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Your favourite Chaos Space Marines Miniature and why...


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Chaos has always been more about the visuals than anything else, and they have quite a lot of awesome models...though for a favorite I have to say the old metal(finecast) Daemon Prince. Awesome detailing, awesome pose! I love it!

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^ I think the best thing about Krannon (besides the model's general awesomeness) is how flexible it is. There are dozens of super cool conversions of him, everything from sorcerers to mutated spawn.
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The Cities of Death Possessed of course!





No but seriously I have to go with the Nurgle Daemon Prince. 




Either my eyes are failing me or has barely anybody mentioned this glorious monstrosity yet?


I don't even collect Death Guard/Nurgle and I just love the thing to bits. The details, the pose, how horrible (in a good way of course) it looks.

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I like the range of Chaos itself. There really isn't anything in my army that isn't converted in some way, except for Fiends and Cultists. So as a base for conversions the Chaos range is fantastic, and I include the current Fantasy stuff as well.

If I had to proclaim something as my favorite it would have to be the Raptor kit, as others have already stated. It's such a versatile kit that there's really nothing you can't use from it with a bit of thought... oh, and the new Raptor design is pretty sweet too. msn-wink.gif

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The Cities of Death Possessed of course!





No but seriously I have to go with the Nurgle Daemon Prince. 




Either my eyes are failing me or has barely anybody mentioned this glorious monstrosity yet?


I don't even collect Death Guard/Nurgle and I just love the thing to bits. The details, the pose, how horrible (in a good way of course) it looks.

Nurgle DP is one loathesomly handsome beastie, I've always found the other demon princes pretty subpar compared to him.

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What Daemon princes? Non of the other powers got a daemon prince becasue of gw's though that obviously nurgle players are the only ones who need one.

It's a lovely model, I just wish they had done one for each god.

I ment compared to the old metal and newer plastic generic dp.
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Arbitration, on 03 Oct 2014 - 6:31 PM, said:snapback.png

The Cities of Death Possessed of course!


Just wanted to say something about the possessed champion from this kit. Anyone one else painted him red with black gloss on his big horns just so he could look like the Prince of Darkness from Legend?

My favourite Chaos Marine Model. It's always hard to pick just one but if I had to choose I would say the Night Lords Chaos lord.


This guy works for me for a few of very important reasons:

1. He represents his legion perfectly even when unpainted. He is covered in icons of death and evil while avoiding the use of regular chaos iconography (stars of chaos, eyes of Horus or arrows on the armour trim) and being a very old model also gives him the look that he is using weapons and armour that could easily have been scavenged or have been relics from the Horus Heresy.

2. He is very WYSIWYG and comes well equipped straight out of the blister so I don't have to take away or add on any further war gear especially if you own the pewter version like me.

3. Don't like the Wings on his helm? Easy they come as separate pieces so you can avoid the campier look if you like (me, I love them) with only minimal green stuffing to fill in the empty holes in his head.

4. In addition to number 3, The combi-flamer arm is also a separate piece so you could leave it off to use on another miniature and replace it with something more appropriate for you. The Night Lords Conversion kit's shoulder pads work really well with what ever choice you make. Failing that just give it the aspiring champion's Power sword arm so you still strike at initiative in combat while still keeping the theme.

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Quite a fan of Ahriman and the older 2nd edition models. Was also suitably impressed when the power armoured style Daemon Prince with Kai Gun was released back in 2003 (or whenever it was).

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Iron Warriors Warsmith - such an awesome mini, kick started my Iron Warriors back when he was released and I have never strayed from the Iron path (for Chaos anyway!). Closely followed by the metal Daemon Prince. 

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Hello dark brothers and sisters, fellow lords and ladies, servants all of the Dark Gods. Which is your favourite CSM miniature and why?




My favourite model in the CSM range is the humble Chaos Lord with Power Axe. An ancient miniature I believe from the 1999. He is my token, my lucky charm and I always have him in my army bag. Being in metal he stood undaunted all this years at my side and I still love to field him. Why I love this model?




I think I'll be pick up this Chaos Lord model tomorrow.  Going to convert a MkII version of my Warsmith Abhorred Riddick just for display more than anything else & as said before this is a really great model.  I was just having a look that the White Dwarf (release of Battlefleet Gothic as well!!) when this model was release & just really cool seen all the difference between the eavy metal team Chaos Lord model.


Reyner - I've got the Warsmith model set aside, my try painting him during the weekend.  Again just for display.


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I would dearly love to see that my shop would have more characters in stock, almost anything that are not core choices is available only via mail order... hell I have to wait around 3 weeks if I want something. Rant aside, I DEMAND photos of the finished model. 

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Arbitration, on 03 Oct 2014 - 6:31 PM, said:snapback.png

The Cities of Death Possessed of course!


Just wanted to say something about the possessed champion from this kit. Anyone one else painted him red with black gloss on his big horns just so he could look like the Prince of Darkness from Legend?

No, but I got these exact Possessed in an eBay lot... and now I'm sorely tempted to... as a champion for my Khorne marked Chosen.

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Arbitration, on 03 Oct 2014 - 6:31 PM, said:snapback.png

The Cities of Death Possessed of course!


Just wanted to say something about the possessed champion from this kit. Anyone one else painted him red with black gloss on his big horns just so he could look like the Prince of Darkness from Legend?

No, but I got these exact Possessed in an eBay lot... and now I'm sorely tempted to... as a champion for my Khorne marked Chosen.

Go for it mate, I gave it the colours of Khorne and just looks awesome. I now use him as a Crimson Slaughter Chaos Lord with the Prophet of the Voices relic (the one that makes your chaos lord a possessed chaos marine). Sorry in advance for going off topic a bit. But for anyone who doesn't know the reference I made I was talking about this guy....


Immediately I can imagine worshippers of Khorne and Slaanesh having a shared seizure upon seeing this image.

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Arbitration, on 03 Oct 2014 - 6:31 PM, said:snapback.png

The Cities of Death Possessed of course!


Just wanted to say something about the possessed champion from this kit. Anyone one else painted him red with black gloss on his big horns just so he could look like the Prince of Darkness from Legend?

No, but I got these exact Possessed in an eBay lot... and now I'm sorely tempted to... as a champion for my Khorne marked Chosen.

Go for it mate, I gave it the colours of Khorne and just looks awesome. I now use him as a Crimson Slaughter Chaos Lord with the Prophet of the Voices relic (the one that makes your chaos lord a possessed chaos marine). Sorry in advance for going off topic a bit. But for anyone who doesn't know the reference I made I was talking about this guy....


Immediately I can imagine worshippers of Khorne and Slaanesh having a shared seizure upon seeing this image.

My response to this is predictably Slaaneshi.

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