking that The Betrayed (the Errant) might have a half-armour faceplate of the same stylised skull design as my first and the half-skull but the other half sliced off to keep 'one eye seeing clear and unblinking, the other armoured for close-in fighting' and then there's this i must buy as soon as my bills are sorted:


And the warden i was thinking of making a higher rank than the others. But which do i shift out for the forgeworld head and what shuffling i do i am just not yet sure. I thought maaaaybe the warden should get the resin head and then maybe put the half-skull on the Betrayed or the Crusader.

Feel free to share any thoughts or ideas on that please.

Thanks for the warning on Cawl. I'd already assumed he'd be tricky but sounds like he's even more fragile than i'd thought.

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I see that resin head as a solid replacement for the half-skull faceplate, so I agree it should go to the Warden to denote his rank and importance. As for the other plastic one? I dig your reasoning for all the rest, so I'd save the bit for use elsewhere (it's great for kitbashing something). Just my thoughts but I'm sure you've got a handle on it, and the big picture to boot.
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