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Blood Angels vs Tyranids *NEED HELP*


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Hi guys!

So I recently got a new Blood Angels army and I am having difficulty beating my friend who has Tyranids. I have not beaten him once and he always tables me, he never wins by the turns ending. I have an 1800 point list and here it is.


HQ: Sanguinor: 275

Librarian w/ Terminator armor, stormshield: 145


Elites: 5 man Assault Terminator Squad w/ thunder hammers and stormshields ; 225


Troops: 10 man Tactical Squad w/ missile launcher, flamer and sergeant w/ combi-flamer and chainsword: 180

5 man Death Company Squad w/ thunder hammers and jump packs: 260

5 man Assault Squad w/ flamer and sergeant w/ stormshield and thunder hammer: 155

Brother Corbulo: 105

Lemartes: 150


Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship w/ typhoon missile launcher, twin-linked plasma cannon, and hurricane bolters: 255


Dedicated Transport: Rhino w/ storm bolter: 60


TOTAL: 1810


I usually put the sanguinor and corbulo with the assault terminators and put them in the stormraven. I usually put the tac marines in the rhino so i can move them around quickly. I don't know what I am doing wrong he just kills me so easily. He usually fields 1 large squad of hormagaunts and 1 large squad of termagants (usually about 30 or more). He fields an exocrine, a swarmlord with hive guard, 1-3 zoanthropes and a crone. That is most of his stuff I can't remember the rest. Like I said I am new to the Blood Angels army so I don't really know what I am doing. I appreciate all feedback and help.

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The Sanguinor is not an Independent Character. So he cannot join the Assault Terminators. Corbulo could join the sanguinor but then only those two (and a dreadnought) could go into the stormraven.


Against hordes I would go with a 2 3 split of Thunderhammers and Lightning claws, If I would field them at all.


The DC cost is off. 5 DC with 5 Thunderhammers and Jump Packs is 325 points


One or two blender dreads (DC/Furioso Dreadnought with Blood Talons) in a drop pod should help. If you do that make sure that you have 3 dfrop pods in your army so that two of them can land in the first turn. In 7th Edition Mephi joined by Corbulo is quite the death star.

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     I am willing to bet my next 5 paychecks that your issue isn't with what he is running, it's with your poor usage of points.  Everything that CAN have a thunder hammer SHOULDN'T have a thunder hammer, the weapon is not good enough to justify spam.  That death company is expensive as heck! You have 475 points (almost a 30% of your army!) invested into 6 models that have a 3+ save with no invul.  The sanguinor can't join units so he has to run alone, which makes him an expensive "shoot me" sign at almost 300 points.  Which is not a bad thing, but means you have to be smart with his use and get stuck in fast.  Look at every unit you chose to field and think about how much damage/how survivable it is and then compare that to the amount of points you spend on it.  If you would like I can give you a list that I would run at 1800.  It would be all comers since list tailoring against tyranids is totally unnecessary.

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It will depend entirely on what he's running but I find versus nids shooty with some fast focused assault is the way to go. A back line of an ADL with a quad gun manned by a tac squad and some devastators with your librarian, though I'd drop him to ML2 (divination) in power armour. It Provides a good fire base and if you throw in a scout squad with sniper rifles and a heavy bolter on the tac squading gets better, tac is there to deal with hordes getting close while Snipers hunt Monsterous creatures, the devs can fill either role while they can be prescienced to shoot down flying MCs along with the quad gun, throw a priest in to give everyone FnP.


A shooty Baal, ac and heavy bolter pred, or my favourite a Sicarian can be a nice moving fire platform. A fast vehicle allows you to move out of incoming nids assault range while shooting away, also you can give a legacy of glory to a single vehicle for 20 points(Imperial armour 2 second edition) which grants monster hunter, rerolling to wound on monsterous creatures helps make short work of them.

