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I just wanted to share with everyone that assaults are not dead. My enemy last weekend decided to take dominion on the first turn (I probably should have deployed better but with 4 berserker squads and 3 land raiders, I needed to get to the enemy double time.). This meant that lovely elder jetbikes and wave serpents were in or near enough to my deployment zone that I got off 4 first turn assaults. Khârn killed a foul witch too!

1. Juggerlord and spawn attacked and destroyed wave serpent near middle of table.

2. Berzerkers destroyed jetbikers 1.

3. Berzerkers assaulted jetbikers 2 with warlock.

4. Berzerkers and Khârn assaulted jetbikers 2 with warlock.


Unfortunately the Enemy also brought a shadowsword, which due to firing lines and other issues meant I had 3 models left at the end of turn 5 (and the game). Final score something like 10 to 15, their victory. But Khorne received many skulls that day.

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So basically 1st turn assaults work when your opponent is bad? biggrin.png

And relying on Apocalypse Level Bull crap to win the day for them *sigh*.

This is the part where I'd complain and say "Khorne beserkers should have 5th edition style Furious Charge, or rules of that like to justify their insane points cost with what you get out of them"

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For the record, it was a friendly game that I went into with no intention of competitiveness (Helbrute, Spawn/Jugger, Khârn, 3x Land raider, and 4 khorne berserker squads with assorted upgrades aren't going to be winning any tournaments). It was the first game the player had used a superheavy, (and he just started playing regularly within the last month or so) so he just wanted to see how it worked. My main issue was the hammer and anvil deployment combined with the opponents (two players) getting just the right objective cards every turn. Also, I accidentally said 10 to 1 not 10 to 15, which I have updated in the above. I meant it more as saying that 1st turn assaults can indeed happen, especially with maelstrom, and that it was a fun game.

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I really just want to feel like I had a fighting chance.  I don't really ever want to steam roll people-because those wins aren't really memorable.  I want a close fight.  I think I'm a self-hating competitive person, I don't want the other guy to feel bad and to have a chill, relaxed game...but I also want to rip their heart out and mock them for trying to stand against me at the same time.

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I did feel that I had a fighting chance for the majority of the game, even though a long shot. The main reasons I lost were a. they got some huge power objectives first and second turn (5 vp in each) and the kingslayer objective came to early for me. Also there was this wonderful melee in the center of the game lasting 3 or 4 turns as more units kept jumping in. I even had a legitimate glorious intervention. The important thing was that it was a really fun match. yay maelstrom.

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