Games-Unplugged Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 Howdy everyone! I have been reading a lot of the threads in the Ultramarine sub-forum (and have seen some great discussions ). I thought I would try to create something along thor1234's thread (which is really awesome btw ) but with a little more community input. With that in mind, I'm creating this for two reasons: 1. To track battles and updates regarding my army. 2. Receive input/advice for building the army. So right now I have: Battle for Macragge starter set Assault on Black Reach starter set and a Land Raider My group has decided that we will start at a 500pt limit and increase it as our armies grow. I plan on making a battle-forged army list when I feel that the points will allow that. Until then I think the use an unbound army to help me get as many boots on the ground. My current list is: (I know I don't have the models for this list but I have something to proxy for them.) 6 sternguard 5-man tactical squad with a missile launcher (upgraded with flakk missiles) <- I heard one of my opponent ask about the flier rules (just in case ) 5-man tactical squad with a missile launcher 10-man devastator with 4 heavy bolters (after writing this list down I should have made two 5-man devastator for an extra Signum) My strategy is to stay back for as long as possible and rush forward near the end to grab/steal objectives. The first battle! My first taste of battle is against Tyranids. I don't know much about these guys but from what I was told they operate on a hive mind. So my plan is to focus on his Synapse creatures (no leadership, no threat ). His list: Winged Hive Tyrant (psychic powers: psychic shriek and something he didn't use) Zoanthrope (psychic powers: paroxysm and warp blast) Venomthrope 3x10 hormagaunts broods He has a lot of models on the board but I only see two as a threat. If I can kill the Zoanthrope and Hive Tyrant victory will be mine. The Objective is in the center of the board with some wreckage around it. He wins the deployment roll and deploys in center of his deployment zone. I deploy most of my guys with good lines of fire on the objective and my sternguard in a ruin overlooking the objective. I roll to seize the initiative and fail. TT1: The swarm advances. His Hive Tyrant swoops forward to target my one squad that has a flakk missile. He moves the minimum distance, I think he knows that he does not have enough Synapse . The rest of the swarm advances in a blob fashion. In his psychic phase he cast paroxysm on my Stearnguard. I pour all my warp charges in hopes to deny it. Not a single 6. He reduces them to BS and WS 1! He also cast warp blast at them, but I pass my armor saves. His Hive Tyrant shoots at my Tactical squad but I make my armor saves. He runs his units closer but rolls poorly. UT: Targets acquired I activate the tactical doctrine. All my units are in good positions and the enemy is right where I knew he would be. I start off by firing a flakk missile at the Hive Tyrant. It hits the target and he fails his saving throw. With the possibility of grounding I decide to focus on the Zoanthrope as most of his forces are getting synapse from it. I start with the other missile launcher first, if this can find it's mark I can use the heavy bolters to chew through his gaunts. The missile hits but the creature's psychic shield blocks the missile. I unload with all my weapons hoping to bring it down under the weight of fire. With 1 missile, 12 heavy bolter shots, and 6 hellfire rounds from the Sternguard, I fail to cause even a single wound against it. My shooting phase is over and his Hive Tyrant stays in the air. TT2: Hesitation I think I was able to scare my opponent because he retreats his Hive Tyrant to provide extra synapse for his forces. His Hive Tyrant also switches to gliding. I'm lucky in the fact that his Venomthrope is setting the pace for his army because he could be right in my face right now . His difficult terrain role for the Venomthrope is a 1 or 2 (I have at least one more turn to shoot at him. ) He shuffles the rest of his army a little closer. In his psychic phase he is able to cast paroxysm again on my Sternguard. This time he only reduces them to BS and WS 2. He runs he guys up a little closer. UT2: Second chance My best opportunity to cripple his army has past me by but I might still be able to slow him down. I decide to stick with my plan and focus on his synapse creatures. I don't move from my position and go to the shooting phase. I start with the only tactical squad has line of sight on the Zoanthrope and I hit but role a 1 to wound. I then take aim with the one of the devastator squad and make use of the Signum. All hit and all wound. He needs to make at least 5 of the 6 3+ saves to keep his Zoanthrope. He rolls one at a time to build the tension. 3. 3. 4. 6. 2! 1! First blood is mine! I now focus my heavy weapons on the Hive Tyrant and cause another 2 wounds (I think they have 4 wounds). My Sternguard fire at the closest hormagaunt brood killing 2. TT3: First contact At the start of his turn the Venomthrope and a brood of gaunts are outside synapse range. The venomthrope tries to hide and the gaunts are not so lucky. 