I didn't get much chance to use them as I sent them on an outflanking run which turned out pointless while the nids got pummelled elsewhere but I think an attack bike squad with heavy bolters is another nice little mobile fire base unit that can break nid units while staying out of their effective range, through a priest on a bike in there to improve durability.


Storm raven is nice but unless he has no fliers I'd drop the plasma cannons for assault cannons as it's harder to bring his flying monsterous creatures down now, you want to be able to kill them in the air.


As for assaults units your playing into his hands, he doesn't have a lot of good armour save high initiative units so by bring hammers your bringing too much power hitting last, I've eaten carnifexes with a 5 man DC unit of chainswords before it's one fist even gets to swing. I'd drop the jump packs give it two swords and an axe or fist/hammer if you can afford it and make lemarties a reclusiarch and stick it in the raven pick your targets hit something you know you'll swing first against and you'll kill most things before they can hit back. A blender dread would be a nice edition here as well, either a furioso or DC dread with claws to snip away more attacks, throw it into a squishy unit and watch it generate more and more attacks, though be careful, you don't want to throw it into str 9 MCs unless you're certain it'll kill them as they can easily hp strip it when they get to strike.


Oh and coteaz is a nice addition if you have him, stick him with the devs and it'll punish him If he deep strikes or tries to mawloc your little castle. It's dependant on his list but the key to beating nids is to let them kill themselves and keep them at distance. Use your shooting to take out their synapse creatures and they'll struggle to bring their strength to bare, if they're taking leadership tests every turn and running to cover or eating each other instead of you it's all for the best. As a Blood angel you want to hit things in the face but if you go all out assault you play to his strengths.

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Hi guys!

So I recently got a new Blood Angels army and I am having difficulty beating my friend who has Tyranids. I have not beaten him once and he always tables me, he never wins by the turns ending. I have an 1800 point list and here it is.


HQ: Sanguinor: 275

Librarian w/ Terminator armor, stormshield: 145


Elites: 5 man Assault Terminator Squad w/ thunder hammers and stormshields ; 225


Troops: 10 man Tactical Squad w/ missile launcher, flamer and sergeant w/ combi-flamer and chainsword: 180

5 man Death Company Squad w/ thunder hammers and jump packs: 260

5 man Assault Squad w/ flamer and sergeant w/ stormshield and thunder hammer: 155

Brother Corbulo: 105

Lemartes: 150


Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship w/ typhoon missile launcher, twin-linked plasma cannon, and hurricane bolters: 255


Dedicated Transport: Rhino w/ storm bolter: 60


TOTAL: 1810


I usually put the sanguinor and corbulo with the assault terminators and put them in the stormraven. I usually put the tac marines in the rhino so i can move them around quickly. I don't know what I am doing wrong he just kills me so easily. He usually fields 1 large squad of hormagaunts and 1 large squad of termagants (usually about 30 or more). He fields an exocrine, a swarmlord with hive guard, 1-3 zoanthropes and a crone. That is most of his stuff I can't remember the rest. Like I said I am new to the Blood Angels army so I don't really know what I am doing. I appreciate all feedback and help.


I think your main issue is overpriced units and to many characters. 


ML Dev's are the biggest counter to Nids, they can template blobs and krak MC's 140x3 for 3 units, krag is AP3 and i belive MC are 3+ armor. - 420 points for 12 ML's.


Sergeant with TH/SS is 70 points. A power weapon or fist should be sufficient.

DC Jump packs are 15 points each, thats 35 points before power weapons. Drop the JP, throw them in a rhino or pod. with 1-3 power weapons per 10, play them like their expendable to take pressure off other units. Give them boltguns (the ones without power weapons) since getting assault is unreliable. I think it can be fine to run 5 with JP, but you would need to play them flawlessly and have a table with good cover options.


Turn 1 and 2 Dev's wil thin out his army quite a bit. Keep Jump Unit atleast 15-17 inches away from gaunts/horde at the end of your turn so he will have a hard time assaulting you in his turn. This also sets up an easy assault for you. Generally your not in a rush vs nids. His blobs will beat assault units in a straight up fight, but thats why you have the dev squads. Take out zoanthropes first, or any units that threaten your long rang unit.


