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Your favourite Chaos Space Marines Miniature and why...


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Hello dark brothers and sisters, fellow lords and ladies, servants all of the Dark Gods. Which is your favourite CSM miniature and why?




My favourite model in the CSM range is the humble Chaos Lord with Power Axe. An ancient miniature I believe from the 1999. He is my token, my lucky charm and I always have him in my army bag. Being in metal he stood undaunted all this years at my side and I still love to field him. Why I love this model?


To me the miniature above is the very expression of a Chaos Space Marine. Baroque but practical power armour, totems and fetishes, a trophy rack, the helmets of our most bitter and ancient foe, as well as this cold aura of implacability that comes from his pose. With his axe rised it seems like that he is screaming to the Dark Gods, saluting them with a profane gesture while he calmly appraises the battlefield. A special mention goes to the grenades on the chain around his waist, the crude practicality, the implements of war which every marine no matter his rank does not leave home without. Then you have the fur cloak of some long dead but worthy predator as well as the crude, practical, yet still ornate power axe, a weapon which one can quite believe that has seen use in many battles both during the Great Crusade as well as across the length of the Horus Herey and beyond. The model clearly shows how hard is the life of a Chaos Space Marines, looted and resilient material in the form of chainmail for some decorations, reinforced power armour and a minimum of decoration in the form of skull shaped tokens. No fuss, no frills, but everytime I see this model I think, the bastard has been killing loyalists and living in hell for so long that he emanates hatred and malice but also a cold aura of authority with every move and gesture. 

The Medusa Campaign Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour. With the Kai Gun and Lightning Claw, he's an epic looking Character.




In terms of more old-school models, the classic Plague Marines from around 1987-89 were definitely partly responsible for my corruption. Particularly the one with a Nurgling hanging onto his leg (which I still have... sitting, stripped, in my "old models box" awaiting the day I'll be inspired to repaint him).


He's on the top right of this picture:



So hard to pick just one - which is one big reason I play Chaos - I like their minis best.


While there are some that I hate (Chaos Oblits / Mutilators, Chaos Bikes, etc.) - there are plenty that I really really like - including:

  • Said GW Lord 2
  • GW Nurgle Daemon Prince
  • GW Warpsmith
  • GW Typhus
  • GW Raptor Lord / old school Raptors
  • GW Aspiring Champion
  • GW Dark Apostle
  • GW Sorc with Force Staff & Plasma Pistol
  • GW Helbrute
  • GW Defiler
  • GW Dinobots
  • Even GW DV Cultists
  • All the FW stuff (all the Chaos Walkers and the new Gal Vorbak .... drool....)

None converted models


- The Chaos lord you shown Tenebris.  It always been a epic model for me & I still remember when he was release & when the eavy metal team painted this Chaos Lord as a challenge between the team, while same model just all the different looks.

He also the base of my Warsmith for my Iron Warriors when I started them in 2001, he was pretty much the first model I went for because how cool he was & extra parts to convert him for that Iron Warrior look (servo arm, bionic, 3rd ed era Tactical upgread spure with flamer/launcher/sergeant parts).


I think it just the over all look of the model & the amount detail.  I've always though of picking up a new version & paint a updated version of my Warsmith before he was a Daemon Prince.
It be great to see a new version of this Chaos Lord as a single plastic spure release in the near future.


- Daemon Prince release during codex 3.5.
Again another great model & it because of this model alone & a great game that led to my Warsmith turning into a Daemon Prince.  It was just the overall look of the model, the mix of Daemonic & Power armour all mix into one.  There a lot great detail on the model & really great to paint.  Only thing that annoy me is the model being metal & how the sword arm will keep breaking off my current Daemon Prince model.


- Current plastic Chaos lord from Dark Vengeance

Once again just all down to the look & detail.  I knew when I got the box game for my birthday, I needed to get the Chaos Lord painted up & added to my Iron Warriors just because he was cool.


- Classic Chaos Dreadnought from 2nd ed

Many people may not like this model.  But I do & for me, he was release during the time I started the hobby & when I got my first White Dwarf 202 with John Blanche art work on converting Chaos Space Marines.
Last year I re-painted the Classic Chaos Dreadnought I got for my Iron Warriors back in 2001, I had the model paint strip few year back & waited for the right time.  Right time seen to be last year & since then I've enjoy adding him back into my Iron Warrior army & getting a few games with the classic model.

I also like the Forge World Chaos Dreadnought & the current plastic one as well.  Just the 2nd ed version hold a lot history for me.


- Plastic Raptors

To be honesty I was never a fan of the Raptor models during 3rd ed & when they got updated in 3.5 codex era.  Was just never keen on those models.

But since they where update in plastic in 2012, just the amount of detail on the models.  I've bought over 8 boxies so far, with only one set being use for a actual unit of Raptors.  The rest where use for conversion as the close combat weapon for example are great & have that real brutal look, you knew your get rip apart from seen those chainswords.


IP I remember that, those 'eavy metal chaos lords were pretty damn impressive, one of them had this cool marble effect on the armour. Can't seem to find any pics on the net though.