4 gaunts are torn apart during the feeding frenzy. He moves his Hive Tyrant (back to swooping) to regain control over the swarm and has the rest advance. I don't think he did anything during the psychic phase or shooting phase worth noting. One of his hormagaunts are in charging range. I overwatch into the squad but only downing 1. In assault I kill another but one of my veterans is brought down. Assault is a draw but my Sternguard are stuck in assault. UT3: Hold the line! I activate the devastator doctrine. Now that he has pushed past the objective I reposition to get shots on the enemy. Unfortunately I have another bad round of shooting and only kill 4 gaunts from the squad that went cannibal on itself earlier. In the assault phase I'm surprised at how well my Sternguard are doing. They boot to the head 3 more gaunts and make their armor saves. TT4: Psychic Shriek He is just as surprised at the resilience of the Sterngaurd, but he has a plan for them. He moves behind the Sternguard. He moves the rest of his units closer to charge. In the psychic phase he declares the use of psychic shriek! I throw all my warp charges into trying to deny. I don't roll a single 6, but that's okay because he rolls 2 of them. The power still goes off and he roles against my leadership for a total of 9. The power fails to do any damage. Now he roles on the perils table and gets a 1! The Hive Tyrant suffers his final wound and is sucked into the warp. A major blow for my opponent whose only hope is to try to do as much damage and have his Venomthrope camp the objective. The brood of 2 gaunts charges at one of my devastators but are shot down by the overwatch with rerolls. The other gaunt brood joins the assault against my Sternguard. I'm able to strike down the last 2 of the first squad but now must withstand 30 attacks (it might have been 45 I don't really remember that well, it was a lot of dice.) It came down to 6 armor saves, and I made them all. The Sternguard have won the assault and the gaunts (no longer fearless) failed their moral test. My Sternguard seized the initiative and overrun them. Only the Venomthrope remained. UT4: Clean up Not much to say about this turn except that my Sternguard moved up to the Venomthrope and unleashed some Dragonfire bolts into it's face. Victory to the Ultramarines! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 I like the enthusiasm brother. I shall be watching the thread going forward. You asked for community feedback - can't shoot into assault so he couldn't use Psychic Shriek. The Emperor protected you from that dirty move however. ;) Usually with a flying monstrous creature it's best to either pummel it with shots or ignore it. This is because it can't charge the turn it switches to gliding but can if grounded. Often you're better off just ignoring it than taking pot shots. Especially with a single Flak missile! However you did good. The glorious sons of Ultramar put the bugs to the (chain)sword. What's your next engagement? Any list expansions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted July 14, 2014 Author Share Posted July 14, 2014 @Captain Idaho: Thank you! I think the mistake with the psychic attack was due to inexperience and not ill intent, but I'm glad you pointed that out. I bet we will see more mistakes as I continue to learn. I agree that my focus on the Winged Hive Tyrant felt wasted mainly because the flakk missile does not have the AP to punch through it's armor. I guess I was lucky that it did any damage at all. My next opponent will be Dark Eldar. I can already see myself getting a squad of Sternguard. I love the special issue ammunition, I can fight almost anything with these guys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 Dark Eldar eh. You should be able to do them matey. Sternguard always go down well. You'll get Honour Guard and a Land Raider too, right? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markham82 Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 Congrats on the victory. Those sternguards definitely deserves some new purity seal or some other suitable decoration. What's the award for outstanding CC achievement, I know you get the marksman honour for marksmanship. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 Against dark Eldar I find it best to deepstrike with combi weapons to take out their vehicles in suicide pods and to try and destroy a few more with Las Cannons from afar... But that might not be wise in smaller games. Be careful with the DE. They are super fast and can drown you in dice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted July 15, 2014 Author Share Posted July 15, 2014 Thank you Brothers for taking an interest. @Captain Idaho: I think at some point I will have a little bit of everything. It seems that they are the one of best melee units in the Codex. I already have a Land Raider but need the point limit in our group to increase to be able to use it. @Markham82: Thank you. I don't know what the CC award is but they should get the Imperial Laurel. Without them the Tyranids would have tied up all my squads and kept me from shooting. @Ishagu: I don't know how I feel about drop pods and suicide squads, but I would like to give it a try at some point (must be a reason a lot of people do it). Your are right about killing their mobility in the at the start of the game (those guys can move). OMG it is crazy how many dice they can throw at you. Thanks for the advice. On to the next battle. Dark Eldar Army10-man squad of Kabalite Warriors with a Splinter cannon mounted in a Raider with; disintegrator, night shield, and splinter rack3-man Trueborn squad with 2 dark lances3-man Trueborn squad with 2 dark lances5 Scourges with 4 Splinter cannonsMy first thought is to take away his mobility and then try to take out the small squads.We decided to use