The biggest issue with Nids is they take a long time to cross the table, use your ranged firepower as long as you can. Clean up with marines. Use stormraven to take out Tervigons, if he is spawning gaunts.

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To echo some other points- you dont have an 1800pt list, you have a 1250pt list with a lot of points wasted in unneccessary upgrades and characters.


try playing him at a lower points level a couple of times where you can take a more balanced army. Stormraven, tactical squad, assault squad, librarian, corbulo, terminators should be around 1000pts off the top of my head. Use the raven as mobile firepower, keep the terminators and assault marines back by the tac squad and make them come to you. When they do, make sure you chose the right targets. A round of rapid fire from those tactical marines ought to bring one of those large blob squads to msnageable size for your assaukt squad and corbulo granting his buffs, and send the terms up against his big things when they arrive.


the models you have are not bad, but you're overstretching to play at that points limit with a sensible army.

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Yeah... the list just screams too many toys, not enough boys. 25 infantry models and 2 vehicles just won't cut it at that high points. Thunder hammers are worse than useless against Tyranids (with the possible exception of the Hammernators) as you'll just get squashed before you get to strike. Sternguard are really solid in general, and particularly shine against monstrous creatures with poisoned shots. Assault cannons are a good choice too. Missile Launchers are one of the best all-around weapons as you've got single S8 shots for the big things, and blast templates as crowd control for the little ones.

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Swap out the sanguinor for meph rolling biomancy in the raven with a lib dred in their as well, if you want to be face-rolling mean attach corbs to meph for the newest product in 'omg it won't die' deathstar. Both lib dred and meph you can get anywhere thanks to the stormraven for turn 3 assault (remember to use corbs far seeing eye to re-roll reserves on the raven). Monstrous creatures will suffer critical existence failure as meph with (hopefully strength 9 toughness 9 FNP) comes strolling over to them. Other than that the points listed above are a great guide. I regularly play against tyranids and librarian dreds got so much better thanks to new smash rules and zoanthropes warp lance hopefully being dispelled by psychic hoods.

Just be careful as the new objective missions allow him to swamp the board with lots of units scoring objectives so you'll need to try to funnel him either with terrain or your deployment.



I'm sorry I should have started wishing you welcome to the BA community brother :)

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I agree with the others... too many expensive units.  You have enough DC that you could add a DC Dreadnought (with TALONS!!) to chew through some guant/steeler hoards.  I agree on adding lightning claws as well...


The Sanguinor is not very useful in this match up; I'd drop him and Lemartes.  A Baal pred with Flamestorm-cannon is tailor made to kill bugs, the best armour save they have is 3+.

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Lot of good advice here, I cannot stress enough how devastating a unit of sternguard vets can be against nids. Monstrous creatures are scythed down and even warriors cannot stand against them. I would not use death company in this codex as they are massively overpriced. Ohh, I am a big fan of vindicators, strength 10 ap 2 ordinance, horde or elites are not going to be happy. And Baals are beasts against nids. I think you may also be better off with a land raider crusader than a storm raven against nids, but that is dependent on your play style. And with BA, if you have a problem you just cannot solve, The Lord of Death is probably going to be the solution. Initiative is you biggest problem in CC with nids and Meph has the advantage there.
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Personally, I always take Sternguard against 'nids. And throw in a few combi- weapons of your choice (I think all the combi weapons do well against 'nids. Flamers handle blobs of Gaunts, and Plasma/Melta handle the harder targets. Personally, a few of each isn't a bad idea either). How you deliver the Sternguard is up to your style. Rhinos/Razorbacks/DropPods all work well.


Definately scale back your HQs. Sanguinor isn't gonna help much. And maybe consider a Power Armor Libby instead of Termi Armor?


