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Knights / Equites Irae - Honour Guard and Command Squads


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@Kael24 Ah, well my bikers are honourable and lawful and all those Knightly things.


@Asamodai Thanks, I am actually writing a few snippets of stories for some of my characters and I have been arranging the general layout for the Chapter, some back story for the companies etc. 

@Joyous_Oblivion Cheers! Had a friend who disliked the scheme at first but slowly it has won him over ^^

Now for a small update. Four of my SS/TH terminator squad, arms are off at the moment so I could get nice access to the armour plates with my sponge. And the Sergeant is having some more time spent on his posing, can't get it right at all. 

Every marine in my army has the mouth/vent of their helmet white. But the sergeants and veterans paint them entirely white. Personally I am liking how it goes with the baneblade brown and for the terminators it helps add some colour, seeing as a lot of the other white areas I paint are missing on these models compared to a power armoured guy. 



Will try to get some better pictures tomorrow when the sun reappears. 

Thanks for reading


I've been working on my terminators and my captain currently. Terminators are slowly getting their arms in place, just a few more to do then they will start to look more complete. But I have been dedicating more time to my captain, he is getting closed to being finished.


Thanks for reading

  • 3 weeks later...

Now I was trying to get some fluff written up, a small story or two but it is taking longer than I had hoped. Writing isn't one of my strong points. But I have managed to get 3 terminators close to finished. The hammers need some work as you can see, just not sure how to do them. 


I am also planning to make an Armies on Parade board for my marines. Though I need to get cracking, a month left. Hopefully soon I will have a short story ready and some more finished shots!


Thanks for reading


  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! Been working on a few things recently. First, some work on my Armies on Parade board. I was thinking of doing a board to fit my Marines but in the end I've gone for a siege type board for my Iron warriors, might add a few shots when it gets more built. 

Knight Boral has had some changes, while he still needs his power sword painted (my previous attempts at the reflection style have gone poorly) his shoulder pad has gone from blue/black to blue/white checkers. I thought it stood out more and gave more of a knightly feel.  


I've been working more on the fluff for my chapter aswell. Mainly chapter organisation, while it is standard to have 10 companies, I feel following the same organisation would maybe make the chapter feel less knightly and too rigid to the codex. I am debating on having fewer companies, split into disciplines/skills, each one having a different chapter tactic game wise. I.e the 2nd company being all bike bound and using the white scars tactics. Another company being more vehicle focussed so using Iron Hands and so forth. This would also in my opinion fit in with the inner council idea I want to implement, the Chapter Master (Lord Commander), head chaplain, head librarian etc. The inner council command the chapter and then send entire companies or task forces ranging from the companies to campaigns based on what ever is needed. Any thoughts or ideas on this matter would be greatly appreciated. 


My Assault Terminator Sergeant, Knight Kain, is also well on the way to completion. I need to sort his crux terminatus out and finish his head, and like all my terminators, the hammers. Still not decided on what style to do them as. I broke the original head accidentally so a friend was kind enough to give me a spare one of his.
Originally I was planning on giving him a loin cloth, but I saw the Deathwing Knights front piece and thought it was just perfect. I am also planning on using a box of Deathwing Knights as the base for a darker side of my chapter. 

Any C&C would be welcome, any thoughts or ideas too. 

Thanks for reading

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all

Updates have been slow recently, been making a new work space for my computer and my modelling table so my current space is a bit crowded. Been doing work on my Armies on Parade board as well so that has taken some of the time along with my Chaos.



But I thought I would gather the army I have so far for a picture. So far we have Knight-Captain Matthias at the front, Knight-Sergeant Boral on the left, and unamed Knight-sergeant in the middle and the starts of the third bike squad. The storm talon is getting there, though I am thinking of a way to make the assault cannon smaller, why it is missing. My terminators with Knight-Sergeant Kain are very close to being finished, hammers and bases mainly. My two contemptors are coming along nicely, the second one needs his Kheres fixed as it was a bit of a mess. And then we have the three painted guys of the crusader squad I was working on.

My main focus on the agenda at the moment is to get all of my bikes and riders built and painted. I have a lot of plans but I keep starting too much at once and then putting something to the side, so focus is needed. Oh and getting something apart from an iPhone to take pictures with.


@Pearson73 Thanks, I've been trying a few different levels of weathering and I think I am getting something consistent that I am happy with.



Thanks for reading

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! Been a while since my last update, but now I have my new work station set up, I should be able to paint more than I have been able to.


Before I thought about the fluff for my chapter, my first idea was what I wanted to field in games. Now while I do try to build lists that have a chance of winning, I am more into just creating lists I like to paint and play. For this idea my idea was mainly bikes and three contemptors, three contemptors because why not? For a successor chapter having three contemptors I believe is a bit pushing it, if my memory on fluff is correct. So I have decided to make them a core part of my chapter's beliefs.


