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Random Lamenter WIP begins; Updated the boy in yellow

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While working on my Flesh Tearers, I got a hankerin' to paint a Lamenter to try out a metallic yellow I saw in a thread here (apologies that I don't remember whose) and also paint some checker boards.


The theme is "sunt lacrimae rerum", and I'm intending to convey a Lamenter's captain or sargeant at the low point of the chapter, either after being brought to heel after Badab or after discovering that they are not immune to the flaw.


Here's what I've got so far, but I intend to more or less use this pose (torso and legs are the only thing glued thus far):






Here with a slightly different configuration on the base.  I prefer to get the combat shield in there, actually, to get more checker boards and a good sized heart.




At the moment, this is what I intend in the end:




The head will be bowed, and I'm going to sculpt some GS hair hanging down over his face.


The arms are pinned (which is why they're sort of hanging off at odd angles in some pics), and I haven't determined if I want to use a plasma pistol or the serpenta.  I'd use the serpenta just for kicks, since they'll sit in my bitz box doing nothing, but I prefer the plasma pistol, I think.


I intend to make the base a simple dark gravel base with the lone column fragment standing out in white to highlight the yellow.


He does not have a pack, obviously, and I'm intending to do one of the single engined Sanguinary Guard packs.  I'd like to give him wings, but I'm not sure about that.


C&C welcome on the pose, etc., since I'd like to get him into paint soonish.

This could make a pretty sweet display piece, honestly. I get a lot of feeling out of that reflective pose. Even as a gaming piece, it's pretty great. I think wings on the pack might seem too exuberant and at odds with the tone, unless you can make them somehow drooping to add to the feeling of repose, sadness, and reflection. Of course, the wings would be fixed in position in real (fantasy) life so it wouldn't make a lot of sense to do them that way. 

This could make a pretty sweet display piece, honestly. I get a lot of feeling out of that reflective pose. Even as a gaming piece, it's pretty great. I think wings on the pack might seem too exuberant and at odds with the tone, unless you can make them somehow drooping to add to the feeling of repose, sadness, and reflection. Of course, the wings would be fixed in position in real (fantasy) life so it wouldn't make a lot of sense to do them that way. 

Unless the wings are damaged. They also could move to function as active stabilisers and for directional control. And i agree, this pose looks great on a strong emotional level.

An updated, with more random projects, since I haven't had a chance to work anymore on the Lamenter.


Started a bit of terrain:


Base coat on the marble part painted VMC Ivory.  Any idea what color I should wash the recesses to make them pop?  Should I gloss varnish the ivory before washing to make cleanup easier?  The whole thing will be streaked with various colors eventually.  I think the dirt areas are going to be VMA Olive Drab drybrushed with Codex Gray.




And to keep the aquila company, there's this fellow who's ready for verdigris:




And this base is in progress:




To hold this fellow:






Sentinel is ready for paint, which will be an urban camouflage, when I get a chance to do it all in one sitting.  I've got pics of the interior, which I think turned out well, that will be posted later.


Anyone have any suggestions for how to paint the wall segment?  I was thinking doing the main portions as an iron color (since we all know the Imperium loves that most excellent of building materials!) with the inlay panels being a brass color.  I'm OK on the brass, but have no idea how to adequately render the iron.  Black base coat with light drybrushing of Boltgun Metal??


C&C welcome!

A little more progress:

Statue is done, but the flash makes the verdigris look pretty awful (thought this was also my first time using Nihilakh Oxide):



And Sentinel's camo coat is done. The green (VMA Russian Green) isn't as contrasty as I would have liked with the gray (mix of VMA Panzer Dark Gray and Light Gray). Also should have done more black splotches and larger ones overall. Serious pain in the rear to put all those stencils on! Next phase is to wash with Secret Weapon Armor Wash and then do details. Ignore the droopy autocannon...it's not glued yet. tongue.png


Here's one without flash:


Brief Lamenter update (finally):


Base is ready (sloppily so):




Going with the plasma pistol, although I've decided not to go with this right pauldron, since the banner isn't draped correctly and it looks too bulky overall.




Going with this pauldron instead:




And all ready for priming:




Hopefully he'll be primed tonight so I can get the metallic base coats done tomorrow and paint up the base!

Little update:


Yellow done, a dry brushing of Mithril Silver and some details painted.  Helmet's almost done.  Also did the first coat of the first set of checkerboards on the shield...one pauldron and the jump pack to go.  Tedious, to say the least.  I'm pretty pleased with how it's turning out thus far.  I'll get him all done, but will leave the head until later.


Flash really doesn't do it justice, especially some color blending.


Some photos:




Here's a detail of the torso, which will be largely unseen when assembled.  I went with a black and white half scheme on the stomach plates to echo the checkerboard and break up the overwhelming metallic yellow.






Thanks for looking!


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