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Do Multi God armies work?

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I have at my disposal currently a unit of bloodletters, a unit of daemonettes and I've just purchased a box of plague bearers, I'm planning on getting some pink horrors next and then perhaps a soulgrinder. I also have a khorne herald, a slaanesh herald and a bloodthirster. I understand the warp table is a pain at times but I would kind of like a multi god primary army rather than always using them as allies. What do you think of spreading the units between gods rather than focusing on just one god or two gods?

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Multi has certain benefits - insofar as each God's unit has certain traits and skills, and you can get a sort of synergy going. You'd still probably want more Tzeentch casters where possible for buffs mind - and end up with a lot of Heralds, and then you build towards a Screamerstar...

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If you were to add to what I have, what would you go for? For my next box I was going to go with horrors so I have one unit of each basic troop for each god.


Khorne Daemon Prince


Herald of Khorne

Herald of Slaanesh

10 Bloodletters

10 Daemonettes

10 Plaguebearers

5 Seekers of Slaanesh.

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The Warp Storm table is generally negligible; it will hurt your enemies more than you.


My preferred units from each god:


Tzeentch: Lord of Change, Horrors, Burning Chariot

Khorne: Bloodthirster, Flesh Hounds

Nurgle: Great Unclean One, Herald, Plaguebearers/Drones, Nurglings

Slaanesh: Keeper of Secrets, Herald, Daemonettes, Fiends


Some combination of those I try to cram into my lists as often as possible. The rest comes and goes.

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