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Sons of Titan.


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Hey everybody, picked up a commission for a friend. A 500pt Grey Knights strike force.


He wants a Grey scheme rather than the traditional silver, so using the trusty B&C painter I've got this:


I'm still unsure on basing as he's given me free reign on them, I'm thinking lava flow but that seems to be the norm for Grey Knights nowadays.

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Grey sounds cool, nice and retro. Might be fun to do the bases in a regular scheme (urban, desert, whatever) but add some 'weird' stuff like arms or things coming out of the ground so they look like they're in the middle of quashing a daemonic incursion?

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I reckon I might have enough bits in my box of junk to do that with the bases, great suggestion!


Perhaps desert to contrast the Armour better than an urban grey? I could also attempt glowing chaos Sigils as if the planet is in the later stages of a daemonic in incursion?

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  • 7 months later...

Well its been quite some time, a but has changed.

The army is now mine and because of that progress stalled quite a bit, but I got them built and based And there may be a slight colour change in their future.





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Current army list;


Grey knights 750pts.


Castellan Crowe 175pts.


Strike squad 130pts

Psycannon, melta bombs.


Terminator squad 193pts.

×4 Halberds.

Daemon hammer.




Vindicare Assassin 135pts.



Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Andraste 88pts.

Power sword, combi-boltgun, power armour



Inquisitorial henchmen 29pts.

Acolyte Victor, boltgun.

Acolyte Ivan, flamethrower.




I also have an old model I can use as an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor to bump it to 800.

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Well... Looking great man. Sorry bout your friends luck and hope all is well.

The osl on the eyes is top notch, loving the blue shoulder pads. Only niggle may be the dust on the lower legs seems 'heavy'- only chipping in paint appears in the shoulder pads? Anymore planned?

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