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Company of Eddard Wintersbane - Grey Hunters WIP


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Hail Folks of Fenris!


I'm gonna start using this thread to chronicle my journey, building a company of Russ's get.


I like to think of myself as a veteran warhammer player, though some long of fang and grey of mane would probably still shame me as a pup. I started out playing a Host of Rohan, in the LotR battle game, and progressed to 40k in 2004. I always liked the Wolves, but there was already a player in our very small gaming group that fielded Logan and his company. So I went with Sigismund and his super friends. (Don't tell Honda >_>)


So with the wrap up of ETL this year, I've finally got the Templars to a point where I think they're finished (for now). And with awesome timing, the Wolves are getting a new release soon, I think it's as good a time as I'm gonna find to get started.

I'm gonna take it slow with this company and really try to get each model as top end as I can (I've previously been fairly lazy with things like mold-lines).


As I'm new to the Halls of the Fang, I'd appreciate and welcome any comments, criticisms, questions and other information y'all feel inclined to leave. You seem like a friendly bunch, and I look forward to joining the pack, as it were.

A Great Company of Wolves traversed the Eye of Terror into the Halo Stars beyond, chasing threat after threat.

The original group, numbering near 300, were eventually defeated in battle, an Ork Warboss caught them in orbit, and destroyed their battle barge, killing Wolf Lord Rickard Nightwolf.

Being as far out as they were, and on the far side of the Eye of Terror, communication with the Fang became impossible. Upon conceding this, the newly elected Wolf Lord Eddard Wintersbane set up company refuge in a nearby fortress.

The Company, knowing that they'll be considered Lost, now fight their way around the system, culling orks, raiding necron tombs, fending off Eldar pirates and trying to close the warp rifts spewing daemons into reality.


Eddard is a stubborn old wolf. He gained the name Wintersbane on his return from the Test of Morkai. With the rest of the aspirants in his lot given up for dead, Eddard endured. A month long blizzard raked the country, with wind and snowfalls that changed the landscape. After six months he returned to the Fang, draped in the pelts of the beasts he had slain.


He next bought himself to the eyes of the Lords of The Fang after decades of service as a Grey Hunter in Rickard Nightwolf's Great Company. The Wolf Guard who lead their pack was gunned down by a huge Ork brute. Under ferocious fire, Eddard mounted a charge. Not only did he avenge their fallen brother, but hr suceeded inrouting the Orks, and sending them scattering from the emplacement they had occupied. This manuvuer was crucial, as the Hunter's covering fire from this position made Nightwolf's advance possible, thus winning the battle. Though not enough to earn Eddard a place in the Wolf Guard, it earned him Nightwolf's thanks, and attention.

So I got my first box of wolves today.

What should I do with them? Where do I start?


I think a pack of Claws would be a good start, because they'd be fun.

Or some Hunters, to get a good feel for the army at large.

Or maybe 5 of each?


What do you folks think of loadout?

At this point suggesting a load out would be unwise as the cofex b is less than 2 weeks away. But if it were me I would start by making a couple of basic greyhunters (holding a bolter seems safest atm), then paint them and see what your color scheme is like or if you want to change it. Plus you can always use basic greyhunters.

welcome! always good to have another wolf in the house msn-wink.gif

liking the GoT theme, maybe doing a similar thing, but going for some of the characters off 'vikings' as a basis. Tostig is the greatest 'on screen' lone wolf ive seen in a good while :D

But aye, 'mon the starks! https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/578131_10153493475030417_806669694_n.jpg

(just dont expect to survive long haha)

So I found an old marine laying around that I wasn't using, and figured he'd be a good test dummy.




What do you guys think for colours. I'm not sold on the yellow paldron, and I'm trying to figure out what colour to make my army badge.

Any thoughts?

yeah i avoid yellow pads pretty much 100% of the time, ivenever liked painting yellow, and i didnt like it with the very light blue scheme ive been using. 



I use mainly red or space wolves grey in a solid colour, sometimes black (one day ill finish off some projects and post some images ha)

Main reason I'm undecided, is I'm just finishing around 5k of Black Templars, which are all black and red and white, so I'm trying to avoid anything that looks too much like that :P


Anyone had any success with Grimnar's company, or Stormwolf's? I'm intrigued by the blue, but not sure if it'll look any good?

  • 2 weeks later...

Upon reading the new codex, and the threads discussing it, I've decided to assemble my first pack as Grey Hunters. I'm going 10 hunters, 5 Chainswords, 2 Plasma-guns and a Plasma Pistol. Should be a fairly rounded squad, as the chainswords buff assault, without being too expensive, and the plasma gives some good firepower.


  • 2 months later...

heya Nightwing biggrin.png

the stuff you have done so far is looking good,although if what i see is correct ..i'd do another layer of grey(watered down )over the wash layer you have done at the end....that is unless your half way through painting them..unsure.png then i apologise and say keep going well !!

Do you have a company chosen yet?...what kinda play style direction are you heading for...shooty?, assault?...mix of both?

im like you, just starting out with the wolves, they're very characterful and full of great choice...painting wise and play wise...

look fwd to seeing more from you!! good luck ...also watch for the 2014 solstice advance thread starting soon(painting challenge)

cheers Mithril

Going with a homebrewed company, cut off from the rest of the chapter.

Leaning towards a shooty style, with a good handful of melee units later. Current plan is as far as a couple of squads of Hunters, then a Rune Priest to lead them.

  • 2 months later...

Huzzah, finally got my first pack of Hunters finished.




Jeor Greymane took defacto command of this pack, as many of his pack mates were recruited after he lead a hunting party to track and slay a fenrisian great bear.


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