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Over the past year i developed an obsession for flyers. The models and designs are just to cool and i found myself wanting to attempt making many of them. Scratchbuilding/converting is by far my favorite part of the hobby so i set off on a journey. here is the progress that i have made.
sorry for the poor quality pictures. on camera i own is on my phone. they also had to be compressed in order to be viable uploads to B&C.
full gallery:


My first foray into the world of imperial flyers. This conversion is a kitbash/modification of the Valkyrie box set.

avenger aerial

avenger front

avenger dorsal

After my success on the avenger project i felt more comfortable attempting a more aggressive scratch build. this model uses storm talon engines, the majority of the remainder is scratch built plasti-card. i will be making a second thunderbolt and will attempt some in progress shots for future reference. i am unhappy with the cockpit and will be giving it external armored struts like it should have

tbolt front

tbolt profile

tbolt Top down

here is my attempt at the infamous vulture gunship equipped with the twin-linked punisher cannon. This project was made with a Valkyrie set, additional Valkyrie bits, modified riptide cannon, baal predator bussle. Personally i'm not a fan of the model with the gigantic turbine intake. i tried to design it as a sleek fighter.
VULTURE GUNSHIP-Punisher Class: "Death Dealer"

vulture side

vulture front

vulture aerial



                                                                                  The following are in progress ship.


at first i wanted to make this a helicopter with two large turbines in place of the wings. however i just couldnt conceptalize a design or find an appropriate item to canabilize to obtain that goal. the model was redesigned with the delta wing and large underslung engines. its armament is 4x high yield missle pods.


VULTURE GUNSHIP-Missle Class:  name undecided.  maybe "the sweeper"

vulture2 front

vulture2 dorsal

vulture2 Top


The two vultures side by side

vultures paired



this model is more custom then my thunderbolt. I followed papercraft lightning strike file available on the internet in its construction. changes were made to the front intake and tail fins. i play this as a voss pattern thunderbolt given that the model is as large as my thunderbolt and slightly bulkier. it dosent fit my vision of the nimble fighter a lightning is supposed to be. autocannons are under the lascannon directly above landing gear





light dorsal



with the changes to the vendetta gunship it seemed silly to just use an up armed valkyrie as the model. this is my heavily converted Aquila Gunship.

The aquila itself as a horrible rules set, and now that it matches transport capacity of the vendetta it seems like a good proxy. It will be painted as an inquistors private ship


Aquila Gunship: "xxxxxxx"





now the crazier project. i wanted a stormraven for use with my inquistion/mechanicus/ guard and it just didn't feel appropriate form them to uses a space marines style raven since there is no interchange of vehicles amongst those military branches. IE. there are no chimera based vehicles with the marines like there are no rhino chassis vehicles with the guard. So i decided to create a new stormraven based off of the design of the Valkyrie. It is focused more on being a heavy gunship than assault transport. The tail is going to be redesigned with vertical ailerons off of the hull like a Valkyrie. This will give it a shorter length and better balance.


Imperial Storm Raven: "xxxxxxx"

raven front

raven Top

raven rear

raven weapon profile



this is the entirety of my naval brigade so far....


more models, updates, and painting to follow once i bring myself around to it.


Hope you have enjoyed my work and maybe it will inspire someone like i was.

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