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"The Heralds of Salvation" a pestilent WIP

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After a year of not a single model dedicated to Nurgle failing a vow to my pestilent master I have decided to expunge my shame by finally assembling and completing a full army dedicated to Nurgle. Behold my feeble attempts to appease Grandfather Nurgle and seek forgiveness



Here is an allied Daemon force I have painted (thought I would paint some daemons first as an attempt to get some experience painting again) In order of appearance is a Herald, Nurgling swarms, Plague bearer squad and a converted Soul Grinder of Nurgle





Of course since this is only just my small allied detachment here is the rest of my Chaos marine army known as the Heralds of Salvation, this is still WIP so will have more painted soon


Zombie Squad (Counts as a chaos marine squad )








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Since I have done so much in the last couple of weeks I wasn't able to put all I have done in the same post so here is some more


Chaos Spartan Assault Tank (waiting on green stuff to patch up the hole in the front ramp as it glue out of place due to bad quality glue)

It really was a pain in the butt to assemble




Chaos Lord with his chaos Chauffeur so he can whack stuff with his scythe








I also have a Sorcerer on Palanquin, bike squad and a plague marine squad that I converted up last year but may leave those pics till they are painted

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