I forgot to say why I like Khârn model so much. Like OP I had that Chaos Lord model and it was passed on/sold like all of my early collection, except Khârn, I decided not to part with Khârn. So he is my favourite.


Ahriman being 2nd. 

The Defiler. The sheer versatility of the kit still astounds me, and I am saddened when I see one built with no modifications whatsoever.


Oh, and its bigger, angrier brother the Brass Scorpion. I was up at Warhammer World the other day and they've got the one from the FW website on the cabinet. Bloody gorgeous.



I agree with IP that the old metal chaos dreadnought is an awesome model. Very much a relic of its time but still great if you don't want the more corrupted version thats out now, although i do like the current plastic version too if i'm honest.

That said, i think its between either the lord as shown in OPs post, for reasons others have already listed, or the sorceror with force staff, plasma pistol and dragon head backpack. I love that model as, although not the first chaos mini i ever brought, it was the first i ever received as a present. Even if the staff did end up being a tad bent to the side from transporting him at the time.

Special mention also has to go to the old metal chaos terminators. Loved their asthetics at the tiome, and although they're static compared to todays counterparts, they still have a menacing appearance compared to loyalist termies.

I'm a huge fan of the Raptors/Warptalons kit. Those wicked chainswords are the best I have ever seen and everything else about the models, the lightning claws, the spikes, the turbines is fantastic looking.


I also really like some parts of the Possessed kit. Those wings look awesome on Warp Talons. Don't like the huge heads and the comical torsos too much especially now that we have seen what FW did with the Gal Vorbak but overall it's still a very good bitzbox for conversions.


Characterwise I like the old Chaos Lord with Jump Pack and Lightning Claws. He has a cool vampirc looking face and the pose is cool as well. 

I will agree with Dragonlover that the Defiler is a sweet kit. Lots of good bits in there and lots of conversion potential. It's a shame its rules aren't leveled up like the newer walker models, and that they raised its points and took away the ability to go all out on the DCCWs (I used to run all melee Defilers :( ) but it's still an awesome box of fun.


Also the actual price is up by $25 or so from when I bought mine, so, ouch for any new players who are interested in them.

  On 8/2/2014 at 4:20 AM, Midnight Runner said:

I agree with Tzen; Juan Diaz' metal Daemon Prince, awesomeness!! Though the old metal Juggerlord/Berzerker also for nostalgic reasons holds a place in my heart also.


That the Daemon Prince I've always found brillaint.  I forgotten all about the Juggernaught Lord, I use to have one but I think I trade the model for the limited ed Emperor Champion with one of my friends.

I did see a really nicely converted Juggernaught lord that a local wargaming event that the bring & buy, gutted I never taken any photos.



Far too many recent choices from the younglings(?) here.  Chaeron has taste though.


Praise to Jes Goodwin, for so easily creating the definitive legion look for the four main powers:




And yep, lurking in one of my cases is a complete array of the ancient World Eater range.......


Special mentions for the classic Blood Slaughterer......




......and the old Banelord too:  http://z11.invisionfree.com/Work_In_Progress/ar/t14020.htm

oldschool - you do indeed have taste!


  On 8/2/2014 at 9:21 PM, Insane Psychopath said:


  On 8/2/2014 at 4:20 AM, Midnight Runner said:

I agree with Tzen; Juan Diaz' metal Daemon Prince, awesomeness!! Though the old metal Juggerlord/Berzerker also for nostalgic reasons holds a place in my heart also.


That the Daemon Prince I've always found brillaint.  I forgotten all about the Juggernaught Lord, I use to have one but I think I trade the model for the limited ed Emperor Champion with one of my friends.

I did see a really nicely converted Juggernaught lord that a local wargaming event that the bring & buy, gutted I never taken any photos.




I actually head swapped mine with Angron from the Epic range for my Lord, and swapped the axe for his rune-encrusted sword. I still love that old metal Jugger, it is still in my dads garage I think. May have to dig it out!

I have to echo a few other folks. It is *all* about the plastic Raptors/Warptalons for me. 


Not only are they cool models in their own right, they are like the crowning achievement of a kitbasher's career. I have about 4 of those box sets scattered around between my plastic and resin Night Lords and even a few in my resin World Eaters. 



And bonus points to Brother Chaplain Kage for remembering that Battlefleet Gothic is a thing, and the chaos ships were ballin. I loved the Carnage class cruiser myself.

Yeah I am murdering, blackmailing, stealing and lying my way out to acquire a Chaos fleet for BFG. I was only partly successful so far, I have just one cruiser, but I am working on it. I must say that the CSM range has some of the most iconic miniatures out there but if I would name a second favourite of mine than those are surely these:




I have all three in my collection and they have seen a lot of battles. They are something which strongly suggests which is my favourite legion. I am first and foremost a Thousand Son by heart and soul and I feel diminished if I do not field a single sorcerer in my army lists. The miniatures above have each a strong character, the more aggressive pose of the axe sorcerer, the more subtle twist of the sword sorcerer and the clear arrogance of the staff sorcerer. Those models have a lot of vibe and I love the small things which make them unique for me, the tokens and talismans, the scrolls and the psychic hood cables on their headpieces but the most iconic things are the robes and the dragon head power pack. 


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