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I know these aren't the best pictures but something about all three seems off.

The exposed tubing and tacked on armor pieces of the IW one looks lazy, rather than thematic. The iron mask head, however, is amazing.

The RG one is flat out boring. The tribal designs look messy, almost as if the sculptor didn't have any planned layout. Horrible execution.

The NL one is probably the closest to what I was expecting, though the skulls, skull helmet, and skull Legion badge is exhausting. Where's the flayed flesh, exposed ribcages and spinal cords? The hands of fallen nailed to the Contemptor's coffin, and perhaps a poor crucified mortal atop the frame? A missed opportunity.

Yep, because a family-friendly event always needs ribcages, flayed skin and spinal cords. Remind me why we restrain the Slaaneshis again? tongue.png

Yes that was tongue-in-cheek. But that is one thing we, as adults, forget. The target audience is NOT the Rogue Trader Veteran. It isn't even the 22 year old 4th Edition veteran. It's the ten and twelve year old kid. That's why BL watches its language. If you can't find it in a pg-13 film, it don't make its way to the models and literature. The only exceptions being the Slaaneshi daemons. Even then it is highly restrained.

So yes, just skulls.

Then how come we have specific references of the gruesome and horrifying lengths the Night Lords go to inflict terror? What of the Screaming Gallery on Tsagualsa? Probably one of the most disturbing things I've ever read. Do we just brush that under the rug and declare this a 'PG-13' setting, now? Have you not seen the Night Raptor models? They're wearing a dead person's flayed arm skin, for Christ's sake.

I understand your perspective, and leaving some things to the imagination can be tasteful, but I reject that in this instance. Specifically, FW's depiction of the HH is aimed at an older audience. A hallmark of the Night Lords visual identity is their use of controversial trophies of the dead. You know this, it's nothing new. They do wear the flayed skin of their victims. They do adorn their armor with fragmented bone, ribcages and vertebral columns. FW and BL may exclude strong degrees of sex and profanity in their work, but I'm not sure I will ever agree that this is a child-friendly universe.

I personally view this Contemptor as a missed opportunity and was expecting something closer to this. I'm not arguing that we should be seeing the blood-eagled remains of a baby on the model.

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The Raven Guard will always be one of my first loves, and I know I still give them preferential treatment in spite of my claim to love them all equally. In my opinion, the Forge World book is the best thing to happen to them since I got involved in this setting, and that Contemptor is very in keeping with their character.


Edit: I think Kol had a very valid point when it comes to models. Yes, we can read about how horrific the Night Lords can be in Black Library or Forge World, but those are niches of the hobby where an older audience is assumed. Ultimately, however, this is a kid's hobby with elements to appeal to older crowds and the biggest aspect of that hobby, the models and actual play, reflect that. You won't see that Forge World image of a Contemptor as a model unless somebody converts it.

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Well, I don't like the sculpted designs on the RG Contemptor not because they are inappropriate (it appears FW is leaning towards such designs for RG) but because they are sculpted. I think some things should be painted on or be transfers - two-dimensional anyway... same applies for the hazard stripes in the knee and shoulder pads in the otherwise excellent IW Contemptor.


The RG helmet is interesting though... 

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the RG contemptor looks completely skippable to me...again the HH RG disappoint



What else about them is disappointing? I'm considering them as a possibility.



As Kol said, the rules and the fluff for the RG have been a let down for me personally.


The RG HH play as a standard 40k RG force should play in my opinion. There is nothing *special* about their Legion rules to get me, a player with a RG Battle Company (5th Compnay) already, nothing to make me want to dedicate the time or resources a good HH force would take.


I then look at the rules for the other Legions, or their special units (Gal Vorbak especially), and feel like the RG was a let down.


the fluff...while their entry from FW was very good, sadly Deliverance Lost is such a blight I am unable to take the RG seriously in the fluff. (I have NOT read/listened to the following audio books based on a lack of interest, and dislike of the novella/audiobooks. so if they are halfway competent there I'm in for a suprise)



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The rules aren't bad but they are a little lacking compared to the others. I do love the special units that we got even though the eclipse missile launcher lost half of it's use with the change to blind (same as Corax with his blind). While the design is definitely Raven Guard, it doesn't look like it well thought out before being sculpted.
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The rules aren't bad but they are a little lacking compared to the others. I do love the special units that we got even though the eclipse missile launcher lost half of it's use with the change to blind (same as Corax with his blind). While the design is definitely Raven Guard, it doesn't look like it well thought out before being sculpted.