the same map as last game. 2 sets of ruins on each side of the board overlooking a wreakage with an objective in the center of the table. My opponent wins the roll off and deploys both of his Trueborn out in the open but has great line of sight to the objective and the ruins nearby my side of the board. He deploys the Scourges in the ruins on his side overlooking the objective. He then places the Raider behind a large wall. I decide to focus my deployment near the objective in/around the ruins. I don't think I will be able to out shoot him at long range but I should be able to shoot him off of the objective if he tries to do a last turn objective grab. I place my Sternguard in the center of my deployment because I plan on them running up to grab the objective and take shots at the Scourges hiding in the ruins oppisite me. I also place one of my missile launchers so that I have line of sight on his Raider.I roll to seize the initiative and succeed!UT1: Angels of DeathI activate the Tactical Doctrine. I only move my Sternguard up near the objective. I target the Trueborn with a Missile launcher that can't see the Raider. I fire a Frag Missile and kill one. My Devastaors (2 combat sqauds) unload into the 2 Trueborn squards leaving only blooded corpses. I start to measure range for my other Missile launcher at but my opponent informs me that I will need an additional 6 inches due to the Night shield (oops). My weapon is out of range, but I have another target. I fire a frag missile and it kills 2 of the Scourges. My Sternguard adds one more Scourge to the dead pile, but they stand(flap?) their ground.DET1: Guerilla TacticsMy opponent is still reeling from the blow I dealt, but he is not ready give up yet. He mavnuevers his raider so he can single out one of my tactical squads. His Scourge stay put and unload into the Sternguard killing 3. The Raider with it's Kabalite warriors fire at their prey killing 3. I fail both of my moral test and role high for my fall back. So far that my Tactical squad leaves the battle and my Sternguard return to the ruins.UT2: RelentlessI activate the Devastator doctrine. My Sternguard advance once again towards the objective. Both Devastator squads move to gain line of sight on the Raider. The other Tactical squad stays put and aims at the Scourges. The missile launcher kills one of the Scourge and the Sternguard run up to the objective. I fire with the heavy bolters at his Raider and only knock off 2 HPs (jinking saved his raider). The Scourge passed his moral test.DET2: All or nothingMy opponent still has a lot of firepower and decides that he wants that objective my Sternguard are holding. His Raider flies out from cover and hovers near the objective. His Scourge stays put again and fires at my stern guard. My Sternguard shrug off the attack. His Raider snap fires killing 2 from one my Devastator squad. The Kabalite warriors fire into the Sternguard throwing spent rifles to the ground and grabbing more from the splinter rack. They cause 12 wounds to 3 models. I make all of my Armor saves! He fires the splinter cannon to no effect.UT3: The final nailAll of my units hold their positions and open fire. I fire a missile at the Raider but fail to hit. I fire some heavy bolters into the Raider and bring it down. The Kabalite warriors disenbark of the far side out of sight of my other heavy bolters. I instead use them to bring down the last Scourge. My Sternguard use hellfire rounds to kill 5 warriors. They fail their moral test and begin to flee.We shake hands and call it.Ultramarines claim victory again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markham82 Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 Well done brother Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 So far the games have gone very well for you. The Dark Eldar match up sounds really tough on paper but you pulled through. I'm still surprised you overcame the flying Hive Tyrant. In smaller games powerful MCs like that are even harder to deal with... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted July 18, 2014 Author Share Posted July 18, 2014 @markham82: Thank you @Ishagu: Indeed, but I feel that luck has played a big part in my victories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markham82 Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 When your planning and execution are well done things tend to look easy and lucky. So keep on adhering to the codex. Honour and courage!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted July 25, 2014 Author Share Posted July 25, 2014 Greetings BrothersI have just finished my vow to the ETL III. E Tenebrae Lux III will try to write up another battle report later today.Courage and Honor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted July 26, 2014 Share Posted July 26, 2014 The force looks nice. Glad you took the time to complete the bases for each model - it makes a huge difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted July 30, 2014 Author Share Posted July 30, 2014 Sorry for the long delay, real life tends to make things difficult.I face off against the Tyranids again, but they have brought a new list.Tervigon (psychic power: Catalyst)1x3 Warrior Brood (armed with death spitters)2x10 Termagant Broods2x1 BiovoresVenomthropeThe board is also my enemy because of the amount of large LOS blocking hills. On one flank there is a series of ruins and rubble. On the other a river divids the center with a ridge on my side and some high grass on his. Mainly the large hill in the center of the board will cause me to lose some of turns of shooting.Mission: The Emperor's Will*The first mistake (and problable biggest) we made was placing the objective after we deployed.