And if you're really wanting DC, drop the Jump Packs and just give them Bolters. Personally, I'd just drop the DC and add more Tactical or Assault Squads.

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     I am willing to bet my next 5 paychecks that your issue isn't with what he is running, it's with your poor usage of points.  Everything that CAN have a thunder hammer SHOULDN'T have a thunder hammer, the weapon is not good enough to justify spam.  That death company is expensive as heck! You have 475 points (almost a 30% of your army!) invested into 6 models that have a 3+ save with no invul.  The sanguinor can't join units so he has to run alone, which makes him an expensive "shoot me" sign at almost 300 points.  Which is not a bad thing, but means you have to be smart with his use and get stuck in fast.  Look at every unit you chose to field and think about how much damage/how survivable it is and then compare that to the amount of points you spend on it.  If you would like I can give you a list that I would run at 1800.  It would be all comers since list tailoring against tyranids is totally unnecessary.

Thanks, it would be really useful if you could give me an 1800 point list that could beat the tyranids. That is the army I have trouble with (other than orks).

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Swap out the sanguinor for meph rolling biomancy in the raven with a lib dred in their as well, if you want to be face-rolling mean attach corbs to meph for the newest product in 'omg it won't die' deathstar. Both lib dred and meph you can get anywhere thanks to the stormraven for turn 3 assault (remember to use corbs far seeing eye to re-roll reserves on the raven). Monstrous creatures will suffer critical existence failure as meph with (hopefully strength 9 toughness 9 FNP) comes strolling over to them. Other than that the points listed above are a great guide. I regularly play against tyranids and librarian dreds got so much better thanks to new smash rules and zoanthropes warp lance hopefully being dispelled by psychic hoods.

Just be careful as the new objective missions allow him to swamp the board with lots of units scoring objectives so you'll need to try to funnel him either with terrain or your deployment.


I'm sorry I should have started wishing you welcome to the BA community brother smile.png

Thanks for the idea, I think I might try out Mephiston. However I looked in the book and I was wondering how he get's strength 9 and toughness 9. The book says he has strength 6 and toughness 6 and there are no weapons, wargear, or rules that give him that.

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It will depend entirely on what he's running but I find versus nids shooty with some fast focused assault is the way to go. A back line of an ADL with a quad gun manned by a tac squad and some devastators with your librarian, though I'd drop him to ML2 (divination) in power armour. It Provides a good fire base and if you throw in a scout squad with sniper rifles and a heavy bolter on the tac squading gets better, tac is there to deal with hordes getting close while Snipers hunt Monsterous creatures, the devs can fill either role while they can be prescienced to shoot down flying MCs along with the quad gun, throw a priest in to give everyone FnP.


A shooty Baal, ac and heavy bolter pred, or my favourite a Sicarian can be a nice moving fire platform. A fast vehicle allows you to move out of incoming nids assault range while shooting away, also you can give a legacy of glory to a single vehicle for 20 points(Imperial armour 2 second edition) which grants monster hunter, rerolling to wound on monsterous creatures helps make short work of them.

I didn't get much chance to use them as I sent them on an outflanking run which turned out pointless while the nids got pummelled elsewhere but I think an attack bike squad with heavy bolters is another nice little mobile fire base unit that can break nid units while staying out of their effective range, through a priest on a bike in there to improve durability.


Storm raven is nice but unless he has no fliers I'd drop the plasma cannons for assault cannons as it's harder to bring his flying monsterous creatures down now, you want to be able to kill them in the air.


As for assaults units your playing into his hands, he doesn't have a lot of good armour save high initiative units so by bring hammers your bringing too much power hitting last, I've eaten carnifexes with a 5 man DC unit of chainswords before it's one fist even gets to swing. I'd drop the jump packs give it two swords and an axe or fist/hammer if you can afford it and make lemarties a reclusiarch and stick it in the raven pick your targets hit something you know you'll swing first against and you'll kill most things before they can hit back. A blender dread would be a nice edition here as well, either a furioso or DC dread with claws to snip away more attacks, throw it into a squishy unit and watch it generate more and more attacks, though be careful, you don't want to throw it into str 9 MCs unless you're certain it'll kill them as they can easily hp strip it when they get to strike.


