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Cadian Defence Force


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I am new to 40K and AM. I bought myself the Cadian Defence Force box set to get me started. The problem I am having is that it seems that there are quite alot of options for everything and being new to 40k I am not quite getting everything, I have no idea what is or is not useful.


I was wondering if anyone knows of a standard dataslate for it? Or if there is a good basic build that can be created just using the contents of the box.




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Hi Dan, welcome to 40k, the Guard and the B&C! You've come to the right place to get help, short of dropping in on your local GW (though I can't promise we won't encourage you to buy some things too :P ). Have you got the codex yet? That's a good place to start, reading that a couple of times should give you a good foundation. For your Guardsmen you'll need to decide how you want to run them, as standard Platoons or Veterans - since you're starting out I recommend assembling a Platoon first.


A Platoon will require a minimum of 25 models, but you'll still need to decide what weapons to equip them with. Do you need anything in particular, or just general advice? It would help if you broke it down into specific questions so we can give better advice :)

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Hi Thanks for the responses so far, I do have the codex and this box set http://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/Cadian-Defence-Force


For the moment buying anything else 4k related is not an option, I am in the process of assembling them and then speed painting them. I have a pile of WFB stuf that needs attention too so my hobby table is full so to speak.


What I would like is a good way that I can put these models together while I get a hang of the game, something not too complicated that allows me to learn how to play 40K. There seem to be so many options with weapons and upgrades that I don't really know where to start. I am thinking about trying to magnetize as much as possible to keep some flexibility. I had wondered if GW had a dataslate for the box set for instance (I think they did that wiht the marine box set?) but I haven't seen one.


Seeins as this is a box set I wondered if anyone had a list that works quite well with it so I can get on with learning the rules and army. I know this may seem a bit lazy but there is quite a lot to fugure out when you arer completly new to it.



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The kit will give you most of what you need for an army. It'll build a single Platoon, or a Company Command Squad and 2 Veteran Squads which would be the bare minimum for an army. I'd recommend starting with a Platoon but you will need to get more models to field a legal army so it depends what you want the army to be.


Platoons are best kept cheap I think, so the Platoon Command Squad shouldn't have many points spent on it as it's a small unit so I'd keep them without upgrades for now. You can easily swap models out later. For the Infantry Squads I prefer to focus them so they have either a special weapon or a heavy one but not both as it helps keep costs down. If you go for specials I recommend the Flamer first and Grenade Launcher second as they're cheap but useful.


If you take a heavy weapon then there's more to choose from, Autocannons are good and flexible as as Heavy Bolters. Alternatively you could build them as a Heavy Weapon Squad if you don't add them to the Infantry Squads. The Chimera is fine without upgrades, the Multilaser is good as is a hull Heavy Bolter (or Heavy Flamer, if you think you might get close to the enemy). For the Russ, it depends on how many more you'd like to add, but generally the default Battle Tank and the Battlecannon it is armed with is a good generalist.


It'd really help if you gave us some ideas about what you're thinking of doing. Infantry, tank or artillery company? Or a hybrid? Infantry heavy Platoons or light with Veterans? If you've not really thought about this much then we could help point you in the right direction if you have a theme or historical force you want to base them on.

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It'd really help if you gave us some ideas about what you're thinking of doing. Infantry, tank or artillery company? Or a hybrid? Infantry heavy Platoons or light with Veterans? If you've not really thought about this much then we could help point you in the right direction if you have a theme or historical force you want to base them on.


Thanks again.  I have not really thought about it, I like the idea of it being a hybrid so that I can field a bit of everything, I don't want to specialize on one type of play at the moment. I think I need to spend a bit more time reading through the codex and figurign out how things fit together. Am I correct in thinking that a 'platoon' would just take one slot in the FOC? What more would be needed for it to be legal? At the moment that is not such an issue though I will be just playing in the basement with a couple of friends (who have Grey Knights and Tyranids).

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Sounds like you want a build an army a bit like mine, in that I can field almost any type of Guard army I like tongue.png It's a long road but a lot of fun, give it some thought and come back to this topic - we're not going anywhere msn-wink.gif In the meantime there's plenty of discussion to be had here so join in and don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have, there's a lot of good stuff across the topics and many a veteran Guardsman ready to help smile.png

The minimum FOC is 1 HQ and 2 Troop units, and a Platoon counts as a single Troop choice. As you can see from the codex a single Platoon can provide a lot, so most of the time you can easily get all the troopers you'll need from a single Platoon so you can fill the second mandatory Troop slot with a Veteran Squad which is what I'd recommend as a start. Then all you need is a Company Command Squad (CCS) and you have not only the bare minimum for an army but also a pretty solid core to build your army on biggrin.png

Last but certainly not least, have you thought about what colour schemes to paint them in yet? We'll be happy to help there as well, in fact perhaps almost too happy... laugh.png

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