 "We do not question their wisdom, initiate. They are masters of warfare, their eyes have seen countless battlefields and have killed countless more of the Emperor's enemies. The Lord Commander himself does not go to battle without their blessing." Lord Chaplin Ishmael Tarkus, lecturing an initiate on the three Ancients


As my little quote there says, I have called them the three Ancients. The fact they are in contemptor suits means that they are going to be quite old. I am still toying around with a few ideas of their origins and shall hopefully be able to piece together more of their background soon. I have shown two of the contemptors so far, and the third is getting to the built stage. Just one more arm to finish.



I've gone for a quite well used Dreadknight sword as a melee weapon. This I shall count as a chainfist just to help when it comes to ripping tanks open. The other hand will also be a close combat weapon but I am fashioning a shield out of plasticard.



And a group shot just to show them off. I am still deciding names on them, not my strong suit when it comes to creating fluff. 


I have also bought myself round to paint more bikes, and build them too. The majority of my riders are built and their bikes just need the additions of stowage and the likes to make them a bit more built up in size. I have also ran out of spray so need to purchase some more if I am to paint more.








A group shot of my first squad, so close to completion and then a few of my more dynamic bikers. Looking at the three that were finished I decided they looked a bit plain. Meant it was time for dynamic turns and marines stabbing their enemies with combat knives.


Hopefully my next update won't be as far apart as this one was, and also hopefully a few of my ideas will be able to start creation. I have plans for not only a White Scars list, but a Carchardon list and an Executioners list. Red Brethren as Black Knights and a big, hulking chaplain as Thulsa Kane.


Thanks for reading


Been working on my last contemptor mainly, trying to just make him stand out and be a bit more different from the plain model. So far I've added a small tabard/loin cloth and a chain around his leg with honours.




Just little bits from the grey knight kit, terminators and the SM captains cloak brooch options.


Thanks for Reading


@Asamodai - Thanks! Yes Contemptors are one of my favourite models, though the Kheres Assault cannons are one of the, if not -the- most annoying component I have ever put together.

  • 2 months later...

Hello! Been a while since last update but got distracted by some WHFB building, but back on track with 40k right now. I have been building up the command structure for my chapter and the 3rd company. For the 3rd company command squad I used the Ravenwing command squad as they are bike based as the Knightly theme the Dark Angels have ( at least in the HH) made me think some of the parts were suited to my theme.


First up is the 3rd Company Command Squad Apothecary. Sir (Insert Name Here).

I am trying to keep the Ravenwing and Dark Angel insignia off but I am sometimes keeping the less specific symbols on, like the script wrapped sword on the front wheel. Debating on keeping the wing at the back as it does give some nice bulk to the model.

Next is the Company Champion. But I really dislike the rules for the company champions, especially when I can't give them a Storm Shield in a squad full of Storm Shields and he HAS to challenge. So for my chapter fluff he is a company champion but rule wise just a captain with a hammer and a shield eternal.


I saw the IF Templar Brethren upgrade kit on FW and decided that I rather liked it. I have already used the Black Templar shields so I am going for a theme of the Maltese Cross being a veteran symbol within the chapter. The kit would also would be perfect for a Honour Guard kit bash, so that is what I did.


Two are getting built so far, the Chapter Champion and the Standard Bearer.


The only thing I have kept consistent with each member is the helmet and chest pieces. The rest I have tried to mix as much as I can. The Standard Bearer, Sir Isaac, I felt didn't need a weapon. I gave him the open hand to make it look more like he was holding the banner up for all to see.

And the Chapter Champion, Sir Gawain, I accidentally ended up giving a sort of Emperors Champion look. Well a more beefy armoured one at that.


Need to get rest built up and crack onto painting. Any tips, criticism, anything would be very welcome.

Thank you for reading

  • 1 month later...



Not a huge update but an update none the less. First up I got some paint onto my 3rd contemptor. I ditched the shield idea as no matter what I tried with plasticard I just couldn't get it symmetrical or a shape I was happy with. But he still gets a giant sword, so that is always cool



I've also got working on a fluff character for my chapter, Lord Chaplain Ishmael Tarkus. Need to add some fancy titles I think, seeing as he is not only the chapters head chaplain but also ends up leading the 1st company most of the time. Rule wise he will either be a plasma pistol armed chaplain with a Templar list or a Thulsa Kane when I go for Executioners.


I was also challenged in the Augustus' Arena to build, paint and base my chaplain and a crusader squad. Here is a picture of them getting ready for priming.


Also some advice is needed, I notice my images are always GIGANTIC when I upload them, does anyone have any tips to get them to a more reasonable size?


@ROBOcaster Thanks for the kind words, and yes contemptors are always needed. They are the answer to all of life's problems.


@Grizzly_bear Thanks, I have been sticking to just sponge weathering for now but I am looking into experimenting scratches etc too.


Thanks for reading

Always nice to see man who shares my love for contemptors. Som really good looking poses there. Also, has a BT player, I'm happy to see you make use of the templar brethren kit for your HG. Very curious to see how those'll turn out. Keep it up!


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