* I realized this after rereading the mission info for this Battle Report.I declare that my warlord is the Sargent of the Devastator. I deploy first and place my objective behind a ridge that my devastators (with the Warlord) are guarding. I place the 2 Tactical squads on high points nearby (one next to the Warlord). I place the Sternguard as close to the large hill as I can. I plan to take the hill and perform a fighting retreat as soon as the enemy takes the bait. My other Devastator squad is placed near the corner, hoping I can maneuver to get shots around the hill.My opponet deploys in the in the opposite corner in the ruins. He places the Tervigon and Biovores behind a hill and next to the objective. His other units are placed near the board edge to run along through the ruins and outflank me.My opponent fails to seize the iniative.I know that I'm in a bad way already. I don't have enough fire power to take the Tervigon down (reliably that is). I don't have the mobility or spare units to grab line breaker either. I will also be shelled (spored?) the entire game by the Biovores who I won't be able to attack. But those are thing that I can do nothing about. I will on focus on what I can do.For the Emperor!UT1: Crack ShotI move my Tactical squad that does not have range off the ridge towards my other Tactical squad that does. I maneuver my Devastators to better positions. My Tactical squad has two targets; the Venomthrope or the Warriors Brood. If I can kill all of the Warriors I can stop his flank, but If I kill the Venomthrope I can reduce the amount of cover his troops have while they travel through the ruins. I feel the best option is to try and take out the Venomthrope and secure first blood. The Missile flies true and hits the target. He fails his cover save and adds some color to the ground.TT1: ReinforcementsThe Flank (Warrior brood and 1x10 Termagant brood) begins to move down the side of the board. The other brood of Termagants can't decide what group to follow and stays in between the synapse. The Tervigon doesn't move but spawns 12 gaunts! He cast Catalyst on the Tervigon and the Warriors. The Biovores shoot spore mines at my Tactical squad that smeared the Venomtrope. The first one scatters off target and spawn 2 spores. The other scatters into the center of the squad and causes 3 wounds, but my armor protects me. The rest of the swarm runs forward.UT2: Like shooting fish (bugs?) in a barrelI contuine to reposition my squads. My Sternguard at the base of the hill but are not able to roll high enough to get up. My Devastators shoot the spore mines. My Tactical squad that has the height advantage shoots and kill a warrior that failed to get into cover. The other squad fires a frag missile into Termagants in the center of the enemy formation but it scatters off.TT2: The Beast is provokedThe swarm continues to advance and the Tervigon even steps out from behind the hill. The Tervigon births 8 more Termagants. The undecided Termagant brood joins the main assault force and move to the hill. He cast Catalyst on the Tervigon and some gaunts in front. The Biovores shoot more spores causing 5 more wounds. My squad wipes the spore mine gut off their visors and continue hold their position. The main force runs up to the base of the hill on the side.UT3: Change in plansI move my Sternguard back from the hill and get ready for some Last Samurai action. My Tactical squad on the ground has no target so I decide to move them behind the other tactical squad (where the enemy flank is headed). I fire a missile into the Tervigon and cause a wound (5 left).TT3: Like punching a brick wallThe Swarm advances to the top of the hill and the Tervigon has it's last litter with 14. (He got 34 Termagants before rolling a single double! That is an extra 136pts to his 500pt army.) He cast Catalyst on the Tervigon and on the front most gaunts. His Biovores fire on the same squad again and fails to do any damage. (My squad has endured 3 turns of barrage from the enemy and has not taken a single casualty! woot)UT4: Shooting GalleryI activate the Tactical doctrine. I move my Tactical squad (the one on the ground) in position to intercept the flank. The Tervigon is still hidden behind the center hill, I will have to deal with the Termagants instead. The Tactical squad that moved shoots down some gaunts from the flanking force. The rest of my army fires at the swarm on the hill. The FNP Termagant are able to soak up a lot of wounds but I am able to kill off half of swarm (about 22).TT4: DecimationEverthing moves closer and is now in range to start their attack. He cast Catalyst on the Tervigon and on the largest Brood of Termagants. The Swarm unleashes a deadly attack and I can't seem to make an armor save. I lose 9 marines (3 from the Sternguard and 3 from each Tactical squads), but my warriors show no fear and stand their ground. Another spore mine is also set loose on the field near my troops. At least that is the end of his attack, he is just out of range to make it into assault.UT5: ReloadI activate the Devastator doctrine. I move my Devastator squad (the one not guarding the objective) back away from the Tyranid forces. I move my Tactical squads towards the flanking enemy. The Sternguard stay put, they have to block the Tyranid from getting to my Warlord and Objective. My