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Knights of House Cydonia, Taghmata Omnissiah and Skitarii

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One of the pieces I've not shown here yet, is I bought many years ago the anphelion dissection table from forgeworld and I have a partly done dissected termagant on it.


The plan was part of my original idea to have a magos biologis studying tyranid hive mind synapse organs as a narrative objective for my tyranid army, going into a manufactorum ruin along with the specimen containers, then the knights came out and the project took off.


I think the surgeon servitor might go nicely with it too.

So here's where the void shield generator is at currently.





And one of the promethium pipes


Now as for the Magos Biologis dissection table.


Most of the arms (one large, 3 small) are left off to paint the termagant, and of course i have to remove some mold lines on the subject that you may notice.



The sculpting of the internal anatomy is a bit crude, but should suffice. The missing hoof and middle claw of the subjects right side will likely be glued on in a way to help show the limpness of the body.


A better shot of the internal anatomy, note that i've included a dinosaur-like hip bone to show there is some internal bone as well as exoskeleton.


Finally the main prize, the removal from under the forehead-shield-plates of the leech-like Hive Mind Synapse sub-organism.

  • 2 weeks later...

A few pics of my glacial but constant progress as well as some litko counters i got.


I ordered the custom colour counters Litko make for use with Shadow War Armageddon. I was especially wanting pinned and down counters as while it's thematic to lay miniatures onto their sides it's not good for paintjobs and not good for fragile aerials etc.


While my 40k counters i mainly have in fluorescent green i decided on the red outer cog and varied the inner symbols colour depending on being good, not-good and bad. I'll likely order a second set in yellow of out-of-ammo to represent the first failed ammo roll for each troop (Skitarii have the advantage of each fighter ignoring their first failed ammo roll) to better keep track of things.


I also got a set of 32mm overwatch counters, i'll likely need to get some 40mm ones too for my Arquebus.


I'm magnetising the backpacks of rangers who can take red-dot lasers, represented by servo skulls. The heads are also magnetised, those heads with flesh showing will be the fresh-forged, those with bionic eyes will have photon visors and the big external lenses on the sides of their heads will likely be telescopic sights, which i'll further differentiate with colour.


As we all are impacted by the big 8th edition events i'm also considering the narrative for the worlds under the control/influence of Forgeworld St Hoagland and the Knight houses of New Ares, i'm forming up ideas but will have to adjust them once i have read the details on all the new lore....

  • 2 weeks later...

So some progress on my Shadow War Armageddon Skitarii team...


I was pondering what to do with the wings so there wasn't too much an overload of gold or steel while still fitting in with my scheme...



The heads and backpacks on these are magnetised, the head showing bare skin represents a fresh-forged skitarius, The green bionic eye on the Arquebus represents a Photon Visor while the big lens on the side of the head represents a telescopic sight. The servo skulls with red eyes as mentioned before are red-dot laser sights (the one currently on the Alpha is purely decorative, the other for the alpha with the red-dot sight is as yet unpainted).


Other than decals these are pretty much done, though i've still a lot more of the team (and options for these)  to make.

I got the new objectives set. Looking at the specimen tank i'm thinking the forgeworld tanks will fit better inside the Styrix torso with less cutting.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well that's delightful, i hop on to share some more pics only to find photobucket have changed their system and want a bizarrely large amount of money for what was free a few days ago.

Not sure what to do about that.

They aren't broken, it's just photobucket that has changed its 3rd party hosting policies over night. Now you need to pay a couple of hundred $$$ if you want that ability. I guess this means you'll either have to pay up, or start hosting your pics elsewhere.

Yeah I'll have to find another hosting site and upload all the images to it and go back and edit every image post in the thread, because I don't have the kind of money they want.


Any recommendations for a better site to use?

Yeah I'll have to find another hosting site and upload all the images to it and go back and edit every image post in the thread, because I don't have the kind of money they want.


Any recommendations for a better site to use?

I've used imgur.com with good results.

  • 2 months later...

Collectors Edition Codex ordered along with datacards, audiobook Eye of Night and novel Kingsblade.

Meanwhile the preview has a nice artwork with some interesting things in the upper corners. Presumably this is the artists own embellishments as we've had no indication of new units any time soon, but i'd love to see these as actual miniatures.



  • 2 weeks later...

So my collectors edition codex arrived. And the art is very pretty. I notice the floating techpriest picture has a second floating behind it to it's right (if this isn't already a model under development it really should be!), and the Ruststalker on the bottom right has actually sliced right through the Genestealers head, but there's bad news...

Heaps of the pages were stuck together on the top and/or bottom edge and while they separated without any effort it's left lines of white, sometimes almost half the page long and often a quarter of it. I've emailed GW about this and we'll see what they say.


They got back to me today and are sending out a new one :)
Great customer service there, GW has really lifted their game in recent years.
Usually i get a collectors edition at first, and use it for reading and gaming at home, and then when my wallet recovers get a standard edition for taking to friends places and stores and such where it risks damage from transport and other people's less gentle hands and high usage wear. In this case with them sending out a new one the first damaged copy will be my general-use codex.

  • 3 months later...

Oh i forgot to mention, the 2nd codex also had the same problem, i decided not to have them send a 3rd as that felt like it'd be getting greedy. So the least flawed is my home copy and most is my carry-copy. Been a while since i posted here, i've been very busy but i have been juggling projects. I'll add some pics and try and restore some old ones when i can.

  • 4 weeks later...

A little of what i've been slowly up to.


The other two special weapons for my Shadow War Armageddon Kill Team, the medical servitor and the Genestealer Head containment tank.


Alas the pic of the chest didn't come out properly, i painted the dome piece on the chest as an oscilloscope flatlined, hopefully because the surgical table is empty rather than the condition of it's previous occupant.


The Genestealer themselves came up nicely, though i'm pondering whether or not to highlight the blue exoskeleton a little more or not. The struts of the clear piece though have been quite the pain to get an even coat on without bits of clear showing through.


The back panel of the containment tank shows that, despite the dismemberment the Genestealer head is still very much alive...


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