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Rites of Judgement


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This is my first attempt at fan-fiction/minor literary flatulence.  All C&C is sensual.




It always begins in the darkness.


“What is our purpose?”


“To purge our shame through the blood of the Fallen”


“LIES! You know nothing of our purpose”.  I cannot see the Chaplain; he is close enough that his roar of indignation nearly deafens me.  It could be any of them.  I know Asmodai was supposedly with a crusade fleet, but I do not know how long the Watchers have tested my faith.  I do not know how long I have meditated on my purpose, the Chapter's purpose. 




I had been summoned to the Hall of Judgement.  A mace, bespiked and a slight mist forming around it, coupled with a storm shield waited for me, borne by two Watchers.  A cunning artifice lit only the wargear that I would take up leaving the rest of the chamber in pitch darkness.  I knew that there was only two ways this would end – pass the trial or vanish into the depths of the Rock.  Belial stepped forwards, his face cowled.  Daring to glimpse in the shadows I could see a black sword, the Book of Salvation and the Blade of the Corswain among the observers.  My vows were to be in front of the greatest of the Chapter.  When I swore the oaths that bound me to the Shame I had declared my honour forfeit.  All I had was a refusal to further besmirch the honour of the chapter.  I could not refuse this challenge. 


Belial raised his hand and the chamber grew darker.  A bell tolled in the distance.


Sapphon stepped forward to the right of Belial, behind the two Watchers who held the Shield and Mace.  He was without his mask as he began the rite.  “The strength of my arm shall be for nought if my Brothers die in shame.  By the holders of the seven keys I will take up the quest”.


I knelt “I will”.


“By the Towers of Alderukh, I shall let no other champion the Order.  With blood of the left hand I shall shield my brothers.  By the blood of the right hand I shall strike for the ignorant, the weak and hopeless.”


As I repeated the Master of Sanctity’s words there were footsteps behind me.


“By the holders of the seven keys, I forfeit my name, my honour, my titles and my life.  The Lion and the Emperor only shall be my judges.  To the Master of the Keep I pledge all fealty, truth, secrecy and trust.”


Azrael stepped forwards from the gloom between Sapphon and Belial.  “I will not accept your fealty.  Let him be tested”.


Four brothers pinned me to the floor and I could feel my jaw crack under the impact but this was not the time to struggle.  I would need my strength for whatever was to come.  A heavy hood was placed over my head, my arms and legs bound and I was dragged away.  I felt the slight pressure behind my eyes as a psyker applied their influence.  My head spun, up became down, light became darkness, silence became a riot of noise.  I couldn't tell how far or for how long they dragged me through the lower levels.  A heavy door opened and deep in the darkness of the Rock I could hear screams of despair.  I could not tell whether this was my own voice or those of others who were surely being tormented for their transgressions against the Lion.  As the door slammed shut I realised my bonds had been cut.  My path led forwards.  That was enough for now.

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