Oh and coteaz is a nice addition if you have him, stick him with the devs and it'll punish him If he deep strikes or tries to mawloc your little castle. It's dependant on his list but the key to beating nids is to let them kill themselves and keep them at distance. Use your shooting to take out their synapse creatures and they'll struggle to bring their strength to bare, if they're taking leadership tests every turn and running to cover or eating each other instead of you it's all for the best. As a Blood angel you want to hit things in the face but if you go all out assault you play to his strengths.

Thanks I've never considered putting assault cannons on the stormraven I will have to try it out. Also, Coteaz looks cool but I don't think I can take him because he is with Grey Knights.

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Swap out the sanguinor for meph rolling biomancy in the raven with a lib dred in their as well, if you want to be face-rolling mean attach corbs to meph for the newest product in 'omg it won't die' deathstar. Both lib dred and meph you can get anywhere thanks to the stormraven for turn 3 assault (remember to use corbs far seeing eye to re-roll reserves on the raven). Monstrous creatures will suffer critical existence failure as meph with (hopefully strength 9 toughness 9 FNP) comes strolling over to them. Other than that the points listed above are a great guide. I regularly play against tyranids and librarian dreds got so much better thanks to new smash rules and zoanthropes warp lance hopefully being dispelled by psychic hoods.

Just be careful as the new objective missions allow him to swamp the board with lots of units scoring objectives so you'll need to try to funnel him either with terrain or your deployment.


I'm sorry I should have started wishing you welcome to the BA community brother smile.png

Thanks for the idea, I think I might try out Mephiston. However I looked in the book and I was wondering how he get's strength 9 and toughness 9. The book says he has strength 6 and toughness 6 and there are no weapons, wargear, or rules that give him that.
The strength and toughness 9 are gained using biomancy psychic powers.

And you can take Coteaz in an allied detachment, either from the Grey Knights codex or codex Inquisition.

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It will depend entirely on what he's running but I find versus nids shooty with some fast focused assault is the way to go. A back line of an ADL with a quad gun manned by a tac squad and some devastators with your librarian, though I'd drop him to ML2 (divination) in power armour. It Provides a good fire base and if you throw in a scout squad with sniper rifles and a heavy bolter on the tac squading gets better, tac is there to deal with hordes getting close while Snipers hunt Monsterous creatures, the devs can fill either role while they can be prescienced to shoot down flying MCs along with the quad gun, throw a priest in to give everyone FnP.

A shooty Baal, ac and heavy bolter pred, or my favourite a Sicarian can be a nice moving fire platform. A fast vehicle allows you to move out of incoming nids assault range while shooting away, also you can give a legacy of glory to a single vehicle for 20 points(Imperial armour 2 second edition) which grants monster hunter, rerolling to wound on monsterous creatures helps make short work of them.

I didn't get much chance to use them as I sent them on an outflanking run which turned out pointless while the nids got pummelled elsewhere but I think an attack bike squad with heavy bolters is another nice little mobile fire base unit that can break nid units while staying out of their effective range, through a priest on a bike in there to improve durability.

Storm raven is nice but unless he has no fliers I'd drop the plasma cannons for assault cannons as it's harder to bring his flying monsterous creatures down now, you want to be able to kill them in the air.

As for assaults units your playing into his hands, he doesn't have a lot of good armour save high initiative units so by bring hammers your bringing too much power hitting last, I've eaten carnifexes with a 5 man DC unit of chainswords before it's one fist even gets to swing. I'd drop the jump packs give it two swords and an axe or fist/hammer if you can afford it and make lemarties a reclusiarch and stick it in the raven pick your targets hit something you know you'll swing first against and you'll kill most things before they can hit back. A blender dread would be a nice edition here as well, either a furioso or DC dread with claws to snip away more attacks, throw it into a squishy unit and watch it generate more and more attacks, though be careful, you don't want to throw it into str 9 MCs unless you're certain it'll kill them as they can easily hp strip it when they get to strike.