Lacking in what way? Like underpowered or..?

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Fleet is... One of the less useful USRs and becomes almost entirely useless if you also bring Corax.

Infiltrate can be useful but if you're going second, your opponent has probably already denied any good infiltrator areas

Furious Charge on Jump, Terminator, Bike, and Jetbike units is actually useful if you're going to be using those units but we all know that all Jump units are over priced already


Don't get me wrong, I love playing my Raven Guard but looking at the rules for some other legions it's kinda disappointing.


Also with the change to Night Fighting, Infravisors are now less useful and still a hindrance against Blind


Cameleoline can be made useless if night fighting is in effect and they don't have night vision


Raven's Talons are actually fairly useful

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Then how come we have specific references of the gruesome and horrifying lengths the Night Lords go to inflict terror? What of the Screaming Gallery on Tsagualsa? Probably one of the most disturbing things I've ever read.  


Also not forgetting the Fulgrim 'torture' scene in Reflection Cracked... havent been able to look at the Fulgrim mini the same ever since *shudders*

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Just saw these on the Heresy 30K forum:




Must....resist....too much unpainted resin sitting in my basement as is.....must.....so pretty.....Aaaargh!!!

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Just saw these on the Heresy 30K forum:





Must....resist....too much unpainted resin sitting in my basement as is.....must.....so pretty.....Aaaargh!!!



We're losing him Alan....


"Bring me 200 cc of resin stat!"

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Just saw these on the Heresy 30K forum:





Must....resist....too much unpainted resin sitting in my basement as is.....must.....so pretty.....Aaaargh!!!

I feel your pain, Brother....

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I originally thought the IW dread was a nurgle/Death Guard dread mainly because of the chest plate. :\


Like the FW salamander Upgrade sets I think the Raven Guard Dread will come into its own once painted properly.

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In my opinion:

- Iron Warriors one isn't quite what I expected, but still very cool. Very big, brutal and industrial looking.

- Night Lords on the other hand is exactly what I expected, and I can't say I'm impressed. I don't necessarily agree that more gore etc would make it better, but perhaps something less predictable than the generic skull helmet etc. I think that people can convert nicer NL specific contemptors than this.

- I think the Raven Guard one looks trashy but I've never been a fan of them so will leave judgement to those who are fans

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The Iron Warrior one looks good, as does the Night Lord. Not sure on the Raven Guard one, would like to see it painted. It's a shame as their standard dread from Forge World is quite nice. There is a chance they are not the finished models, so hopefully it will be improved before release.
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I love the tribal designs on the Raven Guard dread. All of those look better than the previously released contemptors. They make the WE and DG look especially half-assed. 


As a proud World Eaters collector, this is painfully true. 


I know these aren't the best pictures but something about all three seems off.


The exposed tubing and tacked on armor pieces of the IW one looks lazy, rather than thematic. The iron mask head, however, is amazing. 


The RG one is flat out boring. The tribal designs look messy, almost as if the sculptor didn't have any planned layout. Horrible execution. 


The NL one is probably the closest to what I was expecting, though the skulls, skull helmet, and skull Legion badge is exhausting. Where's the flayed flesh, exposed ribcages and spinal cords? The hands of fallen nailed to the Contemptor's coffin, and perhaps a poor crucified mortal atop the frame? A missed opportunity.


I quite enjoy the RG Contemptor for some reason... Each to his own, I suppose. 


As for the lack of trophies on the NL Contemptor, we can always improvise by using stuff out of our spare parts box and green stuff. A crucified Legionary on top of the Contemptor should be fairly easy to accomplish.

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Ah , so this is where all the cool minis are hanging out!


The Raven Guard Tribal Design looks strikingly like some of the Maori designs from New

Zealand South Island on teh western coast.


Im seriously thinking of switching over, still trying to pick a legion after about 20 months...grrrrr....

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Ah , so this is where all the cool minis are hanging out!


The Raven Guard Tribal Design looks strikingly like some of the Maori designs from New

Zealand South Island on teh western coast.


Im seriously thinking of switching over, still trying to pick a legion after about 20 months...grrrrr....

In first it's a charachadons contemptor

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The "Raven Guard" contemptor -is- a Carcharodons contemptor seeing as the Terran marines in the Raven Guard didn't come from Polynesia, they came from what is currently the -Istan region of Southwest Asia

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