forces slay all but one Termagant (including the all of the flanking brood).TT5: Blind rageThe Biovores are out of synapse range. One passes it's instinctual behavior, the other does not. It rolls lurk and doesn't do anything as it is already hiding in some ruins. The remains of the enemy forces move closer. He cast Catalyst on the Tervigon and on the brood of Warriors. The Tyranids fire at my forces only killing a single Sternguard. The lone spore mine charges my Sternguard but is popped by over watch fire. The Termagant and Tervigon charge in as well. The Termagant is killed by the veterans. All of the Termagants have been slain and this seems to have sent the Tervigon into a rage. Even with all of it's power it is not able to land a hit on the hardened veterans. UT6: The battle rages on All I can do is focus my fire on the Warriors, but I can't fire to full effect because of LOS blocking hills. I move the Devastator squad again. All I am able to do is kill one warrior and put a wound on the last one. The enemy has secured line breaker. In close combat I fail to hurt the Tervigon and one veteran falls but the last Sternguard knows no fear.TT6: They will never be forgotten The only thing the Tyranid player is able to do their whole turn is take out the last veteran.The Sternguard were able to hold off the beast long enough to deny the Tyranid access to my Warlord and objective.Their Strength, Resilience, and Courage are examples that my marines will strive to match. * End of Report * From the battles that I have fought so far I have noticed a few things and have some questions: I have not used the Assault doctrine. (I understand that they are used based on the situation, but so far it seems that I'm trying to defeat my enemy by only shooting. I do not want to get set in my ways and become inflexible.) What unit should I consider to fill this role? (preemptive @Captain Idaho: I already see Honor Guard in my future. They are Awesome!) I have zero mobility. (I have been lucky in the missions only having 1 or 2 objectives, but in the battles so far I have not had any influence in the movement phase. I can only react and never go on the offensive.) What unit should I consider to fill this role? In general my army lacks balance. I would like some advice as what I should change or get to help with these problems. (The point limit will rise eventually, but I don't think I have the "right" units to address the problems when it does.) Bonus Question: Can a spore mine after being place in the shooting phase from a Biovore assault the same turn? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 30, 2014 Share Posted July 30, 2014 Nice report. I find I enjoy your style. Personally I use too much information without pictures but you've got it just right. Can't help with the spore mine question but I'd say you could do with either Drop Pods or Rhinoz (or both). That would enable you to move to objectives. Alternatively you can consider bikes, Scouts in Storms and Land Speeders. In fact with Rhinos on the table the Land Speeders are focused on less. A squadron of Typhoons can flit around the rear of your force, take objectives and put out more shots than a Devastator squad. Assault force depends on points levels and your intentions building the list. Land Raiders become expensive liabilities in smaller games but can be useful delivery tools in larger games. Vanguard are solid performers provided you don't go too expensive. 8 with 3 Storm Shields and maybe a hidden power fist can be powerful. Again things get expensive though and you may have to completely redesign your approach to successfully use one of these units. Without other attacking elements you'll potentially see them focused on and nullified. A possibility could be a cheaper counter strike unit. Assault Marines do fit the bill but remember their limitations before expecting them to sweep aside all before them! A Captain in their midst would provide credible hitting power. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markham82 Posted July 30, 2014 Share Posted July 30, 2014 The flags are half mast for those heroic sternguards. Luckily you have able replacements from your recent actions. Do we chalk up another V for the young commander? I don't think its a bad thing that you've let your opponent march his force towards you up to now. I do get what you mean about not getting set in your ways, to quote Yoda "boredom this way invites". Maybe Captain Idaho can give exact entry #'s but the Codex does say that "If thou has the advantage of firepower and position, let thine foe expend his energy running towards your righteous bolter drills." I would say get a scout squad with ccw and landspeederstorm. Then I would use the scouts to protect the firebase and the landspeeder zipping around to objectives. Or for 5 more points you get three rhinos of which 2 are super scoring. That's a lot of mobile LOS and assault blocking. If you decide on an assault unit I would still keep them back right until the other guy gets his force close( when he can charge next turn) and then send the unit in. Honour guard actually seems very nice for your force, for the same points as the other two options you can get four power weapons and they have bolters to add to your fire base( oh and 2+ armour) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted July 31, 2014 Author Share Posted July 31, 2014 @Captain Idaho: Thank you for the complement. It really means a lot to me, especially coming from an aspiring writer. I'm just