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Your favourite Chaos Space Marines Miniature and why...


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Battlefleet gothic is one my favourite games along side Warhammer 40,000, just shame I don't get as many games as I'd like & I've always enjoy painting the plastic Chaos ships for my Iron Warrior fleet.


Tenebris, you've remind me the Sorcerer to the right another favourite of mine.  I bought the model the day before my first event - Conflict Scotland 2002 & painted him on the day mainly because I like the model.  I've still got the Sorcerer model on my display case along with my Warsmith Abhorred Riddick (conversion using the Chaos Lord you shown in your first post) & my current IW's army.



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And bonus points to Brother Chaplain Kage for remembering that Battlefleet Gothic is a thing, and the chaos ships were ballin. I loved the Carnage class cruiser myself.


The Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser. I look for it on eBay every day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I've only found a small handful on Buy Me Now that were less than $100, and they hovered around the $75-85 range. I've bid on three different ones that were auctions and lost them because they climbed above what I was willing to pay.


I will have one. This I swear.



Yeah I am murdering, blackmailing, stealing and lying my way out to acquire a Chaos fleet for BFG.


Yup, that old BFG stuff isn't cheap.


Now to add some proper marine models. I can't narrow it down a favorite single figure, so here's a small selection of some of my top choices.


The first two here are faves from back when I first got into the game in 3rd, and I apologize in advance for the crappy pics, but this was all that I could find on the interwebs:


The old metal champ with power claw.




Autocannon Havoc.




I actually had both of these minis, and more, but sold a good chunk my Chaos stuff to my younger brother after 4th came out, which he then turned around and sold to someone else. I would have bought the stuff back from him... *sigh*


The power fist and combi-melta variant of the Chaos Lord from the OP:




The Warsmith.




This was the first hook(of many) that Forge World landed in my mouth, and they set it deep, lemme tell ya, because those plastic "Plague Marine" abominations that GW put were just horrific. Not even deserving of the name.




Do conversions count? If so...



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Do conversions count? If so...





This is what hooked me on your stuff! :P


My favorite metal from the Chaos range is the IW Warsmith, and my favorite plastic kit is the new(er) Chosen from Dark Vengeance. If those weren't snap-fits, I would've made a small warband out of those already.

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for me its always been chaos terminators... 





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Please dont tell the black templars I'm here.Its funny I dont even play chaos but I do have a few models. I was oringinally going to play chaos but I ended up liking the blood angels asthetic (minus nipple armorlaugh.png ) more. My favorites are the chaos terminator lord and terminators and the daemon prince. Also add the khorne bezerker kit I'm even icorporating a few into my templars.


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for me its always been chaos terminators... 





Those old RT-era Chaos Termies still look awesome. I still have a few, though they look so small next to the current plastic ones, even larger bases doesn't help. Still they are definitely among my favourite models of all time.


On the other hand, the old RT-era Noise Marine and Plague Marine by Jes Goodwin that oldschoolsoviet linked too are the models that got me hooked on chaos, so they carry a huge amount of sentimental value for me at least.

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Another vote for Juan Diaz's metal Daemon Prince, here. In particular the backpack looking bits and not the wings - mine both have the wings for gameplay reasons, but I think it looks much better without.


Miles better than any of the other DP models I've seen from GW, including the nurgle prince and plastic prince that came after (though the FW princes give it a run for its money).

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Late 90's noise marines does it for me. That's what got me hooked on chaos. The detailing is fantastic, along with the simply mental expressions on the faces! Much better than the previous NM, although some of the NM bits you can buy today are quite cool.



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Mmh, the Chaos Space Marines have so many great models it's really hard to pick an absolute favorite. Guess my favorites used to be the metal prince and the warsmith, but nowadays I think the warpsmith is prime. It's really unfortunate that he's finecast (haven't seen one with a straight axe-pole and without holes).