Oh and coteaz is a nice addition if you have him, stick him with the devs and it'll punish him If he deep strikes or tries to mawloc your little castle. It's dependant on his list but the key to beating nids is to let them kill themselves and keep them at distance. Use your shooting to take out their synapse creatures and they'll struggle to bring their strength to bare, if they're taking leadership tests every turn and running to cover or eating each other instead of you it's all for the best. As a Blood angel you want to hit things in the face but if you go all out assault you play to his strengths.


Thanks I've never considered putting assault cannons on the stormraven I will have to try it out. Also, Coteaz looks cool but I don't think I can take him because he is with Grey Knights.
Using the digital inquisition codex you can add him to your army alone or with troops and other hqs. At 180 points you can get coteaz and an inquisitor with psyocculum and a lv1 psyker. Join him to your devs or snipers to get 2+ to hit with rerolls when shooting at psykers! make short work of those synapse with out having to get divination off. And you can throw coteaz into a me lee unit with santic powers, +1 to invulnerable saves or +2 to strength sound good? DC hitting at str 7 on the charge, Reclusiarch at str 9 initiative 5!
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Swap out the sanguinor for meph rolling biomancy in the raven with a lib dred in their as well, if you want to be face-rolling mean attach corbs to meph for the newest product in 'omg it won't die' deathstar. Both lib dred and meph you can get anywhere thanks to the stormraven for turn 3 assault (remember to use corbs far seeing eye to re-roll reserves on the raven). Monstrous creatures will suffer critical existence failure as meph with (hopefully strength 9 toughness 9 FNP) comes strolling over to them. Other than that the points listed above are a great guide. I regularly play against tyranids and librarian dreds got so much better thanks to new smash rules and zoanthropes warp lance hopefully being dispelled by psychic hoods.

Just be careful as the new objective missions allow him to swamp the board with lots of units scoring objectives so you'll need to try to funnel him either with terrain or your deployment.


I'm sorry I should have started wishing you welcome to the BA community brother smile.png

Thanks for the idea, I think I might try out Mephiston. However I looked in the book and I was wondering how he get's strength 9 and toughness 9. The book says he has strength 6 and toughness 6 and there are no weapons, wargear, or rules that give him that.
The strength and toughness 9 are gained using biomancy psychic powers.

And you can take Coteaz in an allied detachment, either from the Grey Knights codex or codex Inquisition.

Oh, thanks for all of that. I never knew you could have allied detachments. I am pretty new to the hobby so I am still learning things.

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Swap out the sanguinor for meph rolling biomancy in the raven with a lib dred in their as well, if you want to be face-rolling mean attach corbs to meph for the newest product in 'omg it won't die' deathstar. Both lib dred and meph you can get anywhere thanks to the stormraven for turn 3 assault (remember to use corbs far seeing eye to re-roll reserves on the raven). Monstrous creatures will suffer critical existence failure as meph with (hopefully strength 9 toughness 9 FNP) comes strolling over to them. Other than that the points listed above are a great guide. I regularly play against tyranids and librarian dreds got so much better thanks to new smash rules and zoanthropes warp lance hopefully being dispelled by psychic hoods.

Just be careful as the new objective missions allow him to swamp the board with lots of units scoring objectives so you'll need to try to funnel him either with terrain or your deployment.


I'm sorry I should have started wishing you welcome to the BA community brother smile.png

Thanks for the idea, I think I might try out Mephiston. However I looked in the book and I was wondering how he get's strength 9 and toughness 9. The book says he has strength 6 and toughness 6 and there are no weapons, wargear, or rules that give him that.
The strength and toughness 9 are gained using biomancy psychic powers.