glad that some people are finding this entertaining. Good point about transports. I can keep the army's composition mostly the same and address the issues with mobility. I like your Rhino/Land Speeder combo. If I was to get a Rhino in the future, should I get the Razorback so I have the option magnetize the turret? @Markham82: A sad day indeed, but notice I didn't necessary say that he died... Somebody is getting a new suit of armor if you know what I mean. Is it a victory? Depends on how you look at. I have learned more from this battle than the previous two games. That means more to me than "victory". Plus a fun game with friends is always a win. I agree, once the point limit is increased I bet the battles will be a lot more interesting. I have honestly never considered scouts, but I think both of you hit it right on the head. I think it covers the issues quite nicely. I can't wait to try out some Honor guard (for painting and battle). It seems trying to force an assault unit in my army (at this point limit) will do more harm than good. Sorry for the flawed question. I appreciate your suggestions and plan on incorporating them into the army as it grows. What do you guys think about a Dreadnought? It seems like it might be able to go up against some of those MC the Tyranids are so fond of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 I've never been sold on individual Razorbacks since the cost of the standard Heavy Bolters variant. On it's own a single AV target is death in a box, but with perhaps a Rhino or two, Land Speeders and a Dread you can increase it's survivability as a backfield objective holder. However, I know people use them to great success so I can only say I'm perhaps better suited to a more aggressive style of play. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paulochromis Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 Great thread! You've encouraged me to try to get out and actually play a game or two. Minor point, why did you put the guns on the rear doors of your land raider? Decreases range; reduced cover for models deploying from side doors, and you already have an access point (the assault ramp) at the front. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 I did that to. Looks better for lascannons and I generally find the distance makes no difference really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted July 31, 2014 Author Share Posted July 31, 2014 @Paulochromis:Thanks for reading! I'm glad that I've encouraged you to go out and play. I hope you have a good time. One of the reasons I picked the Space Marines was because of how they looked. IMHO and like Captain Idoha said, it looks better in the back. I agree with all your points though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markham82 Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 I love the razorback fluffwise( my diy chapter uses them extensively). Unfortunately 45 pts for a better weapon of your choice or 20 pts for a heavy bolter, even twinlinked I think those points can be used better, especially at points lvl. were talking about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tylertt Posted August 1, 2014 Share Posted August 1, 2014 Great thread brother!Being that Tyranids are my primary army, and to answer your question about the spore mines charging. They can indeed charge after landing from a Biovore. Presently there is no FAQ to state otherwise, and rules as written in the dex, they may do whatever they want after the land (Run or charge), but half their distances of course. Just watchout as even if biovores miss, their mines can be placed anywheres under the blast marker. So Biovores are hard to miss with really, and can mess up overwatch by forcing you to fire at the mines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 @Markham82: I agree it may not be the best choice at this point level, but I may find use for it at a later date. @Tylertt: Thanks for reading! Thanks for the info about the spore mines. I did not know you could place the spores anywhere under the blast. We were just placing it under the center. I don't think he knows that and I will let him know. Thanks again for the information. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Games-Unplugged Posted August 9, 2014 Author Share Posted August 9, 2014 Sorry of the long silence.I have not been able to get a game in, but I do have an update. I was inspired by the actions of my Sternguard and decided to get some models to represent them.I went to GW's website and looked at the Sternguard there. While they look impressive I did not want them look too dressed up, I also did not want to spend $50. I decided that I should convert/paint some regular tactical marines to look like Sternguard. My Mono-pose Marines would not do though. I found somebody who wanted to sell some marines, but the models were trashed. He modeled heavy battle damage using a drill to create bullet holes and a x-acto knife to scar the armor. I was about to say no to the deal, but then he told me he has had these models since 3rd edition. Something in my brain clicked and the gears started to turn. These warriors have at least 15 years of experience and have seen hundreds of battles. They were perfect to represent my Sternguard. I bought them for $5 and got to work. Sorry for the poor image quality.Example of some of the repairs made models with Black Reach Commander. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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