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I also love the warpsmith design, but I cannot get behind it as favorite mini because finecast just absolutely ruins it.  Its entire surface is encrusted with exactly the sort of detail that finecast cannot handle.  I have never seen one, including my own, that wasn't just riddled with bubbles and warping and other issues that just destroy much of the detail.  When you add warping and breaking of the skinny tenacles and axe handle, you bet a model that is of simply unacceptably, unforgivably poor quality, no matter how good the design might be.

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.....In particular the backpack looking bits and not the wings - mine both have the wings for gameplay reasons, but I think it looks much better without.....

Same. Such a shame, the dragon wings do look good, but pale compared to the originals. Did I read somewhere that the Prince was designed to fit them wins? They are a perfect fit.


Still awesome model though.

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It was made to fit the wings, though you have to cut off the pegs.  But the model looks better without.  The connections are the right size and position for backback vents, but entirely the wrong place for wings.

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Aye, I cut the pegs off but also pinned the wings in place, and smoothed them in with greenstuff - they are going NOWHERE!!! But like you say, the model is the worse for it. Form over function, unfortunately. I also magnetized the sword hand.

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for me its always been chaos terminators... 





Those old RT-era Chaos Termies still look awesome. I still have a few, though they look so small next to the current plastic ones, even larger bases doesn't help. Still they are definitely among my favourite models of all time.


On the other hand, the old RT-era Noise Marine and Plague Marine by Jes Goodwin that oldschoolsoviet linked too are the models that got me hooked on chaos, so they carry a huge amount of sentimental value for me at least.


oh yes the old marines you mention were epic, forgot about those, but i chose the termies as they were my first ever purchases and they still look amazing now. really need to get some more of them, and i will hug them and cuddle them as i go sleep

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It's got to be Typhus for me. Ever since the glory days of 3.5, I've used that guy for bitz, the basis of conversions, painted him just as he comes and converted the big guy himself...


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Does this count?




God-Emperor, I've wanted one of those for a long time. So pretty.


What are you talking about?


That model is...



( •_•)>⌐■-■
A nice trip down nostalgia lane: That Sword Sorcerer has led my Thousand Sons Warband under the name 'Ahrabeth' for over a decade. The daemon prince was mind blowing when it came out - all daemon princes up until then had been naked skinny things, and this one was badass. I have a metal one, and it's a project of mine to someday get a finecast one to straighten out and make stand tall.
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For the Terminators I have always been torn between these two bodies.  The missile launcher is cool, although I like the other heavy weapons body I painted for the first ETL (the one with the multi-melta) a little more.  Then there is the Iron Warrior here with the power mohawk who is all kinds of awesome.



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Well on the other had I always had an aversion to the Chaos Terminators. The current ones are just the loyalist variant with some spikes and trim and look very goofy with their static poses. Same as for the Chaos Lord/Sorcerer in Terminator Armour. Sure it is nice in his own way but clunky and not exactly intimidating as he should be.

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For the Terminators I have always been torn between these two bodies.  The missile launcher is cool, although I like the other heavy weapons body I painted for the first ETL (the one with the multi-melta) a little more.  Then there is the Iron Warrior here with the power mohawk who is all kinds of awesome.




Wow, I've never seen the model in the middel. Is it a conversion? Maybe this could be made with the current kit with the skull-shaped shoulder guard.


Well on the other had I always had an aversion to the Chaos Terminators. The current ones are just the loyalist variant with some spikes and trim and look very goofy with their static poses. Same as for the Chaos Lord/Sorcerer in Terminator Armour. Sure it is nice in his own way but clunky and not exactly intimidating as he should be.


The grudges I hold against our current Terminators are the stupid tusks on the helmets and the huge saws on the bolters - but that's nothing that couldn't be mended using some bits. I really don't mind them being spiky versions of the loyalists. I mean, the TCA were forged before the heresy, and were only altered by trophies and the warp, so that's fine by me. Actually, I love their trophy-racks! Imo they make them look pretty badass and make loyalist termis in comparison look like mamas boys.

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