And you can take Coteaz in an allied detachment, either from the Grey Knights codex or codex Inquisition.

Oh, thanks for all of that. I never knew you could have allied detachments. I am pretty new to the hobby so I am still learning things.

Sorry I have one more question. Is Mephiston allowed to choose powers from Biomancy or do I have to roll and hope I get Iron Arm?

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Yes it's down to chance getting the biomancy power 'iron arm.' However almost all biomancy powers are fantastic with meph and he also provides a great mastery level 3 psychic hood range of 12 to protect your units from tyranid psychic powers.
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Yes it's down to chance getting the biomancy power 'iron arm.' However almost all biomancy powers are fantastic with meph and he also provides a great mastery level 3 psychic hood range of 12 to protect your units from tyranid psychic powers.

Ok thanks for the info!

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As promised here in an 1800 BA all comer list for you. Some people may disagree so I'm posting it for the veteran brothers to provide possible corrections to it before you start buying things.


+++ New Roster (1800pts) +++

+++ 1800pt Blood Angels: Codex (2010) Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++




Blood Angels: Codex (2010) (Primary Detachment) Selections:


+ HQ + (350pts)


* Librarian (100pts)

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol



* Mephiston, Lord of Death (250pts)



+ Elites + (425pts)


* Furioso Dreadnought (125pts)

* Furioso

Blood Talon with built-in Meltagun

* Blood Talon

Built-in Storm Bolter



* Furioso Dreadnought (125pts)

* Furioso

Blood Talon with built-in Meltagun

* Blood Talon

Built-in Storm Bolter



* Furioso Dreadnought (175pts)

* Furioso Librarian



+ Troops + (695pts)


* Assault Squad (230pts)

9x Assault Marines, Flamer, Flamer, Rhino

* Veteran Sergeant

Chainsword, Hand Flamer, Melta Bombs



* Assault Squad (240pts)

9x Assault Marines, Plasmagun, Plasmagun, Rhino

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs



* Tactical Squad (225pts)

Flamer, Missile Launcher, Rhino, 9x Tactical Marine

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Melta Bombs



+ Fast Attack + (100pts)


* Attack Bike Squadron (100pts)

2x Attack Bike, 2x Multimelta



+ Heavy Support + (230pts)


* Stormraven Gunship (230pts)

Hurricane Bolter Sponsons, Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Twin Linked Multi Melta




Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

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Blood Talons good vs nids, but imo not for an all comers list. I belive fragcannon is more well rounded. They also need a delivery system vs alot of lists (drop pod).

I dont agree with Rhinos. Either JP or Razorbacks.

Jump Packs make it very easy to get into assault or reposition. 230 points or so for 2 special weapons + powerweapon/meltabombs

Razorbacks are great way of adding ranged firepower and give good scoring mobility at a cheap cost. 

For example: 5man razorback with heavy flamer starts at 120 points. A 10man rhino with 2 normal flamers start at 215 points. The Razorback offer's ranged firepower aswell, which is much cheaper than a plasmagun rhino unit. 


The assault squads have no power weapons or boltguns, not sure why the libby is required as divination will not enhance them very much in ranged or close combat. 

Very little long ranged support so to much relies on talon dreads getting in a good position. 

I think atleast 1 priest should be included with 30 marines.


Playing vs this list my general impression/strategy would be:


As nids or an assault  oriented army.

Opponent can assault turn 3 at best, no real ranged threats other than stormraven turn 2 and bikes which makes target priority simple:  Take out flamer rhino, when it closes in. Tarpit or move away from Mephiston when he comes in, immobilize or kill dreadnoughts. Keep MC away from dreadnoughts. 


Vs lists that invest alot in ranged firepower  (most lists now days) you can basically just spread out your gunline across your whole deployment zone with no threats round 1-3. Once mephiston comes in he will take out 1 unit, then his footslogging until round 5 which gives plenty of time to stop dreads. Leaving only marines left which have very limited potential at their point cost.

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